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Problem accessing Stan James website


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Re: Problem accessing Stan James website Help : Contact us Stan James has a 24 hour, 7 days a week customer service team that can help with your account or answer your queries no matter what time of day or night. We can be contacted by the following methods: Email

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Post Stan James 1 The Square Marina Bay Gibraltar
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Re: Problem accessing Stan James website I managed to place a bet with Stan James at about 01:00 Tuesday 28 Sep, and then the site just died. "Internet Explorer is unable ... etc.". The Stan James helpline say that their website is OK but the problem is with AOL who are my Internet Service Provider. AOL are, apparently, aware of and working on the problem.

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Re: Problem accessing Stan James website

I managed to place a bet with Stan James at about 01:00 Tuesday 28 Sep' date=' and then the site just died. "Internet Explorer is unable ... etc.". The Stan James helpline say that their website is OK but the problem is with AOL who are my Internet Service Provider. AOL are, apparently, aware of and working on the problem.[/quote'] Yep, It went down with me too, but you should be able to connect through this link....it's the one that Stan James hand out when you complain about their connection. Save it and delete your original if you have it in favourites! The links doing strange things......type ww2.stanjames.com and see if that works! TQM
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Re: Problem accessing Stan James website

Thanks' date=' Quiet Man! Apart from the "To help protect your security ... etc" bit at the top, which I shall ignore, it works fine. I assume that the people on the Stan James helpline vary in quality a bit.[/quote'] :welcome to PL John Their live help is very hit n miss mate, you get used to it over time lol:ok
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Re: Problem accessing Stan James website

Thanks' date=' Quiet Man! Apart from the "To help protect your security ... etc" bit at the top, which I shall ignore, it works fine. I assume that the people on the Stan James helpline vary in quality a bit.[/quote'] No they are all crap. Tell you everything you want to hear for an easy life without checking anything.
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