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Why I Hate Stars!!!


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Re: Why I Hate Stars!!! I hate stars because ugly people insist on putting their face pic in the avatar! why do people do this? I used to spend too much time blocking images but I found it easier just not to play there anymone.

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Re: Why I Hate Stars!!! Given that the blinds are 1000/2000 and his stack is just 1250, then surely he had no option but to be all in? Nothing to do with bad play from the guy, wasn't even a bad beat officially was it? The money went in pre flop, so is that not the point where it is considered whether or not it is a bad beat? I might be missing the point here though, if so just ignore me.

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Re: Why I Hate Stars!!! I didn't think it was bad play at all..... that wasn't what I was getting at! :\ I just think the beat after the flop is quite sick and that I see lots of them on stars!!

I hate stars because ugly people insist on putting their face pic in the avatar! why do people do this? I used to spend too much time blocking images but I found it easier just not to play there anymone.
We can't all be blessed with good looks Bri, but at least some of us have a decent personality!
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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Why I Hate Stars!!! The weird thing is that everybody sees so much evidence of it being fixed while they're playing. But whenever anybody collects statistics to see if there are too many bad beats, etc., they don't come up with anything. At least, I've never seen any statistical evidence that it is fixed. They must have some way of detecting when people are collecting statistics and "unfix" the software to hide the evidence, but it must be a really clever system, as I can't see how they could do it. :unsure

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Re: Why I Hate Stars!!!

The weird thing is that everybody sees so much evidence of it being fixed while they're playing. But whenever anybody collects statistics to see if there are too many bad beats, etc., they don't come up with anything. At least, I've never seen any statistical evidence that it is fixed. . :unsure
Apart from the fact that pkt aces occur more often than is mathematically probable:ok
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Re: Why I Hate Stars!!! Know exactly what you are getting at GeordieGaz. I've played on about 12 different sites and some sites really do have some very suspect algorithms. By a long way the worst is IPN (Virgin etc). If I had a penny for every time I've seen the worst hand, pre-flop, getting a monster to beat a monster I'd be playing at Las Vegas! I no longer play on any IPN site because in the end it seemed like I wasn't playing poker but instead was playing some sort of lottery instead. Stars is not as bad, nor BlueSquare, but they also seem to regularly give out some amazing hands. What I think is that the software designers are given an edited video of the WPT and base all their calculations on that. They don't seem to realise that they are only watching the highlights. Therefore nearly every hand must have a 'twist' to it lol. PKR, no I'm not sponsored by them lol, seems to be the best site for getting 'realistic' hands. I know, with the animation side of it, that each hand takes ten times longer to play out but you know that your AA actually stands a good chance of winning. To put that into perspective. I didn't win with AA (in pocket) for over 6 months on Virgin. The worst was when I flopped another A only to be beaten by a runner, runner 8 high flush. I don't blame the better, he was all in pre flop. The fault lies distinctly with the algorithms. At worst I would say that, some of, the software out there is unrealistic and at worst I'd say it verges on fraud. Knowing I'll get flamed for this but I really do worry about the state of the calculations out there. When one sits down to play a game of poker one would like to think that the dealer is not dealing cards for the rails entertainment but is dealing the cards in a fair and realistic way. This is, sadly, not always the case. If you went into a shop to buy a melon you would not expect them to give you two melons and then at the checkout take away both melons and give you a lemon instead, would you? But by playing on sites, like IPN, that do this from of...well..theft we accept it. But when we just meekly accept it we are allowing these sites to get away with disrespecting all honest poker players buy plying us with un-honest (is that a word? Well it should be lol) software. Rant over lol. Take care and have fun, software excluded lol :)

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Re: Why I Hate Stars!!!

