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stpokered staking challenge


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Re: stpokered staking challenge

I never said i doubted your wins mate' date=' just that something didn't sit right with the whole thing. The offer you have made is very generous to any one who wants to take you up on it. I wasn't a doubter but don't want a free be either. Best of luck for your games.[/quote'] As i have just said in last post i see what you mean. Will add you to list. I wish i could have been a more active poster but with the exams i had no choice. Exam results in 2 weeks so hopefully work will have paid off
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Re: stpokered staking challenge

Ed, maybe it's better to earn trust by being a more active member of this forum? But looking at your history I wonder if this place would be able to stake you for the big games you normally play. Think you'd be more at home at ChipMeUp or 2+2 for staking :\
Totally agree, will be more active now exams over. Will have a look at links.. cheers for that Added you to list 3 to go i think
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Re: stpokered staking request Appreciate the offer,but i'd ask that you use any returns on my shares to stake somebody else in the staking forum:ok I do stake players(some might say curse them)but these are players that i have got to know through the forum and the PL exclusive games. And i would suggest that a lot of the stakers are the same-perhaps if you are free for those games and are now free to post more it would help to establish yourself more:ok

Thanks Guppie, Added you to list of shareholders. 7 left
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Re: stpokered staking challenge Looking at the VC thread, i dont remember you there? I finished 4th in the Main Event, or is that just a quote you did, cos i cannot see any winnings for the event Nice offer though and will take you and do the same as Stew, if there are winnings i will use to stake you

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Re: stpokered staking challenge There has been a fair amount of mis-trust regarding stakings recently, so I would not take any of the comments to heart. I will, like Stew and Joe, accept your generous offer but use any return to stake you in a future event (if that is ok with you:ok)

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Re: stpokered staking challenge Agreed with alot that been said here, great offer and so on :ok However, 20 HU SNG's is by far a too small sample in order to "prove" some level of skill, and by looking at your graph at Sharkscope, you must know this. I have played a lot of HU sng's and make good profit from them. Just recently i had 7 consecutive losses, which is the worst i had so far, but all part of variance. In order to prove skills at HU sng's i would say you would need at least 100 of them. You can be a winning player but still lose a large percentage of just 20. Good luck however. I am not having a go at you, I think i mostly wrote this just to point this out to other followers of this thread (who might not be used to HU sng's)

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Re: stpokered staking challenge That's a very generous offer st. As you may have gathered I am a bit doubtful about the whole concept of staking in general. It seems to be against the concept of grinding away to gradually build up a bankroll with minimum risk. (Although I haven't done nearly as well as you, I am proud of the fact that I started playing with a $50 deposit in 2005 and have never had to reload). But its a free country and people can choose how to spend their own money. So, congratulations on the results you posted and best of luck with this.

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Re: stpokered staking challenge Most of those that have replied to this thread have indicated they aren't comfortable accepting something for nothing. I've got an alternative proposal. 1. 30% of your winnings to be sent to me. 2. I will match this, so if you win $100 I add $100. 3. I will donate the total to a charity of your choice. 4. I will post evidence on here that the donation has been made. What do you think; a suitable way to prove your integrity?

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Re: stpokered staking challenge :(

Looking at the VC thread, i dont remember you there? I finished 4th in the Main Event, or is that just a quote you did, cos i cannot see any winnings for the event Nice offer though and will take you and do the same as Stew, if there are winnings i will use to stake you
Hi Joe, Sorry i dont know you either. Dont suppose you joined the facebook group that all players were invited to? I bought into the first 2 events and qualified for the freeroll but there were no spare seats for the main event. Did u play any of the 9 seat stts?think they were 50 euro buyins... if so might have played you inadvertantly. What did u think of the aggressive swedish guys? Did you stay in the amythst hotel like myself and all the managers? I made final table of freeroll event but did not cash in any of the 3 events. The quote they used was my online winnings from vc. Really disapponted not to qulaify for the event this year. Came 3rd in the the online sat. Added you to list, will start games tonight and post here beforehand
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Re: stpokered staking challenge

There has been a fair amount of mis-trust regarding stakings recently' date=' so I would not take any of the comments to heart. I will, like Stew and Joe, accept your generous offer but use any return to stake you in a future event (if that is ok with you:ok)[/quote'] Thanks happyhornet. Welcome as 9th shareholder
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Re: stpokered staking challenge

I will take part if still possible. Happy to see you prove yourself (could you let us know before you intend to play?). Also' date=' which site do you intend to play on?[/quote'] As the 10th replier welcome as the final shareholer. Will play on pokerstars but will post here if anyone fancies watching a few of the games
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Re: stpokered staking challenge :(

