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My silly Razz challenge


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I am terrible at bankroll management...it is difficult to know how to manage $10 deposits at a time when you want to play $5 games! Anyway...when my balance on Stars this last week has dropped below $1 I have been nipping on the 4c/8c Razz tables, playing for ten minutes and then taking the resulting balance and blowing it on omaha STTs. At least three times I have quickly turned less than $1 into over $2 by just playing standard Razz. (going to check that first!) So maybe I am missing something here. I have read a lot of Razz guides and played a little. Either I am playing better than the standard strategies or the people playing at this level just haven't got a clue. After all...any Razz player who knows his business will no doubt be playing at a much higher level and maybe a lot of those playing here will be unprepared new starters. Right...I currently have $1.96 on Stars and I am now going to see how far I can get this to by playing the aforesaid 4c/8c tables....max 2 at a time...now there's adventurous eh? {The reason for posting this is to help me to stick with it...knowing that I have to post results up here should help in stopping me from blowing any winnings elsewhere.} No specific end target but initial aim is to see how long it takes to get to $10...assuming I don't bust before then. razz1.jpg :ok :hope

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Re: My silly Razz challenge Couple of small problems already :$ To get previous history from Stars you now download an audit zipped file but my PC will not unzip it, so will have problems with the stats until my son shows me what to do. Currently no table with more than 3 players so will just start it as and when.

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Re: My silly Razz challenge mmm...not letting me edit my above post. Anyway...got the unzip sorted and 3 previous sessions this week were indeed: 3.20 to 3.59 .89 to 1.17 1.17 to 2.51 Thanks for the support...not going to post up again till end of play today...so here goes...

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Re: My silly Razz challenge Including a running diary for my own benefit really...so that I can learn from my mistakes. Day 1 diary: Very unnerving start. First game started with 80c and quickly down to 40c after seeing a lot of bring-ins and no playable hands. Then one hand against an opponent who bet his week hand right to the end got me back to the starting position. Sound went on my PC (happens at least twice a day, need re-boot to get it back on) so came straight off with a 2 cents profit...well, at least it started on the right track! Shite next game when table quickly dropped to only 3 players and came off down by another 45c....sad! Quickly coming to understand how important bankroll management is...next game again was down 40c so my bankroll had halved almost before starting! Clawed some back, but if I can't pull this off then will start again from a proper starting point. Tables are just collapsing too fast...anyway back up to $2.04 now. (2.08pm) Definitely struggling when tables drop to 4 or less...I assume a looser strategy is then required...must pay closer attention to tables falling apart as it seems to cost me each time. Totally blanked out for $1 buy-in...one particularly nasty one against opponent who had 666 showing...only to complete his 6 high on the last card when I was holding a good looking 7 high after 5 cards! Damn! Down to 92 cents (3.00 pm)...this could all be over pretty damned quickly! OMG it's 3.04pm and I'm down to 23c...the bloody pressure is immense. Right, 3.30pm and squeezed back up to 70c so off to do some gardening and contemplate the meaning of life! ---------- Gardening done now, back to my own sea of troubles... 6.40pm and into my Last Battle (the worst ever console game!) quickly down to 40c...tagged two nutters...back up to 1.20. 7.30pm Time for some dinner...came off with $2.32 ---------- 8.00pm last session for today. 2 stinkers in a row ...4 cards 6 high and no hit from last 3 cards. Dreadful last session...finished with one last winning hand on $1.48 Conclusion: Massive swings...down to as low as 23 cents at one stage. Bankroll not big enough even for these stakes. Couple of basic errors, which I will correct. Note taking will help as challenge progresses. All in all quite happy with the start (although was wanting to come on and say first target already hit)...but I'm just glad I'm still going really!

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Re: My silly Razz challenge Playing History Audit 'DodgerPL' from 2009-08-07 00:00 to 2009-08-07 23:59

