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Fantasy WSOP Prop Bet


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Sign up here if you want to play in the PL Fantasy WSOP via Full Tilt $5 a man prop bet, ill send payment details soon. League name is Punterslounge Prop, Password will be pmmed upon request Details can be found here: http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/f63/full-tilt-fantasy-wsop-85273/ ps.....no entries after 1st event has completed Morlspins in PAID McGin in PAID Teaulcs in PAID Glceud in PAID Samba Sampa in PAID Swampster in Adetrick in PAID Slapdash in PAID

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Re: Fantasy WSOP Prop Bet

Sorry, but I think I'll give this a miss this year. Last year I started well, and then took it WAY too seriously and wasted far too much time with it, and I don't trust myself not to do the same again. :$
Come on......you have plenty of time to do it!!!
Stick me down :ok You taking payment on Stars?
Yeah mate, details sent to you both:ok
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Re: Fantasy WSOP Prop Bet

Come on......you have plenty of time to do it!!!
Stop trying to corrupt me! :spank I've deleted the PM you sent with the password and payment details. Don't send it again :@ ... or I might give in and join. :$
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Re: Fantasy WSOP Prop Bet Hand #15 - Slapdash doubles through teaulc Greg Raymer has the button in Seat 5. He raises to 150,000, Justin Bonomo moves all in for 1,440,000 from the small blind, and Raymer pulls off his "Fossilman" glasses as he makes the call. Bonomo Raymer Bonomo has Raymer dominated here and maintains his lead on the flop. The turn is the , taking away Raymer's backdoor flush possibilities, and the falls on the river, doubling Bonomo up to 2,985,000. Raymer is left with 1,785,000.

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Re: Fantasy WSOP Prop Bet How about this for an amazing feat... In WSOP Event #3 - the $1500 PLO8 Event - Thang Luu has taken it down again this year, having also won it last year too... but that's not all - he also came 2nd in the very same event in 2007!!! :eek

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