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What is this guy thinking?


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I really don't understand this play. Anyone got a theory about the play of DmMan? ================================== ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 545573091 ***** NL Texas Hold'em $100 Buy-in + $9 Entry Fee, Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante)) - Tuesday, July 07, 20:10:46 GMT 2009 $18,000 Guaranteed NL Hold'em #259328 Table 11 9-max (Real Money) Seat 8 is the button Total number of active players : 7 Seat 1: DmMan ( 3,370 ) Seat 2: babykian ( 6,542.50 ) Seat 3: PLGremlin ( 3,065 ) Seat 4: nomorefly2 ( 2,717.50 ) Seat 5: LissaS ( 0 ) Seat 6: clay6981 ( 5,439 ) Seat 7: M1RJD ( 2,715 ) Seat 8: pete9 ( 2,985 ) Tourney Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante)) DmMan posts small blind [50] babykian posts big blind [100] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to PLGremlin [ 5s, 6h ] PLGremlin folds nomorefly2 folds clay6981 folds M1RJD raises to [350] pete9 calls [350] DmMan goes all-in DmMan raises to [3,370] babykian folds M1RJD calls [2,365] M1RJD goes all-in pete9 folds Returning uncalled bet [655] to DmMan ** Showdown ** DmMan shows [ Th, Kc ] M1RJD shows [ Ah, Kh ] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 4d, Ts, Ks ] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 2d ] ** Dealing River ** [ 7c ] ** Hand Conclusion ** DmMan wins 5,880 from main pot with two pair, Kings and Tens ************ Game 545573091 ends ************

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Re: What is this guy thinking? What are your notes on the others in the hand? Specifically M1RJD. Has he shown weakness to a reraise before this hand? DmMan's obviously got him tagged as weak and easily bullied. It's more than likely pete9 hasn't got a big big hand to just call the pfr, and DmMan thinks a squeeze will take the pot there and then. (or he's just a big lucky donkfish :))

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Re: What is this guy thinking? yeah looks like a bit of a squeeze play to me as well:ok maybe mir was playing a bit loose before this and dm man thought he might be too weak to call or have a big enough calling range for his hand to play okay against (small pps and any ace apart from ak /a10) or maybe dm mans been ultra tight and thinks he's gonna get a lot of respect :unsure i wouldnt be trying it in this situation for a couple of reasons. firstly because of stack sizes his only real bet here is all in so your having to overbet the pot really, so the value of the squeeze lessens. i dont like putting myself all in without good reason at the mid stage of a tourney,no need to get involved here so i wouldnt. doesnt mean to say this guy hasnt tried it here,maybe he had been ultra tight and thought it would get thru ,or maybe as hornet says he probably read it somewhere and thought it was a good idea:\.

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