Transaction DetailsIndividual Transaction AmountsRunning Balance
Date/TimeActionTable Name / Player / Tournament #GameAccount CurrencyAmountT MoneyW MoneyBalanceT MoneyW Money
8/7/2009 2:07Table Buy InTriglav0.10/0.20 Limit RazzUSD(1.17)
8/7/2009 2:21Table LeaveTriglav0.10/0.20 Limit RazzUSD2.510.000.002.510.000.00
8/7/2009 2:21Tourn Register185280036PL Omaha Sit&Go Buy-In: 0.10/0.00 $0.10 PL Omaha [6-max - turbo - 240 players]USD(0.10)
8/7/2009 2:36Tourn Register185305519NL Omaha Sit&Go Buy-In: 1.50/0.25 $1.75 NL Omaha H/L [turbo - 18 players]USD(1.75)
8/7/2009 3:32Tourn Finished185305519NL Omaha Sit&Go Buy-In: 1.50/0.25 $1.75 NL Omaha H/L [turbo - 18 players]USD8.
8/7/2009 3:32Tourn Fpp Reward185305519NL Omaha Sit&Go Buy-In: 1.50/0.25 $1.75 NL Omaha H/L [turbo - 18 players]USD0.
8/7/2009 3:35Tourn Register185311571NL Omaha Sit&Go Buy-In: 3.00/0.40 $3.40 NL Omaha H/L [turbo - 18 players]USD(3.40)
8/7/2009 3:50Tourn Fpp Reward185311571NL Omaha Sit&Go Buy-In: 3.00/0.40 $3.40 NL Omaha H/L [turbo - 18 players]USD0.
8/7/2009 3:50Tourn Register185312569NL Omaha Sit&Go Buy-In: 3.00/0.40 $3.40 NL Omaha H/L [turbo - 18 players]USD(3.40)
8/7/2009 4:22Tourn Fpp Reward185312569NL Omaha Sit&Go Buy-In: 3.00/0.40 $3.40 NL Omaha H/L [turbo - 18 players]USD0.
8/7/2009 7:36Table Buy InEmita III0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD(0.80)
8/7/2009 7:57Table LeaveEmita III0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD0.820.000.001.980.000.00
8/7/2009 8:21Table Buy InEmita III0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD(1.00)
8/7/2009 8:28Table LeaveEmita III0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD0.550.000.001.530.000.00
8/7/2009 8:35Table Buy InEmita III0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD(0.80)
8/7/2009 9:06Table LeaveEmita III0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD1.310.
8/7/2009 9:10Table Buy InBoreas II0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD(1.00)
8/7/2009 9:45Table LeaveBoreas II0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD0.880.000.001.920.000.00
8/7/2009 9:45Table Buy InEmita III0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD(1.00)
8/7/2009 9:54Table LeaveEmita III0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD0.
8/7/2009 9:58Table Buy InRecha II0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD(0.92)
8/7/2009 10:05Table LeaveRecha II0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD0.790.000.000.790.000.00
8/7/2009 10:14Table Buy InEmita III0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD(0.79)
8/7/2009 10:30Table LeaveEmita III0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD0.700.000.000.700.000.00
8/7/2009 13:41Table Buy InVigdis IV0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD(0.70)
8/7/2009 14:30Table LeaveVigdis IV0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD2.
8/7/2009 15:08Table Buy InRosamunde IV0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD(1.00)
8/7/2009 15:13Table LeaveRosamunde IV0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD0.
8/7/2009 15:18Table Buy InRosamunde IV0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD(0.77)
8/7/2009 15:29Table Buy InVigdis IV0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD(0.77)
8/7/2009 15:42Table LeaveVigdis IV0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD0.
8/7/2009 15:45Table LeaveRosamunde IV0.04/0.08 Limit RazzUSD1.480.000.001.480.000.00
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Re: My silly Razz challenge Day 2 finished and at least getting into some kind of rhythm...although still dipped far too low early on. Have eradicated the worst of my errors...just need to learn to throw away my 6 high low when opponent has wheel. :loon 26854821.jpg Not posting the audit as it takes too much space, but will always be available when I become a millionaire by playing limit Razz. :eyes Day 2 diary: Saturday 7.30 am start. Took 20 minutes to nosedive down to 56c. 8.30 up to $1.02...orf shopping. Restart 12.15pm $2.18 at 12.45...lunch/racing Restart 3.40pm...falling asleep...off with $1.50 Back on at 7.30pm. 8.10 Bloody sound gone again. 8.55 too warm and sound gone yet again so I give in for today on $2.98

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Re: My silly Razz challenge Day 3 diary: After struggling since 6.00am to stop myself stepping up to 10c/20c (no 4c/8c playing at all)...finally making a start at 4c/8c at 10.45am. For me this is a great achievement as I do tend to dive into games with my full bankroll but I am beginning to take this challenge ever so seriously. :eyes Couple of hours play. Ended on $2.96.

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Re: My silly Razz challenge Day 4 Diary (part 1) Guess it had to come. Lost $1 this morning, then this evening lost another, largely due to indiscipline. This is dissapointing as my reason behind my challenge was to regain focus and discipline. Anyway...down to a solitary dollar (94c to be precise), but will Percy Veer! Got up to $1.38 and took a break to play the Independent game.

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Re: My silly Razz challenge Day 4 Diary (part 2) Unfortunately I've now gone and messed up. Got up to $1.38 and took a break to play the Independent game. However joined a $1000 20 FPP MTT on Stars at the same time. Just finished 1st for $127 This Razz challenge was only going to play out as long as I was playing with my full, but tiny, bankroll on Stars...that is no longer possible...so my only option is to stop this challenge now, as to continue would be essentially pointless. Very happy with the win but sad that the challenge could not be brought to a proper conclusion.

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