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GOM GUKPT Thanet Freeroll

slick mick

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Re: GOM GUKPT Thanet Freeroll

i went to bed thinking heads up ' date='ooblio is cruising this ,cant believe you were 2nd ,ul anyway ,diazapam123[/quote'] :sad Think it was something like Me 10x as many chips going hu. Blinds 3000/6000 about 20 hands played, and i had zilch. Nothing came at all, no pp's,no ace x, no cards hit on FTR. NOTHING :cry Think i won one hand, and then i was gone . Enjoyed the game though :ok, and the chat .
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Re: GOM GUKPT Thanet Freeroll

:sad Think it was something like Me 10x as many chips going hu. Blinds 3000/6000 about 20 hands played, and i had zilch. Nothing came at all, no pp's,no ace x, no cards hit on FTR. NOTHING :cry Think i won one hand, and then i was gone . Enjoyed the game though :ok, and the chat .
Really? I thought it was childish at best, I don't mind being called those names by a railer as it is probably true but for him to slag off washy's plays was unreal and then to find out it was a Pler :eek It reminded me of that cock alexross who used to always donk out of these games early then spend the rest of the night in the chatbox slagging off players that were better than him. His sorest (and lowest) point was when he got elated when I went out (to a donk ;)) Ul Mark btw I didn't watch but you did have a x17 chip advantage when heads up started so he must have had an amazing rush to turn that around :(
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