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wat a fking joke


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Full Tilt Poker Game #12215412663: Table Bayfield (6 max) - $0.50/$1 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:13:00 ET - 2009/05/14 Seat 1: mE 0wnz Y0u ($115.35) Seat 3: ModzillaPL ($61.15) Seat 4: bachelord2009 ($16.25) Seat 5: GratefulGuy ($170.55) Seat 6: smartdrv ($72.80) ModzillaPL posts the small blind of $0.50 bachelord2009 posts the big blind of $1 The button is in seat #1 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to ModzillaPL [2c Jc] GratefulGuy folds 9montana11 sits down 9montana11 stands up smartdrv folds 9montana11 sits down 9montana11 adds $79 mE 0wnz Y0u has 15 seconds left to act mE 0wnz Y0u folds ModzillaPL calls $0.50 bachelord2009 checks *** FLOP *** [Th Kd 2s] ModzillaPL bets $1 bachelord2009 calls $1 *** TURN *** [Th Kd 2s] [2h] ModzillaPL checks bachelord2009 bets $4 ModzillaPL has 15 seconds left to act ModzillaPL raises to $12.25 bachelord2009 raises to $14.25, and is all in ModzillaPL calls $2 bachelord2009 shows [Kh Qd] ModzillaPL shows [2c Jc] *** RIVER *** [Th Kd 2s 2h] [Kc] bachelord2009 shows a full house, Kings full of Twos ModzillaPL shows a full house, Twos full of Kings bachelord2009 wins the pot ($30.90) with a full house, Kings full of Twos *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $32.50 | Rake $1.60 Board: [Th Kd 2s 2h Kc] Seat 1: mE 0wnz Y0u (button) didn't bet (folded) Seat 3: ModzillaPL (small blind) showed [2c Jc] and lost with a full house, Twos full of Kings Seat 4: bachelord2009 (big blind) showed [Kh Qd] and won ($30.90) with a full house, Kings full of Twos Seat 5: GratefulGuy didn't bet (folded) Seat 6: smartdrv didn't bet (folded) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 hands later Full Tilt Poker Game #12215454329: Table Bayfield (6 max) - $0.50/$1 - No Limit Hold'em - 13:16:04 ET - 2009/05/14 Seat 1: mE 0wnz Y0u ($115.35) Seat 2: 9montana11 ($82.20) Seat 3: ModzillaPL ($53.10) Seat 4: bachelord2009 ($22.90) Seat 5: GratefulGuy ($167.05) Seat 6: smartdrv ($71.80) smartdrv posts the small blind of $0.50 mE 0wnz Y0u posts the big blind of $1 The button is in seat #5 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to ModzillaPL [7c 7h] 9montana11 folds ModzillaPL calls $1 bachelord2009 folds GratefulGuy raises to $4.50 smartdrv calls $4 mE 0wnz Y0u folds ModzillaPL calls $3.50 *** FLOP *** [3c 2c 7d] smartdrv checks ModzillaPL checks GratefulGuy bets $10 smartdrv calls $10 ModzillaPL has 15 seconds left to act ModzillaPL raises to $29 GratefulGuy folds smartdrv raises to $67.30, and is all in ModzillaPL calls $19.60, and is all in smartdrv shows [3d 3h] ModzillaPL shows [7c 7h] Uncalled bet of $18.70 returned to smartdrv *** TURN *** [3c 2c 7d] [Ad] *** RIVER *** [3c 2c 7d Ad] [3s] smartdrv shows four of a kind, Threes ModzillaPL shows a full house, Sevens full of Threes smartdrv wins the pot ($118.70) with four of a kind, Threes ModzillaPL is sitting out *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $121.70 | Rake $3 Board: [3c 2c 7d Ad 3s] Seat 1: mE 0wnz Y0u (big blind) folded before the Flop Seat 2: 9montana11 didn't bet (folded) Seat 3: ModzillaPL showed [7c 7h] and lost with a full house, Sevens full of Threes Seat 4: bachelord2009 didn't bet (folded) Seat 5: GratefulGuy (button) folded on the Flop Seat 6: smartdrv (small blind) showed [3d 3h] and won ($118.70) with four of a kind, Threes

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Re: wat a fking joke Dont get wound up by the cash flows - leave that for the fish (it's what keeps them coming back). Both hands you got the money in when ahead. You made a profit. You made money. You will get see that money later. The temporary direction the cash moved in on this occasion makes no difference and you dont care!

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Re: wat a fking joke Limping from the SB with J2s is awful play. If youre getting involved, then it has to be a raise here. Why would you want to play J2s, against any hand, out of position? Not raising 77 in a six max game is utterly baffling. Its a terrible bad beat, but limp calling 77 in a six max game is terrible play.

