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do i steal the blinds


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Just won the vroll satelite The HU play went back and forth a few times Then when it was about 25% to 75% in my opponents favour he got disconnected. I stole his blinds and he came back at about 70 30 ish to me he pushed i called and won Am i a complete bastard ? should i have run the clock down to give him more of a chance to reconnect

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Re: do i steal the blinds Only steal if they're Polish. ;-) No seriously, take it and run. I think in a PL game I'm waiting and also any decent game HU with a PLer but the V roll has a brutal blind structure so I'm even stealing my Grans blinds and moving on to the next game.

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Re: do i steal the blinds There's an article in this months Poker Player Magazine on this very subject. One guy argues for and one guys argues against. Having read the article I would say steal, unless it's someone you know, and don't whinge when someone does it to you!

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Re: do i steal the blinds In the article, Richard Hawes (pro-stealing) makes the valid point that when the blinds are low the better player has an edge. By waiting for a player to reconnect he is forfeiting some of that edge. David Tighe (anti-stealing) says that if your opponent in a live game asked to go to the toilet, and the TD said no, then he would wait for him to return, so he would afford the same courtesy to a player who had disconnected. Actually, I'm probably stealing from the bloke in the bog too!

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