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Hand from early in a tourney


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Any advice on how you'd play this one? Fairly early in the tourney, no real read on any of the players....

Table 17 9-max (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of active players : 8
Seat 1: Xtrmntr ( 2,230 )
Seat 2: ooooops ( 2,690 )
Seat 3: SPR08 ( 5,730 )
Seat 4: shoko ( 1,830 )
Seat 5: luckybaster ( 2,300 )
Seat 6: Aodn ( 3,035 )
Seat 8: cool foot ( 2,352.50 )
Seat 9: blueeagle ( 2,332.50 )
Tourney Level:1 Blinds(10/20-(no ante))
luckybaster posts small blind [10]
Aodn posts big blind [20]
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Aodn [ Qd, Qh ]
cool foot folds
blueeagle folds
Xtrmntr raises to [60]
ooooops calls [60]
SPR08 folds
shoko calls [60]
luckybaster raises to [460]

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Re: Hand from early in a tourney I hate this situation. His raise shouts "don't call me" so I think he is unlikely to have AA or KK. I would put him on a lower pair (prob JJ) or a biggish Ace (preferably not AK). You can't call as you offer the limpers good odds to call, so I would raise to 1300 (approx) and see what he does. PS I am rubbish in these situations so this is almost certainly the wrong thing to do;)

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Re: Hand from early in a tourney Do you not think AA and KK can make that raise as well - to thin the field? If he has a speculative hand he's just going to call to see a cheapy flop, so I would say he has to have a made hand already - so a pp as even AK would put you in a nasty predicament if you get called and miss the flop. I can see AA, KK, QQ, possibly JJ making that raise to get HU v a single villain or take the pot there and then. TT and lower shouldn't be hands you make that move with at such an early stage of the tourney - you'd just be calling to set mine. I'd say his range is as tight as AA, KK, QQ, JJ, AK. We're 20/80 v AA and KK, 50/50 v QQ, 80/20 v JJ and 58/42 v AK. Given the narrow range, the fact we come out behind on average, and I have no reads on the villain I am folding and keeping my chips. Of course it depends what the buy-in was so the likely skill of those playing.

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Re: Hand from early in a tourney You don't need to play the hand. It's an dreadful bet from him, what is he trying to do, pick up the 210 chips in the pot Look at his range, lets say JJ - AA and perhaps AK suited. You could be ahead, but you could be behind or racing. It's early, you don't need to take chances. Let it go and a better spot later, there will certainly be one

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Re: Hand from early in a tourney

It's early, you don't need to take chances. Let it go and a better spot later, there will certainly be one
That was pretty much my reasoning as well. With no read and not wanting to gamble so early I did let it go, and the rest of the field folded as well.
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