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stpokered staking challenge


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Re: stpokered staking challenge

I have been playing some 600+ HU sng's at Titan Poker, all of them super turbo. I am beating the rake quite comfortably, having an ROI of 11% which makes for some good money. My own HU sng stats can be found at SharkScope: user name "Tjaohey" (don't ask me why i chosed that alias, must have been drunk :lol) In my opinion, the fact that they are super turbo (1 min blind level), well, possibly they give you higher variance, but as long as you take that into account when you calculate what buy-in you could play according to your bankroll that doesn't matter either. It does give me alot more tourneys per hour, increasing my hourly earnings. The rake is the same as for slower sng's.
Superb going :clap Would be interested to hear how you play these e.g at 200/400 blind level if you are on sbb is it +ev to push any two? What is your calling range at this blind level on bb. Do you get rakeback on titan, because i am with betfred and get 75% rakeback (plus there are freerolls each week for getting a required number of betfred points, plus vip freerolls etc). If you are interested can sort you out with this rakeback (providing you dont have an account with them already?)
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Re: stpokered staking challenge

Would be interested to hear how you play these e.g at 200/400 blind level if you are on sbb is it +ev to push any two? What is your calling range at this blind level on bb.
I don't know any other form of poker where "play the player" is more accurate. What i would do in the situation described above would depend on, among other things: * position * stack sizes * my understanding of the opponent, is he LAG, TAG and so on * the texture of the entire tournament up to this point * the events in the past 3-4 hands * my cards (as i read it this was preflop so no other cards to care about) But as i said, imo it's about developing a "feel" for what is right in a particular situation. This "feel" comes from playing lots and lots of sng's. I also have bought and read Collin Moshman's "Heads-up No-Limit Holdem" which makes a good read and a HU specific supplement to other poker literature, i can really recommend it. (There is a lengthy thread on 2+2 forum where this book is discussed) So really, to follow a strict set of rules, e.g. "When i'm in position and blinds are bla/bla then my pushing range is XXXXXXX" is making you predictable, which i'm trying to avoid.
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Re: stpokered staking challenge Good news shareholders... Just won the 2nd game Stats now played 8, won 6 lost 2 :) Profit so far $72 Having a break now to see if there are any juicy players on pkr $1/$2 cash , may play some more hu stts later today, if not will play tomorrow

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Re: stpokered staking challenge won 2 lost 2, had such bad luck in 2 i lost.... all in with 950 stack vs 2050 with top pair good kicker vs 2nd pair, and in other game ak vs a8 all in pre when had 1300 vs his 1700 stack So played 14 won 9 lost 5, profit $66

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Re: stpokered staking challenge Awful last 2 games. Lost both, had huge chip lead then missed straight flush draw (and one overcard vs 2nd pair! then lost big pot straight vs fh on j6637 board (he had j6) Playing final 4 games tomorrow. So now played 16, won 9 lost 7 profit $24 :(

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