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Apat Dublin Updates - Wasp finishes 11th


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Re: Apat Dublin Updates - Wasp In Final 17 Thanks all for messages texts etc :ok A most enjoyable weekend and I will be hoping to get this one on the agenda again next year. The cardroom was great, the staff dealers etc were superb and the Irish players made it for me, a great bunch of people who play the game in the right spirit and all this in a cardroom with no bar :clap Good to see Mike and Lou in fine spirits again and I'm dreading seeing what videos Des has.

Brian Martin shoves with J9 Paul Garnham is covered him, calls with AA flop 8-10-Q!! Oh boy, what a cruel game this is Paul Garnham is out in 18th
MBSFN :lol Paul still was still not speaking to me this morning
Martyn Sharp doubles through Brian Martin QQ v 88 (useles cnut)
Aye I know what you mean and it was this hand that cost me my chance but it is always difficult 6 handed do I raise or fold the 88 (is calling an option in a short stacked short handed game?) Once I had the re raise all in from Martyn I was getting 3/1 and hoping I was at the races but not to be.
GL to Brian. :hope (How many Brians are there in this event? :unsure)
I think everyone was called Brian near the end but the 2 guys next to me Murphy and Greene were top players and so difficult to play
Brian Martin is out in 11th Brian Murphy and he limped board 4-4-9-10 Murphy bets 16,000 Martin all in for 50,000 Murphy 10-7 Martin 9-8 river 8 Final table bubble
Pawprint, bless him, tries his best but his eyes are not what they used to be. I actually had J8 spades with 2 spades on board, after his bet I knew he would call any move by me but I had half the deck to hit, so for me it was a good opportunity to double through. Wasn't FT bubble btw that was 10th and the money jump was only another 300 punts and it was flat again all the way up to 3rd, so it's a gambling structure.
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Re: Apat Dublin Updates - Wasp finishes 11th

Congratulations Bri - and the Sabans also. I'm sure before the end of the year one of you'll ahve a Gold MEdal to show for your expolits
It would be nice but they are very difficult to win. I've not really been an APAT guy before this year but after getting a kicking on the GUK tour last year I'm enjoying this tour and as I'm freerolling the rest of the games I think I'll try and play all the games left as I am top of the online ranking and probably 3rd now in the live rankings and there are GUK seats added for them (I think?)
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