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Ello guys.


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Played with kotp (dave) tonight and he sent me here,said this was a good place where i can chill and play some poker with a good bunch of lads...and learn a thing or two as well. So hi,my name is Adam,although most people just call me Laner. Im 18 and i live in Yeovil,Somerset. Only recently turned 18,so i havent been playing poker for too long...but im not too bad...play on pkr (xlanerx) and i play in a local pub leauge (redtooth poker) usually consisting of 35-40 people playing in my local pub. In past 3 weeks ive come 4th 4th and 3rd. Anyway,nice to meet you guys.

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Re: Ello guys.

Played with kotp (dave) tonight and he sent me here,said this was a good place where i can chill and play some poker with a good bunch of lads...and learn a thing or two as well. So hi,my name is Adam,although most people just call me Laner. Im 18 and i live in Yeovil,Somerset. Only recently turned 18,so i havent been playing poker for too long...but im not too bad...play on pkr (xlanerx) and i play in a local pub leauge (redtooth poker) usually consisting of 35-40 people playing in my local pub. In past 3 weeks ive come 4th 4th and 3rd. Anyway,nice to meet you guys.
:welcome to PL Adam. :ok
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Re: Ello guys. :welcome to the site laner. You sound as if you're in a similar situation to me when I first started posting. Don't be afraid to ask questions. No-one will ever shoot you down, and we benefit by having to think specific situations through. I recently quit Redtooth because I believed it was damaging my game. The problem with them is that the blinds go up far too quickly, particularly with 30 to 40 players and you have to play loose just to keep up. I usually found myself with a maniac to the right of me and a calling station to the left, which made making plays impossible. It's a good night out if you get a good crowd, but if your serious about improving you need to try other venues (live and online) too.

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Re: Ello guys. cheers,nice to meet you all. dont worry,im going to be asking plenty of questions...i got a long way to go =) muttley,totally agree...after the break...its insane,you need hands...because its usually all in or fold.Its almost impossible to push most people off hands. Today i only had 2 legit winning hands...pocket 9s which i re raised a guy all in who i knew pre flop,i knew he didnt have a killer,but i didnt want him to call...called with ace 10 off suit. And second hand was my only strong ace (AQ) off suit in which i completely missed flop turn and river(we both checked it down),there was a bigish pot in middle (around 700 half an hour in) and then on river he bet 200 and i called reading that he had sweet fa. Other then that i had to bluff a lot.and i made some killer bluffs.of course after the break it is a lot harder to do that. Not too bothered,only poker and it was a good night but i would like a setting where its less luck orientated.

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