Agreed with alot that been said here, great offer and so on :ok However, 20 HU SNG's is by far a too small sample in order to "prove" some level of skill, and by looking at your graph at Sharkscope, you must know this. I have played a lot of HU sng's and make good profit from them. Just recently i had 7 consecutive losses, which is the worst i had so far, but all part of variance. In order to prove skills at HU sng's i would say you would need at least 100 of them. You can be a winning player but still lose a large percentage of just 20. Good luck however. I am not having a go at you, I think i mostly wrote this just to point this out to other followers of this thread (who might not be used to HU sng's)
Quite agree with you. Of course 20 hu means nothing.. if you look at my sharkscopoe stats for stts i have over 2k profit from max buy in of $30. After getting up to about $2.3k i decided to adopt my game to play the $50 hu stts. However this went badly and so dropped back to $2k profit. Gl in your hu challenge.. Dont mean to sound negative but you might aswell toss a coin if playing super turbos on i-poker network with the 1 min blind levels. If you can beat the rake when playing these games i would be mighty mighty impressed Sorry to say the 10 shareholders have been picked (you were 11th replier Gl on the tables
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Re: stpokered staking challenge

That's a very generous offer st. As you may have gathered I am a bit doubtful about the whole concept of staking in general. It seems to be against the concept of grinding away to gradually build up a bankroll with minimum risk. (Although I haven't done nearly as well as you, I am proud of the fact that I started playing with a $50 deposit in 2005 and have never had to reload). But its a free country and people can choose how to spend their own money. So, congratulations on the results you posted and best of luck with this.
Totally respect your growth from $50. I am also very dedicated to bankroll management and have only invested £5 of my own money back into vc 4 years ago. I won a $75 freeroll (used to play moorman in these tournies lol), then had first minor breakthrough when qualified for vc televised finals shown on pokerzone (now on youtube) when i won $5k. Unfort 10 shereholders have been named but all the best on the tables
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Re: stpokered staking challenge

Most of those that have replied to this thread have indicated they aren't comfortable accepting something for nothing. I've got an alternative proposal. 1. 30% of your winnings to be sent to me. 2. I will match this, so if you win $100 I add $100. 3. I will donate the total to a charity of your choice. 4. I will post evidence on here that the donation has been made. What do you think; a suitable way to prove your integrity?
Great suggetsion mate, but sorry to say 10 people have replied before you :( Thanks again for support and interest
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Re: stpokered staking challenge

:( Hi Joe, Sorry i dont know you either. Dont suppose you joined the facebook group that all players were invited to? I bought into the first 2 events and qualified for the freeroll but there were no spare seats for the main event. Did u play any of the 9 seat stts?think they were 50 euro buyins... if so might have played you inadvertantly. What did u think of the aggressive swedish guys? Did you stay in the amythst hotel like myself and all the managers? I made final table of freeroll event but did not cash in any of the 3 events. The quote they used was my online winnings from vc. Really disapponted not to qulaify for the event this year. Came 3rd in the the online sat. Added you to list, will start games tonight and post here beforehand
I bought in to all three events and then went up with half a Dozen players who also bought in (one won a package and played all 4) Think i finished about 20th in the 1st, 18th in the 2nd agme and 4th in the main event With regard to hotels, i stayed 2 nights well out of the town, then stayed at another in the centre and then flew home bladdered after the main event on the Saturday morning after an all night session(although had a flight booked on the Sunday) and flew in to terminal 5 and lost my luggage! I only played 1 STTs finishing 2nd to Spurman I also sold shares for the events LOL, i sold them all, cannot remember the full details but everyone profited as i finished 2nd i think in the overall leaderboard for a couple of thousand more I think theres a write up somewhere on here Good luck tonight
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Re: stpokered staking challenge

Gl in your hu challenge.. Dont mean to sound negative but you might aswell toss a coin if playing super turbos on i-poker network with the 1 min blind levels. If you can beat the rake when playing these games i would be mighty mighty impressed
I have been playing some 600+ HU sng's at Titan Poker, all of them super turbo. I am beating the rake quite comfortably, having an ROI of 11% which makes for some good money. My own HU sng stats can be found at SharkScope: user name "Tjaohey" (don't ask me why i chosed that alias, must have been drunk :lol) In my opinion, the fact that they are super turbo (1 min blind level), well, possibly they give you higher variance, but as long as you take that into account when you calculate what buy-in you could play according to your bankroll that doesn't matter either. It does give me alot more tourneys per hour, increasing my hourly earnings. The rake is the same as for slower sng's.
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Re: stpokered staking challenge

Did you go to the party at spearmint rhino's? I was the one who had his chest waxed off the strippers for 350 euro's
Hahaha ye i was there, so thats you! Thinking about it wernt you sitting to my direct right during the 2nd tournie? The worst thing to watch was that danish pro getting that lapdance! Shame drinks wernt free that night but it was still an awesome time. Its started my love for staropramen lager! Just about to start the first two heads up games. If anyone intersted watching for a few mins search for stpokered on pokerstars. Will post results asap
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Re: stpokered staking challenge

Ah yes, i remember you now. That was one mental week wasnt it haha
Yeah it was definitely unforgetable! Won 1 lost 1 in first 2 games played. Could be worse lol Heading out to manchester tonight so will play a few more tomorrow Gl all
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