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Raise, C-Bet, Check, Pot Bet


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Typical betting pattern oop for me with an unimproved hand. Raise with AK miss flop C-bet called- Check to find out were I am checked back- assume weakness, bet pot get called by pkt 2's etc etc. Could I save time by just writing in the chat box I've got AK and I've missed, is it that obvious? On the reverse side if anyone bets like that into me, I pot bet the turn and they usually fold would it be more profitable to let them get a card and then call the river bluff?

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Re: Raise, C-Bet, Check, Pot Bet

On the reverse side if anyone bets like that into me, I pot bet the turn and they usually fold would it be more profitable to let them get a card and then call the river bluff?
Nope because they always hit their Ace :tongue2 (or King)
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Re: Raise, C-Bet, Check, Pot Bet They almost always check their marginal hands back. The trouble is just because they have checked them back doesn't mean they have any intention of folding. Betting overcards when they fall seems to work reasonably though. They bet their air and strong hands on the turn. Going for the flop and river for value often seems like a more +ev line with a decent top pair then going for the flop and turn.

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