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Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary - TEAULC CASHES FOR $2769!!!


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Re: Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary - TEAULC CASHES FOR $2769!!! thanks,:ok well it has been a good afternoon so far(for me that is),met up with Uber and Morls and cabbed over to Golden Nugget for Graeme`s tourney (he got donked again,sitting with A/A UTG raises 3 x BB guys goes all in 2 seats down,all fold and of course Gra is gonna call. bloke shows 2/2 :loon . he only goes and spikes a 2 :sad). anyway while Gra was playing,me and Ben went over to the $1/$2 cash tables. i am BB and i think 5 limpers and i dont bother looking at my cards and just check. flop is 9/7/2 all check until the girl near me raises $10,i look at my cards then i have J/J, happy enough with that so re-raise.anyway betting gets to be putting me in for $100 all-in. she turns over 2/2 just as i am turning over my cards and it registers i am totally fooked,the dealer turns a Jack for me :D:D. i tell ya i am beginning to love the hooks at the moment. so a double up is good and i sit back and watch play,then my next BB i have J/J :loon, then J/J UTG and J/J yet again but not much action in any of those,also had Q/Q x2, 1lot i had to lay down as Ben bluffed me off with a flush chase,although there was an Ace on the flop so an easy laydown. and 10/10 a couple of times. not bad for the 1st hours play. anyway eventually came off $89 up so happy enough. looking at the same tourney i cashed in earlier this week @ Planet Hollywood for tonight and then early to bed as i have an early flight home. so....so far played 2 cash tables and made $309 profit and 2 tourneys for $2967 profit. happy days :dude:dude

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