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conspiracy theory


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This is maybe a little bit of a conspiracy theory, but does anyone else think the same? My friend 1st suggested this to me:- We all have our bad beat stories, and some of them you can just put down to variance, but when it happens on a regular basis (like 10-15 times in a row) is it really variance? My friend suggested that it was not in fact a human that beat me, but was in fact the software of the site posing as a player, thus it already knew that calling my pocket aces with filth like q 6 off would result in hitting trip 6's on the river. The other factor I have noticed when this happens is usually straight after I have cashed out on the sites I play (Titan, 888, Party). Real or imagined? Are we actually just playing the sites software or humans?

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Re: conspiracy theory

This is maybe a little bit of a conspiracy theory, but does anyone else think the same? My friend 1st suggested this to me:- We all have our bad beat stories, and some of them you can just put down to variance, but when it happens on a regular basis (like 10-15 times in a row) is it really variance? My friend suggested that it was not in fact a human that beat me, but was in fact the software of the site posing as a player, thus it already knew that calling my pocket aces with filth like q 6 off would result in hitting trip 6's on the river. The other factor I have noticed when this happens is usually straight after I have cashed out on the sites I play (Titan, 888, Party). Real or imagined? Are we actually just playing the sites software or humans?
Check your supposed bots final position and they never win Check them on sharkscope or the likes and they are down $1000000's The withdrawal theory has been around online since the start and its simply do with the fact you subconsiously change your play when your bankroll is lower in an attempt to rebuild it. Easy to avoid play lots of different sites and leave any single one alone after a withdrawal.
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Re: conspiracy theory

We all have our bad beat stories, and some of them you can just put down to variance, but when it happens on a regular basis (like 10-15 times in a row) is it really variance?
No, that's not variance. HOWEVER, I find it very difficult to believe that you or anyone on this site for that matter has had 10-15 successive bad beats without their hands when ahead holding up or sucking out at least once themselves.
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Re: conspiracy theory

I've said this so many times before on similar threads to this....I have been playing poker for four and a half years and have NEVER EVER HAD A BAD BEAT!!:ok:ok I must be a bot!:lol TQM
What constitutes a "bad beat" ?? Surely it would have to be a very (very) small % chance of losing a pot at the particular time the money goes in?
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Re: conspiracy theory

What constitutes a "bad beat" ?? Surely it would have to be a very (very) small % chance of losing a pot at the particular time the money goes in?
Let's just say that I could start a thread showing my exit from each tourney and folk on here would think I was jinxed but I'd bore most of the players on here to death as they go out in much the same fashion:lol I expect to be ahead when my chips go in (due to the way I play) but I certainly don't expect to win every hand that I'm ahead in! :ok Folk that can't believe their AA has been cracked by K2o really need to work on their temperament as it will happen time and time again...I always laugh when I see the :wall sign! For a Poker Novice as yourself RB.....you come across as having got past the :wall stage.......in the future there will come a time when you won't bother putting down the way you got knocked out because the Forum will know you've probably been unlucky without having to see the evidence!:ok TQM
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Re: conspiracy theory See below

I've got to admit sometimes I have my doubts about the integrity of online poker, but it's funny that it's always after a bad run and never a good one:unsure IMO to complain that online poker is rigged after taking a bad beat is a very egocentric view. Why on earth would would a poker site be targetting you specifically for a bad beat? And if they're not specifically targetting you then they're fixing it for everyone - in which case it doesn't matter. If you make the right decisions you'll still win in the long run.
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Re: conspiracy theory

Let's just say that I could start a thread showing my exit from each tourney and folk on here would think I was jinxed but I'd bore most of the players on here to death as they go out in much the same fashion:lol I expect to be ahead when my chips go in (due to the way I play) but I certainly don't expect to win every hand that I'm ahead in! :ok Folk that can't believe their AA has been cracked by K2o really need to work on their temperament as it will happen time and time again...I always laugh when I see the :wall sign! For a Poker Novice as yourself RB.....you come across as having got past the :wall stage.......in the future there will come a time when you won't bother putting down the way you got knocked out because the Forum will know you've probably been unlucky without having to see the evidence!:ok TQM
I reckon I have very much got past the :wall stage mate. At first, I was very frustrated, but reckon Ive been lucky in that I remember the big hits Ive taken when behind as much as I remember losing when gone in ahead. I also remember my hands holding up well, so no point being frustrated by the run of the cards. I take your point with the exits mate, just sometimes (Team games or staking), I feel as if Im letting folk down so will show the hand/s that crippled me. I know Im not, but there is still some inking there (if I make sense there). I don't bother with "bad beats" tbh, I will always say NH, regardless of what has cracked my AA, KK, flopped sets etc......, At times, I look back and question some players calls, but generally realise they are calling stations and there is no way to counter that, as they will call any raise as soon as they land any Ax, Kx, Qx, Jx, suited connectors. Im always prepared to be racing when shoving, especially at the level/stakes of the tournaments I am currently at, but one thing is for sure. I am very confident that if I played at the same table against these habitual callers for more than 1000 hands, I would be massively in profit. Yes, Ill lose some, but will win a lot more than I lose. :ok
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Re: conspiracy theory

See below
It's all rigged I tell ya.;)
I knew it!!! :ok
Check your supposed bots final position and they never win Check them on sharkscope or the likes and they are down $1000000's The withdrawal theory has been around online since the start and its simply do with the fact you subconsiously change your play when your bankroll is lower in an attempt to rebuild it. Easy to avoid play lots of different sites and leave any single one alone after a withdrawal.
On sharkscope I am only allowed my free searches everyday, and with the free searches, they only show SnG's, not cash. The player checker I like to use is http://www.pokerlistings.com/market-pulse/online-player-search, with a lot of the players that i suck out to in tournaments when I search them on here, it tells me that the name is not found, this helps to fuel the conspiracy theory.
No, that's not variance. HOWEVER, I find it very difficult to believe that you or anyone on this site for that matter has had 10-15 successive bad beats without their hands when ahead holding up or sucking out at least once themselves.
Fair point, 10-15 probably was a little exaggerated, although it did feel like it, and it would be true that I did suck out a few times myself.
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