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Talking bout a hand whilst still in progress with players to act, ok or bad form?


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For those members here, who think its ok to talk about a hand, make comments about wha a player should do, heres the WSOP rule 59 that may be of interest. 59. Players are obligated to protect the other players in the tournament at all times. Therefore, whether in a hand or not, players may not a.) Disclose contents of live or folded hands, b.) Advise or criticize play before the action is completed, or c.) Read a hand that hasn’t been tabled. While in a hand, players may not a) discuss hands or strategy with any spectator, or b) seek or receive consultation from an outside source. The one-player-to-a-hand rule will be enforced. Players who violate this rule are subject to penalty in accordance with Rules 31, 53, and 54.

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Re: Talking bout a hand whilst still in progress with players to act, ok or bad form? At my local casino it's frowned badly upon. I was there a few weeks back, out of a hand preflop. Two plyers left in, a fourth club hit on the river. One player also out of the hand said "and there's his flush......" when one player bet out on the river. Other guy in the hand folded. The guy that had bet went crazy at the guy that'd spoke and accused him of costing him money. Another thing I hate, is when someone that folded preflop does this big theatrical moan when the flop comes out and they've folded what would have been a monster. It impacts the integrity of the game It's a pretty hard and fast rule. say nothing whilst the game is in progress.

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Re: Talking bout a hand whilst still in progress with players to act, ok or bad form? I agree. You should say nothing during a hand. I dont even like it after a hand when someone says. Would have won that. Who cares you folded.

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Re: Talking bout a hand whilst still in progress with players to act, ok or bad form? Well you can defo count me out of this one!!!!!!!!(bit hard for me) think i could mention a few who do this regular and think nothing of it when it obviously influences play and the resulting outcome.What makes it worse is when one of these then accuses you of stack dumping which is what i recently and wrongly encountered Good post Morls with u on this one and also the increasing personal insulting language.

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Re: Talking bout a hand whilst still in progress with players to act, ok or bad form? In 2 of the 3 Newcastle casinos there would be 2 outcomes if you tried to influence play, you'd get a kicking, they class it as cheating and thats never good with drunken players! In the other one you'd probably get a ban or a time penalty. No doubt people have seen the arguements ive had on virgin over this in the last 2 weeks which has forced me to post this up

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Re: Talking bout a hand whilst still in progress with players to act, ok or bad form?

Another thing I hate' date=' is when someone that folded preflop does this big theatrical moan when the flop comes out and they've folded what would have been a monster.[/quote'] +1 The number of times the board has shown trips and someone still in the hand moans that he folded the 4th of that rank ... it changes the whole hand for people left in, and it's not fair! I really wish this rule was stuck to as much as other rules (live - string betting and, to a lesser extent, online gaffs). If I'm out of a hand, I may as well be away from the table for all the rest concerned, I don't say anything even if it's nothing to do with the hand! OK maybe one exception - forum challenges at Virgin Festivals, btu they're more of a final communal bar run than poker sometimes :cheers
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Re: Talking bout a hand whilst still in progress with players to act, ok or bad form? Its an easy rule to read and understand ,and one which i heartily agree with. Unfortunately,its pretty unenforceable online. You could always report the 'cheating' but thats a slow and sometimes unrewarding process. As for the insulting language,take it as a backhanded complement. If you've got them that angry,you must be doing something right :ok

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Re: Talking bout a hand whilst still in progress with players to act, ok or bad form?

Jeez GaF' date=' Rob's really got it in for you, live and online ;)[/quote'] I'm not just having at our GaF ... it's all of them :tongue2 I agree with Divits though, about it being damn near unenforceable online, and fruitless even if you could. Just knock em out/take their money and be done with them :spank:nana
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Re: Talking bout a hand whilst still in progress with players to act, ok or bad form? at the Virgin Poker Festival in Newcastle, i heard two players talking about a guy's hand whil;e he was contemplating an all-in. He was taking ages to decide so i asked for a clock, and then the DEALER started discussing the hand too! I ended up calling for a clock AND a ruling!

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Re: Talking bout a hand whilst still in progress with players to act, ok or bad form?

at the Virgin Poker Festival in Newcastle' date=' i heard two players talking about a guy's hand whil;e he was contemplating an all-in. He was taking ages to decide so i asked for a clock, and then the DEALER started discussing the hand too! [b']I ended up calling for a clock AND a ruling!
I missread that, thought you were in some sort of a gay casino I ended up calling for a cock and a ruler!
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Re: Talking bout a hand whilst still in progress with players to act, ok or bad form? I'm with you on this one Morl. :ok IIRC, on one hand recently (final leg of the Festival League?), with a fair bit already in the pot, you bet about 3/4 of the pot after the flop from early position and another player, not even in the hand, typed up "nice bluff" with 2 others still to act. That's bang out of order, and would incur punishment (private or formal) if done in a live environment. No excuse for that. It's either naive or, at worst, intentionally done to invite others to question the validity of your bet :spank

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Re: Talking bout a hand whilst still in progress with players to act, ok or bad form? Thats the hand in question Steve I actually had 67o in the BB Pot was 3 x 150 calls and 75 sb = 525 Flop 653 I bet out 625 to take it down there n then with top pair and back door str8 draw, course i dont want anyone to call as ill either be behind or they will have overcards/outs. So when he says "nice steal" its gonna be in the other players interest to rethink the hand and if he wants to change his action he can....

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