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Re: wat a fking joke Because i was mid pos.. and they kept raising like crazy, so many times someone raised to 3-3.5... and they wud 3-4x the reraise.. i dont know if i would have called $12. I seriously dont understand what you guys are talking about. On a flop if i have an over pair.. and the flop comes out 9c 10c 2d. Im going to take it down, because the board is too risky flushdraw/straight draw. In the J2 game. I bet the minimum of $1 on the flop to show that im betting to see if he has anything, if he has nothing he will fold. Or i could have a possible draw etc. Then on turn i checked showing that my bluff didnt work. So he bets $4.. i reraise him all in. he has 2 outs... 2 outs on the turn is 4% chance.. So did i make a bad play? 77hand. You guys are telling me to raise preflop? so i would have prob eliminated him early and stolen blinds. Im going all in with the best hand. Top set. He has 1 (4% on flop, 2%ish on turn) card in the deck which he can hit it.. if he hits it.. It isnt a bad play by me.. I dont think, im committing my chips when i am a Dominant favourite by a mile and the pots high

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Re: wat a fking joke The post-flop play was fine and raising may well have not changed the scenarios - you were unlucky and noone likes that! Raising pre in both those situations (more so with the 77) is correct though (J2 is more a villian dependant raise/fold). Theres a massive list of reasons why you should raise rather than limp/complete. You can win the blinds without any action, you gain the iniative and can often take it down with a c-bet, people are more likely to fight/bluff for raised pots, you likely have the best hand etc. etc. Nothing you could do post-flop about the hands but in terms of general gameplay you should probably be raising more! ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: wat a fking joke

Because i was mid pos.. and they kept raising like crazy, so many times someone raised to 3-3.5... and they wud 3-4x the reraise.. i dont know if i would have called $12. I seriously dont understand what you guys are talking about.
So you know that they are playing very agressively preflop, and re-raising weak. Knowing this, you should play back at them preflop. If they re-raise you, then you could re-raise them again. Show them that you can play back at them, which might get them to slow down. Unfortunately for you, it looks like you just crumbled from all this preflop agression. Judging from your comments and actions, they made you play weak, scared, passive poker. They got you to just limp call preflop, which takes away all your momentum and initiative in the hand. Your playing their game.
77hand. You guys are telling me to raise preflop? so i would have prob eliminated him early and stolen blinds. Im going all in with the best hand. Top set. He has 1 (4% on flop, 2%ish on turn) card in the deck which he can hit it.. if he hits it.. It isnt a bad play by me.. I dont think, im committing my chips when i am a Dominant favourite by a mile and the pots high
Youve got it wrong here. This is an extremely rare hand, where you flop top set against bottom set. You cant justify your preflop play by the way it went down post-flop. Post flop play is completley irrelevant here. This is ALL about your preflop play. What would have happened if two overs to your pair came on the flop? He still bets 3/4 of the pot, and you have a real tough decision to make here. Because you didnt raise preflop, you have no clue on what hand he has. His range in this spot is MASSIVE (as you said, they were raising alot preflop). Because of your weak poker preflop, you have zero clue what he has, and you have to play a pocket pair with two overs on the board (a tricky situation), and also have to play out of position against him. Re-raising preflop MIGHT have eliminated him early, but its still the right play. It shows that youre not a pushover (which will benefit you for future hands). It also gives you information. If he calls, then you narrow down his range of hands, which gives you a better chance of winning post flop. If he goes all in, you can get away from a bigger pocket pair (or call, depending on what you know about him). Playing a medium pocket pair, out of position, when you dont hit your set, is tough, so I wouldnt mind taking down a small pot preflop here. It worked out well for you here (taking away the bad beat), but for the other 90% of the time you dont hit your set, limp calling 4.5BBs preflop, out of position, with a medium pocket pair in a six man game is a losing strategy.
In the J2 game. I bet the minimum of $1 on the flop to show that im betting to see if he has anything, if he has nothing he will fold. Or i could have a possible draw etc. Then on turn i checked showing that my bluff didnt work. So he bets $4.. i reraise him all in. he has 2 outs... 2 outs on the turn is 4% chance.. So did i make a bad play?
Again, post flop play is absolutley fine. But this is nothing to do with post flop play. This is ALL about preflop play. If youre intent on playing a super weak hand, out of position, then the least you have to do is raise. This way theres a chance of him folding and you steal his blind. Calling preflop with a super weak hand is awful play. Its raise or fold. Again, you got extremely lucky here and caught trips, but what happens the other 95% of the time when you flop and turn absolute air? Youve got yourself involved with an awful hand, out of position. Not a winning long term strategy. Again, its all about information. By playing it so badly preflop, you have no information about his hand. He litteraly could have ANY two cards here. Why the hell would you want to play J2, out of position, against any two cards? You should just be happy to steal his BB with the trash in your hand here, because you certainly cant rely on getting trips all the time.
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