Know exactly what you are getting at GeordieGaz. I've played on about 12 different sites and some sites really do have some very suspect algorithms. By a long way the worst is IPN (Virgin etc). If I had a penny for every time I've seen the worst hand, pre-flop, getting a monster to beat a monster I'd be playing at Las Vegas! I no longer play on any IPN site because in the end it seemed like I wasn't playing poker but instead was playing some sort of lottery instead. Stars is not as bad, nor BlueSquare, but they also seem to regularly give out some amazing hands. What I think is that the software designers are given an edited video of the WPT and base all their calculations on that. They don't seem to realise that they are only watching the highlights. Therefore nearly every hand must have a 'twist' to it lol. PKR, no I'm not sponsored by them lol, seems to be the best site for getting 'realistic' hands. I know, with the animation side of it, that each hand takes ten times longer to play out but you know that your AA actually stands a good chance of winning. To put that into perspective. I didn't win with AA (in pocket) for over 6 months on Virgin. The worst was when I flopped another A only to be beaten by a runner, runner 8 high flush. I don't blame the better, he was all in pre flop. The fault lies distinctly with the algorithms. At worst I would say that, some of, the software out there is unrealistic and at worst I'd say it verges on fraud. Knowing I'll get flamed for this but I really do worry about the state of the calculations out there. When one sits down to play a game of poker one would like to think that the dealer is not dealing cards for the rails entertainment but is dealing the cards in a fair and realistic way. This is, sadly, not always the case. If you went into a shop to buy a melon you would not expect them to give you two melons and then at the checkout take away both melons and give you a lemon instead, would you? But by playing on sites, like IPN, that do this from of...well..theft we accept it. But when we just meekly accept it we are allowing these sites to get away with disrespecting all honest poker players buy plying us with un-honest (is that a word? Well it should be lol) software. Rant over lol. Take care and have fun, software excluded lol :)
Is it really over? Thats 2 identical posts now. Maybe PKR doesn't see as many bad beats because you only play about 10 hands an hour! Never mind posting the usual boring drivel, why not post some of your HH and let people tell you what the odds are of it happening or give you some feedback on how you played a hand. AA is only a pair!
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Re: Why I Hate Stars!!!

What I think is that the software designers are given an edited video of the WPT and base all their calculations on that. They don't seem to realise that they are only watching the highlights. Therefore nearly every hand must have a 'twist' to it lol.
Tell me that you're not being seriously and that you're just winding us up? Pissed myself when reading this paragraph! :lol Absolute jokes. Read these links then tell me if you still think that the people responsible for the algorithms were secretly being distracted by the latest episode of WPT on the telly. :rollin http://www.pokerstars.com/poker/room/features/security/ http://www.pokerstars.com/poker/rng/
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Re: Why I Hate Stars!!! I love these 'online poker is rigged' threads. There's a simple way to argue that it probably isn't. 1) If it's rigged, it's rigged for everyone - so it makes no difference 2) If you think it's just rigged against you then you should be making a pyschiatrists appointment pronto.

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Re: Why I Hate Stars!!!

That's so funny. Aces should always win shouldn't they :unsure
Out of interest my PT stats say AA have won 93.22% of the time in cash games and "only" 90.55% in tournaments. This is from a sample size of 118 / 24919 and 127 / 28547. All you statisticians out there is this about the statistical norm or not? :eyes I reckon the odds of getting AA is 220-1 therefore by my rough calculations I have been dealt pocket rockets a grand total of twice more than the statistical norm in over 50k hands.
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Re: Why I Hate Stars!!!

Out of interest my PT stats say AA have won 93.22% of the time in cash games and "only" 90.55% in tournaments. This is from a sample size of 118 / 24919 and 127 / 28547. All you statisticians out there is this about the statistical norm or not? :eyes I reckon the odds of getting AA is 220-1 therefore by my rough calculations I have been dealt pocket rockets a grand total of twice more than the statistical norm in over 50k hands.
You should receive aces once every 221 hands. You have received Aces once every 218.2286 hands - slightly more (3 times) than expected. The proportion you win cannot be checked - that depends how you play them...
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