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Stars funds helpppp


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Is somebody able/willing to transfer me (nortzledg) $10 on Pokerstars and I can ship it back tomorrow. Trying to deposit on to WH for tonight's GGE tourney, withdrew from VC on Friday not in Neteller yet, so went along to the shop before it shut at 7 and got a £5 UKash voucher as WH accept them and the tourney's only $5.50 - opened WH and the minimum deposit is £10 and now the shop's shut :wall

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Re: Stars funds helpppp

Is somebody able/willing to transfer me (nortzledg) $10 on Pokerstars and I can ship it back tomorrow. Trying to deposit on to WH for tonight's GGE tourney, withdrew from VC on Friday not in Neteller yet, so went along to the shop before it shut at 7 and got a £5 UKash voucher as WH accept them and the tourney's only $5.50 - opened WH and the minimum deposit is £10 and now the shop's shut :wall
Will do. :ok
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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Stars funds helpppp

Can some one transfer $10 to my FT account (heniek31). I will transfer $10 back to your Stars account. Cheers.
I take it you don't use Neteller. Hen? I've no money in FT as usual....the minimum deposit is $50 ....if no one else helps you out I'll chuck $61 in and transfer $10 to you...this should leave enough for me to withdraw....think $50 is minimum from these stealing buggas Let me know what time the Tourney starts TQM
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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Stars funds helpppp HELP!! Would someone be willing to make a bank transfer to me of £60 in exchange for a fund transfer on stars of $100? I Have received the funds through transfers but need to play it through and as I don't like stars would prefer to just withdraw it. Any help would be appreciated :ok

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Stars funds helpppp

HELP!! Would someone be willing to make a bank transfer to me of £60 in exchange for a fund transfer on stars of $100? I Have received the funds through transfers but need to play it through and as I don't like stars would prefer to just withdraw it. Any help would be appreciated :ok
I have same problem again..... I now have around $300 but can't withdraw any of it as it has all came from transfers. If anyone can help me it would be much appreciated.... even if its not for the full amount... every little helps!! Please let me know if you can help!
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Re: Stars funds helpppp

Gaz' date=' if you'd rather have a transfer on Full Tilt you could send my stake back on Stars and I'll redo it on FT for you. (I've not done one there but presume it's straightforward.)[/quote'] My FT account is blocked, no worries though.... I'll get summit sorted! ;)
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