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What do I do now?


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Playing £100 NLHE at the Commerce in LA for about an hour or two and established myself as fairly Tight Passive due to having only one or two dubious playable hands. Stack is now slightly up to $132. Asian guy opposite sems to have the measure of me as he is folding any time I do raise whilst generally playing against others and accumulating a largish stack $500+ New guy enters the fray and immediately doubles up on an allin nut flush draw flop with a King showing which he calls with JJ and the hooks hold up. He then wins another pot with a slightly more dubious holding of pocket fours with a lot of overcards on board. The rake on the table seems pretty fierce with $4 banked before the flop with blinds at $2 and $3. Anyway the following hand comes up. I am in the BB with AQo and there are three folds and a call from the Asian guy, two folds, new guy on button calls and the small blind folds for a $1 into an $11 pot (now reduced to $7 with rake gone). I raise it up to $15 happy to take it down preflop. Asian guy closes his eyes and puts his hand over them as if to say I dont really want to call you as I think you have a good hand but drops the extra $12 into the pot. New guy also calls the $12. Flop comes rainbow Q34 and I bet out $30 into the $43 pot. Asian guy thinks then folds. New guy reraises me allin with a bet of $130. What do I do now?

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Re: What do I do now? I'd icall based on the limited knowledge of the opponent you have given. His range could be huge and it's unlikely he's limped in with QQ KK or AA. If he has 34 33 44 NH move on. If he has Q3 Q4 I'd jab him straight in the chops:lol

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Re: What do I do now?

No debate, this is a must call. What sort of rake it this by the way? They take $4 of the blinds every hand? Does anymore come out after the hand?
I played the $200 NLHE table where the blinds where $3 and $5 and called from SB not realising everyone else had folded. The BB checked as he didnt think everyone else had folded, dealer deals the flop when the penny drops that it was just us two in the hand. Dealer doesn't let us chop it now so we play it out without another bet. I made a flush and received $4 back from a $10 pot !!!!
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Re: What do I do now? I thought about this call for a while as I always seem to stack off to a "lucky" flop where some guy plays atc and hits a "monster". Only yesterday in the Deep Stack event at the Venetian I had AA in the small blind and everyone folded around to me. The guy in the BB was the "table captain" who "never folded his blinds". Blinds were 200/400 so I raised it 1400 to look like I was stealing and he called with T6o. Flop came 789 and I put out a 3k bet he thought about the reraise but just called. Turn was a 6 and I got away from it - he let me pick any card from his hand and sure enuff I turned over a ten. I had JJ Lieu on my table who couldn't get away from a pair of 8's when facing an allin raise on an unfavourable flop. Back to the hand - I did call and he turned over 43o for two pair. I am getting close to following through with my reads but in this case it smacked of him making a play hoping I had AK or JJ or lower. I was 51-49 in favour of a call I just couldn't face him showing the table a bluff. Off to the Wynn now to see if I can win some money back!

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