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KK... few questions


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A - How's the size of the reraise? Should it have been higher? It had been a very nitty tight table so I was confident the blinds weren't calling for an extra 200+ unless they had a v good hand, but I didn't want it too large so that the Villain folded too. B - Is there an argument for checking behind Villain's check? Assuming you were going to bet how's 410 into a 620 pot for size? C - What should I do here? Fold to the check-raise? Flat call? My thought was that Villain could easily be doing this with AQ - and the preflop could have been AQ too. He sees my c-bet, takes it for standard 'missed flop but raised pre so will c-bet'. Hence my 3bet. If you do bet 3bet how do you view the size of my 3bet? D - I'm now confident he has QQ/88 and fold. Do you fold here? Would he 4bet with a hand I beat? All opinions welcome :ok

Seat 1: Superman-Ben (4,140) Seat 2: pokerskibum (5,365) Seat 3: NutsErryTime (4,765) Seat 4: Toffee Pete (5,255) Seat 5: teeth1019 (6,155) Seat 6: IBetANickel (4,320) teeth1019 posts the small blind of 20 IBetANickel posts the big blind of 40 The button is in seat #4 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Toffee Pete [:Kh: :Ks:] Superman-Ben raises to 120 pokerskibum has been disconnected pokerskibum folds pokerskibum has reconnected NutsErryTime folds Toffee Pete raises to 280 ***A*** teeth1019 folds IBetANickel folds Superman-Ben calls 160 *** FLOP *** [Qh 2s 8h] Superman-Ben checks Toffee Pete bets 410 ***B*** Superman-Ben raises to 1,200 Toffee Pete has 15 seconds left to act teeth1019 is feeling confused Toffee Pete raises to 1,990 ***C*** Superman-Ben raises to 3,860, and is all in Toffee Pete has 15 seconds left to act Toffee Pete has requested TIME Toffee Pete folds ***D***
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Re: KK... few questions How can you be confident he has QQ/88 Pete? How much info do you have on this opponent, could he overvaule a hand like AQ or be prepared to race with a hand like 10Jh or Ah2h. By him playing either of those last two hands so aggressively he does have a lot of fold equity and he knows he's too far behind unless he's against a set of course. A bit pissed so I'ts probably all bollocks.

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Re: KK... few questions A - I probably make it more with KK due to the fact that so many players call a reraise with an ace. I made a case for min raising with AK on another thread, but AK can be a lot easier to play on the flop that KK. B - No, I don't like a check here, especially as you made it cheap preflop. It's possible to be up against a flush or a straight draw. You priced him in preflop so his range is huge. You must bet. C - I'm reraising all-in 100% of the time here. I'm not trying to 2nd guess matters here. He plays AQ, KQ the same way - possibly even the nut flush draw. D - Well I would not have got to D as I would've committed all by this stage. Once he has reraised 1200 do you think he would now pass AQ to your further 700 raise? I know he should, but that doesn't mean he will (pass). Without prior knowledge I treat every online player as average (at best) - so do you think he is a good enough player to pass a Q once he has check-raised with it? Many, many players would not pass a Q once check-raising with it. If he check-raised with a flush draw then he also has to move in too. I'm not sure his re-re-re-raise means as much as it might. I would have to call I think. IMO it's just one of those situations where you have to pay a player off (if you are behind of course) as many occasions you will be infront and it will be a case of an average player over playing a hand. :ok

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Re: KK... few questions

A - I probably make it more with KK due to the fact that so many players call a reraise with an ace. I made a case for min raising with AK on another thread, but AK can be a lot easier to play on the flop that KK. B - No, I don't like a check here, especially as you made it cheap preflop. It's possible to be up against a flush or a straight draw. You priced him in preflop so his range is huge. You must bet. C - I'm reraising all-in 100% of the time here. I'm not trying to 2nd guess matters here. He plays AQ, KQ the same way - possibly even the nut flush draw. D - Well I would not have got to D as I would've committed all by this stage. Once he has reraised 1200 do you think he would now pass AQ to your further 700 raise? I know he should, but that doesn't mean he will (pass). Without prior knowledge I treat every online player as average (at best) - so do you think he is a good enough player to pass a Q once he has check-raised with it? Many, many players would not pass a Q once check-raising with it. If he check-raised with a flush draw then he also has to move in too. I'm not sure his re-re-re-raise means as much as it might. I would have to call I think. IMO it's just one of those situations where you have to pay a player off (if you are behind of course) as many occasions you will be infront and it will be a case of an average player over playing a hand. :ok
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Re: KK... few questions You slowplay traped him with kings, you did not get Ace high or any other scary flop, go broke now. Otherwise there is no point in slowplaying. I also doubt you have enough history with him to know that he goes broke only with KK or AA preflop in this situation.

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Re: KK... few questions This is very very bad fold. You are getting great prize at this point calling 1870 to win 8340, this means you need to win the pot only 22% of the time to make a profitable call. You are definetly commited to this pot If he only has 88 or QQ you already have 12,3% chances of winning (sucking out), he could also have AA or KK that would make your equity over 15%, and you only need to win 22% at this point, even if he tells you that he has one of these hands you are not making too big mistake by calling... Now you add AQ your equity increases to 50%, there are also few more flush draws, which alone make your call correct after investing so much on flop.

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