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Boss network,Very suspicious indeed!!! (or not, actually!!!)


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Below is an hand i played today. Similar thing happened last week too, but it didn't really sink in then.... ***** Hand 1706240330 ***** 15.00/30.00 Five Card Draw 7-A (PL) - 29 July 2009 11:35:22 €100 GTD 5CD 7-A (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: J 23 (1205.00) Seat 2: ooblio (2572.00) Seat 3: Fuglsang7 (1516.00) Seat 4: virtualpak (647.00) Seat 5: elan4ik (1560.00) ooblio post SB 15.00 Fuglsang7 post BB 30.00 ** Deal ** J 23 [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] ooblio [6s, 8s, Js, 7d, 7h] Fuglsang7 [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] virtualpak [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] elan4ik [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** virtualpak Call 30.00 elan4ik Fold J 23 Fold ooblio Call 30.00 Fuglsang7 Check *** Exchange *** Seat : 2 ooblio [9c, 9d, 7c, 7d, 7h] Seat : 3 Fuglsang7 [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] Seat : 4 virtualpak [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] J 23 Standpat ooblio Exchanged cards: 3 Fuglsang7 Exchanged cards: 1 virtualpak Exchanged cards: 3 elan4ik Standpat *** Bet Round 2 *** ooblio Bet 90.00 Fuglsang7 Raise to 180.00 virtualpak Fold ooblio Raise to 630.00 Fuglsang7 Call 630.00 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 1350.00 J 23 Fold Win: 0.00 ooblio [7h, 7c, 7d, 9c, 9d] Full house Win: 0.00 Fuglsang7 [Qh, 10h, 9h, 8h, 6h] Flush to the queen Win: 1350.00 virtualpak Fold Win: 0.00 elan4ik Fold Win: 0.00 Talk about wrecking your game :sad

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Re: Boss network,Very suspicious indeed!!!

Flush beats a full house in 5 card draw. :ok
Looked around for ages. most said fh beats flush, even pstars,but finally found a site, that confirms what you said :$ We all live and learn :ok Cheers 5 Card Draw 7-A - Game Summary
PLAYERS: The game is played by 2-5 players. DECK: Cards 2,3,4,5 and 6 have been removed. The deck contains cards from 7 to Ace. If there are five active players at the start of the hand the 6's should also be in the deck. BETTING STRUCTURES: Five Card Draw 7-A can be played as a Limit, Pot limit or No limit game. BUTTON AND BLINDS: The game is played with a dealer button, a small blind and a big blind just like Texas Hold'em. The player to the left of the dealer posts a small blind and the player to the left of the small blind posts a big blind before the cards are dealt. THE DEAL: Five cards face down are dealt to each player. PLAY: After the deal, the first betting round starts. At the end of the first betting round, each player may discard and draw up to five cards. If there are not enough cards left in the deck, the discarded cards are shuffled and used again. A second round of betting ensues, followed by the showdown. SHOWDOWN: The winner of the hand is the player who holds the highest hand according to:
  • Royal flush
  • Straight flush
  • Four of a kind
  • Flush
  • Full house
  • Straight
  • Three of a kind
  • Two pair
  • One Pair

Ace can also be used as the lowest card in a straight, i.e. A-7-8-9-10 (A-6-7-8-9 in case of the 6's being used). If the 10 high straight is suited with an ace as the lowest card, it qualifies as a straight flush. This also applies to the 9 high suited straight in case of the 6's being used.

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Re: Boss network,Very suspicious indeed!!! Yeah, sorry I should have said it was 7-A. I remember Heniek, who I'm sure who will confirm, got caught out with that one. :ok Another one to watch for is an A-7-8-9-10 straight. Virgin play an 6-A MTT freeroll every day at 13.00 BST with 5 raked hands requirement.

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Re: Boss network,Very suspicious indeed!!!

Yeah, sorry I should have said it was 7-A. I remember Heniek, who I'm sure who will confirm, got caught out with that one. :ok Another one to watch for is an A-7-8-9-10 straight.
Much appreciated :ok and BIG apologies to Boss :$
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