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AAA flop hitting Quads


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...hitting the flop of AAA to complete your quads is such a bummer...how on Earth do you get any action??? Table '163857330 2' 6-max Seat #4 is the button Seat 1: shigshag (7645 in chips) Seat 2: kloneranger (2610 in chips) is sitting out Seat 3: beauright (7165 in chips) Seat 4: zombie 9900 (11855 in chips) Seat 5: bandit323 (5575 in chips) Seat 6: DodgerPL (3860 in chips) bandit323: posts small blind 125 DodgerPL: posts big blind 250 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to DodgerPL [4c 2d Ac Th] shigshag: calls 250 kloneranger: folds beauright: calls 250 zombie 9900: folds bandit323: calls 125 DodgerPL: checks *** FLOP *** [As Ad Ah] bandit323: checks DodgerPL: checks shigshag: checks beauright: checks *** TURN *** [As Ad Ah] [9c] bandit323: bets 500 DodgerPL: calls 500 shigshag: folds beauright: folds *** RIVER *** [As Ad Ah 9c] [2c] bandit323: bets 500 DodgerPL: raises 750 to 1250 bandit323: calls 750 *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 4500 | Rake 0 Board [As Ad Ah 9c 2c] Seat 5: bandit323 (small blind) mucked [Qd Qh Kd Jh] Seat 6: DodgerPL (big blind) showed [4c 2d Ac Th] and won (4500) with four of a kind, Aces (doesn't really matter that it's Omaha...applies to NLHE equally) Any bet from me after the flop would probably have caused all to fold, so all I could do was just wait for somebody to risk a bet...they did and at least I got a few chips off them. So...is there a ''best way'' of playing in this situation or is it just a case of sitting tight and praying for somebody else to make a move? :unsure

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Re: AAA flop hitting Quads I'd make what I would hope looks like a standard stab at the pot on the flop, and hope people don't believe me. Then I would make a weak check on the turn, trying to intimate that my attempt at the pot had failed and I was shutting down - and hope that somebody took the bull by the horns and made a stab at it

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