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ChipMeUp WSOP Fantasy Poker League


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Two days left - HUGE overlay!
i_safe.gif ChipMeUp brings you the Fantasy Poker League to help get you into the spirit of the WSOP! Great prizes on offer, and in true ChipMeUp style - 2nd-18th places get a piece of the winner's action. FREE/Amateur Fantasy Poker League: - Free to enter, just visit the site, select your players and you could win a USD6,000 PokerNews Cup Australia package! $10/Pro Fantasy Poker League: - Enter your team into the Pro League for only $10, and you could win a $12,500 Aussie Millions package OR CASH!!!! - Huge overlay at the moment, top 18 pays and only 155 teams currently entered* There are only two days left before this Fantasy League starts, get your teams in now!
For further information or to check out the world's leading poker staking webiste, head to ChipMeUp today. See you online, The ChipMeUp Team ================= I got this one in my e-mail, the free league has an excellent price and is free anyways :notworthy Why does the Full Tilt WSOP Fantasy league have to be closed already? :wall
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Re: ChipMeUp WSOP Fantasy Poker League You're right! But now I found out that each event you can select 15 players at FT. OMG, this is going to be alot of work. Are all the players you can select on FT really playing each event? Can't believe they plan on playing all events, but how do you find out which events they aren't playing? PS, I tried to join the PL team but somehow I couldn't, maybe I need a pass or something?

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Re: ChipMeUp WSOP Fantasy Poker League

You're right!
But now I found out that each event you can select 15 players at FT. OMG, this is going to be alot of work.
Welcome to the ultimate time-wasting machine! :lol
Are all the players you can select on FT really playing each event? Can't believe they plan on playing all events, but how do you find out which events they aren't playing?
It's the same list of players for all events; they certainly don't all play all events. That's all part of the skill involved. :tongue2
PS, I tried to join the PL team but somehow I couldn't, maybe I need a pass or something?
I'll PM you.
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Re: ChipMeUp WSOP Fantasy Poker League Damn, I can't use one list for every WSOP event, the guys who know which events the top players are NOT playing would have a HUGE advantage. I'd end up selecting more then half players that won't play the smaller events :( Anyone know if it's possible to get a list of registered players for each event BEFORE they start?

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Re: ChipMeUp WSOP Fantasy Poker League

Damn, I can't use one list for every WSOP event, the guys who know which events the top players are NOT playing would have a HUGE advantage. I'd end up selecting more then half players that won't play the smaller events :( Anyone know if it's possible to get a list of registered players for each event BEFORE they start?
I don't think so - just got to use your judgement
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Re: ChipMeUp WSOP Fantasy Poker League

I don't think so - just got to use your judgement
Last year, I actually went to the length of checking certain players' blogs to see which events they intended to play. :$ And then fcuking Gus Hansen didn't play an event he said he would because he "didn't feel like playing". "Didn't feel like playing", Mr. Hansen? Do you not care how your decisions affect other people? :@
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Re: ChipMeUp WSOP Fantasy Poker League

Last year, I actually went to the length of checking certain players' blogs to see which events they intended to play. :$ And then fcuking Gus Hansen didn't play an event he said he would because he "didn't feel like playing". "Didn't feel like playing", Mr. Hansen? Do you not care how your decisions affect other people? :@
:rollin ok... then I still prefer the WSOP Fantasy League of ChipMeUp, just one list and no extra work for deciding that for EVERY event :lol I'll just stick with one list then, not feeling like doing all the hard work that slapdash puts in :tongue2
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