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Stars 16$ bubble play


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hi, 3 interesting hands OP Glitlr 2+2 forum Poker Stars $15+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t400/t800 Blinds + t50 - 4 players The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By DeucesCracked.com BTN: t490 M = 0.35 SB: t3690 M = 2.64 BB: t5010 M = 3.58 Hero (CO): t4310 M = 3.08 Pre Flop: (t1400) Hero is CO with Qclub.gif 4spade.gif Hero raises to t4260 all in _____________________________ Poker Stars $15+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t400/t800 Blinds + t50 - 4 players The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By DeucesCracked.com CO: t1920 M = 1.37 BTN: t3240 M = 2.31 SB: t4160 M = 2.97 Hero (BB): t4180 M = 2.99 Pre Flop: (t1400) Hero is BB with 2spade.gif 8club.gif CO raises to t1870 all in, 2 folds, Hero calls t1070 _____________________________ Poker Stars $15+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t400/t800 Blinds + t50 - 4 players The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By DeucesCracked.com BTN: t3040 M = 2.17 SB: t3690 M = 2.64 BB: t3610 M = 2.58 Hero (CO): t3160 M = 2.26 Pre Flop: (t1400) Hero is CO with 6heart.gif 9heart.gif Hero raises to t3110 all in ______________________________ i agree with Glitlr push in hand 1 & 2 hand 3 i fold easy...leak? ...thoughts?

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Re: Stars 16$ bubble play Noob question... why go ALLIN with Q4? Is this a big enough hand to shove with when BTN has 0.5BB? Or is it bubble pressure for the other 2 big stacks? Personally I think you're letting the BTN see a flop vs. only 1 other player and therefore increasing his chances of winning. Would it not be better to fold and wait? What was the objective... to WIN or CASH?

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Re: Stars 16$ bubble play Hand 1 I wouldnt like to use ICM on because I think your stack size is too small - it comes down to timing of when the blinds will hit as much as anything. You are in the cut off and next hand in the BB. Your hand is below average and you are gtd 1 opponent, and probably a minimum of 2. I prefer to fold and take my chances next hand with an average holding (better than I have here) and a greater chance of 1 opponent. Hand 2 and you have increased your stack, so I'd view it as a pretty straightforward ICM choice. http://www.holdemresources.net/hr/sngs/icmcalculator.html?action=calculate&bb=800&sb=400&ante=50&structure=0.5%2C0.3%2C0.2&s1=1920&s2=3240&s3=4160&s4=4180&s5=&s6=&s7=&s8=&s9= With no other information on the players, I assume the range for UTG to shove is reasonable 13.0%, 77+ A7s+ A9o+ KTs+ KJo+ Your calling range would be pretty loose- 74.1%, 22+ Kx+ Q2s+ Q5o+ J2s+ J5o+ T2s+ T6o+ 92s+ 96o+ 82s+ 85o+ 73s+ 75o+ 62s+ 65o 52s+ 54o 42s+. But not loose enough for you to call with 82o. Hand 3 - again I'm pretty happy to go with ICM - http://www.holdemresources.net/hr/sngs/icmcalculator.html?action=calculate&bb=800&sb=400&ante=50&structure=0.5%2C0.3%2C0.2&s1=3160&s2=3040&s3=3690&s4=3610&s5=&s6=&s7=&s8=&s9= You can shove pretty loose (33.9%, 22+ Ax+ K3s+ K9o+ Q7s+ QTo+ J7s+ JTo T7s+ 98s 87s) but not down to 96s. Given the stacks at the time I fold all 3.

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Re: Stars 16$ bubble play

To maximise your EV winnings - which could be either to go for the win or to limp into the cash.....
Thanks GaF... I think? :\ I'm sure in retrospect it is possible to do calculate this but not in real time, surely? What do you use at the time to work out EV or can it only be done by feel and experience? I have read the 2plus2 and other comments here and, as others here and on 2plus2, I would have folded 1 & 3. 2 I would probably called as I am sure I have the odds to do so. What you don't get from the hand history here is what they had been playing like. Even so I would have probably played it the same.
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