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Time for a break


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Well peoples, im running terrible at the moment and its affecting my game,i know this happens to us all and its not the first time ive had it. Ive tried to play out of it but thats not working, so time for a month off, when ive had this before, this is what ive done and ive always come back strong, get my head in a few books, chill out and re-group. What do you guys and gals do when you hit a time like this? This is the way i have done things in the past, be interesting to hear your theorys. So if you see Bigbadken at the tables, beware , it will be my good lady Lisa playing.:notworthy

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Re: Time for a break I'm just back from a 2 month break myself. I'm not really interested in playing too much again, but do find it fun to try to play a slightly different way than before (basically just playing shorter sessons at present via Sit N Go's). Fortunately I have a nice Computer Game addiction, so generally get lost in a good RPG or two when I take a break. Some hippies will try to say that going for a walk, visiting the park etc is a nice change, but frankly, why pretend that stuff is important if it's Internet Poker that does it for you. Spend a week or two watching football on TV with a beer in hand instead and then return to Internet Poker for a "break" from that.

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Re: Time for a break

Well peoples' date=' im running terrible at the moment and its affecting my game,i know this happens to us all and its not the first time ive had it.[/quote'] As a matter of interest you didnt make a withdrawal before you ran bad did you? I am on course for my first losing cash month in over two years - right after I took some of my ill gotten gains at the end of last month. Since then it has been flopped sets losing to runner runner straights and flushes, full houses losing to bigger full houses, flopped monkey end of the straight to a flopped higher end of it, AA / KK losing to flopped two pairs with T7 etc etc - never had so much bad luck / coolers. Just what I needed before my Vegas trip ! You just have to get through it and come out the other end I guess. :wall
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Re: Time for a break Tell me about it julio I'm on my biggest ever loosing streak ever cashed out sunday night and have droped around close to 40 buy in in $6 sng's which has never happened to me ever since swtiching to sng's real bad my account is just running so stupid bad it's crazy.

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Re: Time for a break It feels like the site is out to get you after a withdrawal but its more likely that you just dont play the same as you are trying too hard to get you reduced bankroll back up again. I always stay away from a site for a bit after a withdrawal for this reason. Regards taking a break, I always play better after a break but a month is a bit long, couple of hours usually does the trick!

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Re: Time for a break I did withdraw a little while ago, some of the reason for that was because i was on a losing streak on the 7 card stud. I have had a few nasty beats, late on in some nice tournys, but to be honest, i believe the luck does level out, we all have our good runs aswell. Ive just lost my appetite for the game a bit and i know my play is suffering because of this. So i am going back to the drawing board, so to speak. I want to start targeting certain tournys with a bit bigger buy ins than i have been playing lately, i want to get myself a game plan worked out, ive lost focus lately and am playing too much, that i know for sure. Ive lost my hunger for success and im sure this is over playing. So as you can see, im not having a break because im angry or anything, just to make new plans of attack, have a refresh of some books ive read, hopefully read a couple more and just get my hunger back, as i said in earlier post, i have done this before and come back stronger, so these are my goals.

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