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2M2MM - Docu series about high stakes players


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G4's '2 Months, $2 Million' Looks Into High Stakes Poker Posted by Stephen Johnson - Monday, May 18, 2009 9:25 AM


This summer, G4 is going to take you inside the world of competitive high stakes online poker, as we present 2 Months, $2 Million, a docu-series that follows the lives and adventures of four young high IQ friends trying to break the bank of the online poker world. These four math whizzes are out to collectively earn $2 million dollars in only two months using their own money. Viewers will go inside the “war room” of this interactive dream team who play poker nearly 24/7 and experience first-hand the excitement of winning big money and the agony of losing it all in a single hand. Twenty-somethings math whizzes can't play poker all the time, so when Brian, Emil, Jay and Dani step away from their monitors, it’s about experiencing all that Vegas has to offer from exclusive parties to beautiful women to high, nerd-adventure. The new 10-episode half-hour series 2 Months, $2 Million debuts August 2009 on G4. Do not miss it.

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Re: Docu serie about high stakes players? Sounds interesting :) It's made to sound like it's 4 people who have never played poker before attempting to crack the big time. Although no full names are mentioned, as one is called 'Emil' I am guessing that will be Emil Patel [whitelime], which means 'Jay' is probably Jason Rosenkrantz [pr1nnyraid] - so it's not exactly unknowns :eyes Still worth watching probably :)

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Re: Docu serie about high stakes players? Sounds interesting :) I got the same impression from reading it that it was unknowns! Hah. Seems that it is whitelime, krantz, ansky and flawless_victory. Far from 'nobodies'! Will definitely be worth watching though!

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Re: Docu serie about high stakes players? Sounds interesting :) Sounds interesting :ok

Strange fella's those Americans. Online poker is partially illegal there and yet they are making a lot of pokershows there. Land of contradiction :tongue2
I dont get their stance at all either - they've throwing people in jail from Sporting Bet and other poker sites, they've agreed fines with sites like Party Poker (who obeyed the US law and withdrew) running into hundreds of millions of dollars, yet the two big aites for American players, Pokerstars and Full Tilt seem to be left untouched and even seem to have large physical marketing presences in Vegas for WSOP. So far as I know Pokerstars and FullTilt are not American owned or pay American taxes or anything - so I dont understand why they are so much more untouchable than the rest :unsure
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  • 2 months later...

Re: Docu serie about high stakes players? Sounds interesting :)

The new 10-episode half-hour series 2 Months, $2 Million debuts August 2009 on G4. Do not miss it.
Or maybe I just put it in my diary for today because it's some time in August :unsure
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Re: Docu serie about high stakes players? Sounds interesting :)

