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Blue Square Mayhem


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290409_01_title.jpg Dear paul, Forget the Morris dancing and stow away the Maypole! Celebrate the May Bank Holiday weekend by playing bizarre poker tournaments! 290409_02_title.jpg Throughout the weekend compete in our conundrum causing $5+$0.50 Sit'n'Go May-hem tournaments, which will pay 50% to 1st place and 50% to 6th place. GUKPT satellite tokens for the top three players with the most Sit'n'Go May-hem wins. How will you play them?


290409_03_title.jpg The marathon will seem like a stroll in the park compared to Endurance May-hem! Starting at 7pm Sunday evening, this $10+$1 MTT will feature an extended re-buy period with 30 minute blinds and added GUKPT tokens for the top 3 finishers. 290409_04_title.jpg Blind May-hem will epitomize the nature of Blue Square Poker's bizarre events! Taking place at 7pm Monday night, this $3+$0.30 re-buy MTT will require you to continually adjust your game to meet the unusual blind structure which will start high, drop and build back up again!

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Re: Blue Square Mayhem The SnG Mayhem doesn't look very interesting. As others have said, it's fairly clear that the best strategy is to go all-in first hand. Now, if it had been 10-max with prize money split between 1st and 6th place, that would be more interesting.

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Re: Blue Square Mayhem

The SnG Mayhem doesn't look very interesting. As others have said' date=' it's fairly clear that the best strategy is to go all-in first hand.[/quote'] Actually, that's assuming everybody who goes out first hand ties for 6th place: does anybody know if those are the rules?
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Re: Blue Square Mayhem

Actually' date=' that's assuming everybody who goes out first hand ties for 6th place: does anybody know if those are the rules?[/quote'] I played two of them yesterday. Same on each, 4 of us all-in first hand, 1 sitting out(they dont fill up quick) and 1 guy folded! WTF! Also I was out both times with 3 others so got $5 back from my $5.50. The winner of the hand is then obviously a 4:1:1 favourite, or has an EV of $10. Whilst the guy who folded has an EV of $2.50. In summary: Going all-in is the best play and the EV for entering is:
  • If everyone goes all in you have a EV of -$0.50
  • If one person doesn't go all-in then you have an EV of +$0.00, the guy who folded has an EV of -$3.00
  • If two people don't go all-in then you have an EV of +$0.75, the guys who folded each have an EV of -$3.00
  • If three people don't go all-in then you have an EV of +$2.00, the people who folded each have an EV of -$3.00
  • If four people don't go all-in then you have an EV of +$4.50, the people who folded each have an EV of -$3.00
  • If you are the only one all-in then this is the real game theory situation and potentially the worst situation as the others then can gaurantee a +EV by going all-in the next hand and you would be -EV. Not worked the firgures out, but wonder if enough players would think like this. You don't even have to go all-in , just a raise puts you in this position if everyone else folds. However I presume if you are the lowest stack when you go all-in you will be declared last position, so the BB from the previous hand would be last place ! If they had $1000 tourneys would surely be interesting.

I am one sad poker addict thinking like this :\

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