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Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary - TEAULC CASHES FOR $2769!!!


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thought i would do what i did a couple of years back and keep a diary of my time in Vegas this year. flying out on the 26th June from Gatwick @ 10.10am and get into Vegas about 19.30 their time after a stopover at Charlotte for 4 hours. will probably hit the sack when i get to Harrah`s and then hunt out Damatrix as he is playing Event 51 on the Saturday. I am feeling good about this,this time. I am vastly more experienced now playing Live,and have a few cashes under my belt which helps,although no win yet,but that will come. if anyone is interested i still have 29% in shares going up for grabs in the staking forum. Event 54 starts on the Monday and is a 3 day`er,so a lot of patience needed for this. i will update as and when. :ok

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Re: Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary

thought i would do what i did a couple of years back and keep a diary of my time in Vegas this year. flying out on the 26th June from Gatwick @ 10.10am and get into Vegas about 19.30 their time after a stopover at Charlotte for 4 hours. will probably hit the sack when i get to Harrah`s and then hunt out Damatrix as he is playing Event 51 on the Saturday. I am feeling good about this,this time. I am vastly more experienced now playing Live,and have a few cashes under my belt which helps,although no win yet,but that will come. if anyone is interested i still have 29% in shares going up for grabs in the staking forum. Event 54 starts on the Monday and is a 3 day`er,so a lot of patience needed for this. i will update as and when. :ok
See you there Al, I'll be railin :ok
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Re: Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary thanks to Paul for sorting out a Stan James shirt for me :ok,seems they forgot all about me.........when i got the package in the post there was ......1 shirt, for a 3 day event :loon nice to know they have confidence in me :lol anyway i have been on to live support and they will see what else they can do with some extra gear :hope

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Re: Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary

when i got the package in the post there was ......1 shirt' date=' for a 3 day event :loon[/quote'] :rollin:rollin:rollin I remember last time mate - you set off for your game and I thought I'll just have a shower, go down get something to eat, play cash for a while and maybe amble on down try and find you and rail for a bit. Fook me I just got out of the shower and you were back :rollin:rollin
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Re: Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary ah,the joys of being a poker newbie thinking you are unbeatable,when some donk fishes an Ace on the river against my pocket 9`s :lol:lol. better equiped for this now with a few Live cashes under my belt,so if i dont cash this time i will be very disappointed.

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Re: Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary

Good Luck with this AL, enjoy your 3 days sitting down and getting em all in with worse hand and hitting the 1 outer on the river :hope:ok More importantly enjoy it
if it works,dont fix it :tongue2:tongue2 cheeky bugger ;). cheers though Kev,looking forward to it :ok
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Re: Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary cheers peeps, well i have made the 1st leg of my journey,never known such miserable air hostesses :unsure watched a couple of films, Race to Witch Mountain with The Rock,surprisingly entertaining, and The Valkyrie with Tom Cruise which wasnt too bad. got into Charlotte half an hour early and after clearing customs went to my next part of the journey and that has a 2 hour delay :\:\,so i have another 4 hours before my flight leaves. then a 4 and a half hour flight to Vegas. looks like i may just crash out and sleep when i get to the hotel.

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