Or maybe I just put it in my diary for today because it's some time in August :unsure
It should air on 16 Aug :ok Extra info: ============= http://www.pokerlistings.com/i2-months-2-millioni-to-air-on-g4-42950 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 2 months, $2 million to air on G4 2-months-2-million-promotion-32950.jpg By PokerListings.com Poker is once again making its way into the mainstream with the upcoming reality show 2 Months $2 Million on G4 TV. The show will center on well-known high-stakes online pros Jay "pr1nnyraid" Rosenkrantz, Emil "Whitelime" Patel, Brian "Flawless_Victory" Roberts and Dani "Ansky" Stern as they try to collectively win $2 million in two months playing online poker. The group will use a shared bankroll while staying at a 10,000 square foot mansion in Las Vegas, just outside of the strip, which includes a specialized "war room" with four 50-inch plasmas and several computers for multi-tabling online poker. Each cast member is no stranger to success in poker. Stern recently finished fourth in the 2009 WSOP's $40,000 No-Limit Hold'em event for $548,315. Patel finished second in the 2008 Full Tilt Poker Heads-Up tournament for $320,000 and both Rosenkrantz and Roberts have earned hundreds of thousands playing cash games online. With the house only a few miles from the Strip, the crew will also take time out from poker to explore the Las Vegas scene, all for the benefit of reality TV. There will also be several guest stars as the guys will have dinner with online cash-game wizard Tom "durrrr" Dwan, play a live cash game against Erica Schoenberg and log some high-stakes action against David Benyamine. In a teaser clip for the show, the group is seen gambling for who will take what room in the mansion and then hanging out with some Playboy Playmates in the pool. The show will feature 10 half-hour episodes and begins airing Aug. 16 at 9 p.m. PT.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Docu serie about high stakes players? Sounds interesting :) I just read a nice post on 2+2 about a guy who's roommates with Jay and Emil http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/54/poker-beats-brags-variance/beat-my-roommates-up-2-6m-6-weeks-i-work-9-5-a-1730/index23.html I especially like one of his latest posts..... It seems like a reasonable time to bump this thread with an update, considering the aforementioned roommates are about to star in their own freaking TV show (2 Months, 2 Million, for those unfamiliar). So I left the job I had in the original post and resumed playing poker, inspired by the phenomenal success of Jay and Emil. While I never expected to come close to their absurd level of success, I figured I might be able, with a little hard work and focus, to make some serious money. So, over the protests of non-poker playing friends and family, I quit the job and gave myself all of calendar year 2008 to take a serious shot at becoming a successful online pro. I discussed hands with coaches, I watched videos, I finally worked harder at poker than I’ve ever worked before. And I didn’t make it. Not even close. So then I started looking for real jobs again. “I’ll be all right as long as there hasn’t been a devastating meltdown of the entire world economy,” I thought, “Let’s check the newspaper…….oh. So that’s happening. Awesome.” You don’t hear a lot about guys who take their shot and miss, but I’ll tell you what happens to them. They end up selling a bunch of stuff on craigslist and sheepishly moving back in with mom and dad at 25, trying to figure out what they’re gonna do with a mediocre transcript and a big poker-sized hole on their resume while their friends fly to Las Vegas to film a reality TV show in a ten thousand square foot mansion. Actually, on one of my last days in New York, Jay and Emil hosted a going-away-to-Vegas-to-film-a-freaking-television-show-can-you-BELIEVE-that? party. A bunch of Jay and Emil’s friends from college and high school were there and we were all drinking and speculating on how the summer would play out. “Dudes, we all gotta go OUT there man! It’s gonna be CRAZY!” they would say, because they had things like jobs and salaries and vacation days. “John, you gonna be coming out?! You GOTTA come out with us to Vegas! You comin’ bro?!” I was completely broke. All of my stuff was already packed up in boxes. There was zero chance I could afford to fly to Las Vegas. “Definitely,” I lied. “I’ll be there. Definitely.” So they went to Las Vegas and I went to mile-a-minute suburban Maryland where I continued to unsuccessfully apply for jobs. It’s a fairly depressing situation, and I became pretty withdrawn. I stopped talking to most of my friends, including Jay and Emil, because it sucks to have everything suck and then have to tell people everything sucks when they ask. Then one day I got an e-mail from Jay: “Can you come out and visit if Emil and I book you a flight?” I had been too embarrassed to talk to anyone in weeks. And Jay sends me an e-mail, out of the blue and definitely while he’s got a lot of other more interesting uses of his time, doesn’t mention anything about how differently things have been going for us, casually offers to pay for a round-trip ticket to come out and be a part of this once-in-a-lifetime experience, and still does it all like he’s politely asking for a favor. “Can you come?” I mean, what can you say about a guy like that? You guys might prefer champagne parties and VIP tables and fat stacks of cash, but to me, that e-mail, coming when it did, is the best story in this thread. So in the middle of the worst summer of my life, I get on lucky United Flight 777 and fly to a mansion in Las Vegas for four of the craziest days possible. I’m not sure how many stories I can share since I had to sign a confidentiality agreement for the show. Suffice it to say, starting August 16th I know what I’ll be doing Sundays at 9. While you’re out there people naturally ask what you do and what brings you out; I have a go-to answer, “Oh, I used to be Jay and Emil’s roommates. I’m basically Turtle from Entourage.” All week that was my line: “I’m Turtle from Entourage”, “I’m Turtle from Entourage.” “Oh me? I’m Turtle from Entourage.” One evening I’m floating lazily in the pool outside an absolutely palatial Vegas estate. It’s a summer evening, the air is warm, the pool is warm, and there are three or four girls lounging around nearby. There’s a live band playing funk music, good funk music. At this moment I am utterly and completely at peace with the universe. My face is stuck on permagrin. A week earlier I was writing cover letters for jobs I didn’t even want. Now there are camera crews around me. Are you kidding me? The girls ask me, “So, what do you do?” “Nothing,” I reply, “but I’ve got some pretty amazing friends.”

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Re: Docu serie about high stakes players? Sounds interesting :) stars had a banner that went all the way round the front of the palms that was about 50ft tall,i'd call that a large physical marketing presence:loon

I dont get their stance at all either - they've throwing people in jail from Sporting Bet and other poker sites, they've agreed fines with sites like Party Poker (who obeyed the US law and withdrew) running into hundreds of millions of dollars, yet the two big aites for American players, Pokerstars and Full Tilt seem to be left untouched and even seem to have large physical marketing presences in Vegas for WSOP. So far as I know Pokerstars and FullTilt are not American owned or pay American taxes or anything - so I dont understand why they are so much more untouchable than the rest :unsure
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Re: Docu serie about high stakes players? Sounds interesting :)

Looks like YouTube have nuked it - available for download here - http://www.thepokerbay.org/details.php?id=3059
Thanks! :ok :unsure Back in my day, "former high school math whizzes" did USEFUL things, ... like learning how to do a Rubik's Cube behind their backs with only four looks. :unsure
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Re: Docu serie about high stakes players? Sounds interesting :) *EPISODE 1 SPOILER BELOW* I thought it was a very good 1st episode. Brian's dancing, Dani's buffet antics, Emil seeming generally uncomfortable in the Palms, and Jay's poker comeback all set the series up very nicely. Plus a couple of 2p2 references (Bing, Blang, Blaow + Shoooting Fish In A Barrel). And they got durrrr and OMGClay on the show too, couldn't really do much more in 20 minutes. Difficult to know how much of was set up, but one of the guys pointed out in interview that girls are much more interested when you're being followed by cameras and a personal bodyguard in a club. So probably nothing scripted, but not like they'd be living day to day I'd guess. (I want a Pan-Cake for my next birthday)

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Re: Docu serie about high stakes players? Sounds interesting :) It's back on youTube :ok http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=search_videos&search_query=2+Month+%242million&search_sort=relevance&search_category=0&page= I like the first episode too :D That villa in Vegas is sick, with their own personal chef :loon Only that little pink room sucks :lol

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Re: 2M2MM - Docu series about high stakes players What I was hit by most watching this was how they just come across as ''ordinary'' people. Sort of was expecting to see massive egos and piles of arrogance...but it just isn't there. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the series now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Re: 2M2MM - Docu series about high stakes players Haven't watched the new episode yet but i really hope they don't get a second season as they've done everything but care about making 2million - the whole point of the show! Not impressed.

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