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Betfair 18k MTT, QQ hands


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I wonder if Irene played this hand right or wrong.... what do you guys think? =========================================== ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 558926502 ***** NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $9 Entry Fee, Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante)) - Thursday, August 06, 20:13:48 GMT 2009 $18,000 Guaranteed NL Hold'em #267151 Table 11 9-max (Real Money) Seat 6 is the button Total number of active players : 8 Seat 1: E V V O ( 3,001 ) Seat 2: dairykid ( 2,055 ) Seat 3: CHIVITE ( 8,180.75 ) Seat 4: Nocturnal ( 4,179.75 ) Seat 5: 283283928 ( 3,840.93 ) Seat 6: PLGremlin ( 6,296 ) Seat 7: ireneg ( 6,249.50 ) Seat 9: pom poy ( 4,130 ) Tourney Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante)) ireneg posts small blind [50] pom poy posts big blind [100] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to PLGremlin [ 8h, 6s ] E V V O folds dairykid folds CHIVITE folds Nocturnal folds 283283928 raises to [390] PLGremlin folds ireneg goes all-in ireneg raises to [6,249.50] pom poy folds 283283928 calls [3,450.93] 283283928 goes all-in Returning uncalled bet [2,408.57] to ireneg ** Showdown ** 283283928 shows [ Ks, Kd ] ireneg shows [ Qd, Qh ] ** Dealing Flop ** [ Jc, 4s, 8c ] ** Dealing Turn ** [ Jh ] ** Dealing River ** [ Ad ] ** Hand Conclusion ** 283283928 wins 7,781.86 from main pot with two pair, Kings and Jacks ************ Game 558926502 ends ************

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Re: Betfair 10k MTT today, last hand before the first break I think QQ is one of the most difficult hands to play. A raise being called then you see a K or A on the flop and you've just got a whole bag of problems....shoving preflop removes those problems, although I'm not sure I would do it, I don't think it's a bad move....maybe she also dislikes QQ. In this instance it looks like all the chips would have gone in anyway as both players would have been wanting to bet the flop holding an overpair. {...reading the other thread which is very similar the general feeling is to fold and wait...however there could be history here, which is impossible to tell, so I would still say it's a very debatable point and, in effect, there may be no right or wrong answer as so much depends on other factors.}

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Re: Betfair 10k MTT today, last hand before the first break

I think QQ is one of the most difficult hands to play. A raise being called then you see a K or A on the flop and you've just got a whole bag of problems....shoving preflop removes those problems, although I'm not sure I would do it, I don't think it's a bad move....maybe she also dislikes QQ. In this instance it looks like all the chips would have gone in anyway as both players would have been wanting to bet the flop holding an overpair. {...reading the other thread which is very similar the general feeling is to fold and wait...however there could be history here, which is impossible to tell, so I would still say it's a very debatable point and, in effect, there may be no right or wrong answer as so much depends on other factors.}
My thinking exactly... add in that the guy has bet from the cut-off and it could be a steal, so the raise AI should get rid of him if this is the case. Not sure the ALLIN was necessary though. A raise to 1600-2000 should be enough to find out if he is on a steal or not. The flop would however have seen the same outcome IN THIS CASE but if he didn't have a PP then an ALLIN/BIG BET on the flop should have taken the pot down.
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Re: Betfair 10k MTT today, last hand before the first break More QQ trouble today at Betfair. This time it's my own hand. ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 559357797 ***** NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $9 Entry Fee, Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) - Friday, August 07, 19:28:20 GMT 2009 $18,000 Guaranteed NL Hold'em #267262 Table 14 9-max (Real Money) Seat 9 is the button Total number of active players : 9 Seat 1: PLGremlin ( 3,284 ) Seat 2: tooobio ( 2,062.50 ) Seat 3: Ken ParK ( 3,038.50 ) Seat 4: bonkeyhead ( 2,990 ) Seat 5: jorteljo ( 2,590 ) Seat 6: hlubek ( 1,197.50 ) Seat 7: Frank2770 ( 2,327.50 ) Seat 8: Xtrmntr ( 2,540 ) Seat 9: Best 01 ( 2,430 ) Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) PLGremlin posts small blind [10] tooobio posts big blind [20] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to PLGremlin [ Qc, Qd ] Ken ParK folds bonkeyhead folds jorteljo folds hlubek raises to [70] Frank2770 raises to [180] Xtrmntr folds Best 01 folds PLGremlin calls [170] tooobio folds hlubek goes all-in hlubek raises to [1,197.50] Frank2770 calls [1,017.50] ============ What would you do? The table dynamics is pretty loose even though it is still early.

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Re: Betfair 18k MTT, QQ hands fold As you say it's early in the tournament, chances are you will get a better or at least as good a chance later on. Blinds are only 10/20 and not worth stealing, which makes me think (and Im probably wrong,) that neither of the raisers are attempting to steal with fcuk all. You don't need to get involved at this stage with your chipstack as is....... even with a premium pair. Just my opinion.

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Re: Betfair 18k MTT, QQ hands Yeah I thought so too. I was already just calling the 170 reraise, so it wouldn't cost me to much to fold. But I didn't push the fold button. I kept thinking and somewhere I changed my heart and decided to roll the dice and call. I had seen them play really aggressive with medium hands and I let that influence me to just trust my gut feeling to just call. =============== (no ante)) - Friday, August 07, 19:28:20 GMT 2009 $18,000 Guaranteed NL Hold'em #267262 Table 14 9-max (Real Money) Seat 9 is the button Total number of active players : 9 Seat 1: PLGremlin ( 3,284 ) Seat 2: tooobio ( 2,062.50 ) Seat 3: Ken ParK ( 3,038.50 ) Seat 4: bonkeyhead ( 2,990 ) Seat 5: jorteljo ( 2,590 ) Seat 6: hlubek ( 1,197.50 ) Seat 7: Frank2770 ( 2,327.50 ) Seat 8: Xtrmntr ( 2,540 ) Seat 9: Best 01 ( 2,430 ) Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante)) PLGremlin posts small blind [10] tooobio posts big blind [20] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to PLGremlin [ Qc, Qd ] Ken ParK folds bonkeyhead folds jorteljo folds hlubek raises to [70] Frank2770 raises to [180] Xtrmntr folds Best 01 folds PLGremlin calls [170] tooobio folds hlubek goes all-in hlubek raises to [1,197.50] Frank2770 calls [1,017.50] PLGremlin goes all-in PLGremlin raises to [3,284] Frank2770 calls [1,130] Frank2770 goes all-in Returning uncalled bet [956.50] to PLGremlin ** Showdown ** PLGremlin shows [ Qc, Qd ] hlubek shows [ Ks, As ] Frank2770 shows [ Td, Ts ] ================= i put these hands in pokerstove and got these odds equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 43.276% 43.16% 00.12% 85185216 236544.00 { QQ } Hand 1: 17.996% 17.88% 00.12% 35285724 236544.00 { TT } Hand 2: 38.728% 38.61% 00.12% 76208004 236544.00 { AKs } ==================== ** Dealing Flop ** [ 8c, Th, 5h ] ** Dealing Turn ** [ Jd ] ** Dealing River ** [ 5s ] ** Hand Conclusion ** Frank2770 wins 2,260 from side pot #1 with full house, Tens full of Fives Frank2770 wins 3,612.50 from main pot with full house, Tens full of Fives ==================== I made a mistake by playing it like an unimportant small buyin tournament. The odds were ok in this situation, but with the hand ranges I could/should have been facing KK or AA and only got 18% odds to win. Your right RB, I should have waited for a better chance later. I played this hand wrong :puke

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