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did i show weakness in going all in? Full Tilt Poker Game #11937227785: pokerpeople on Tilt (88644861), Table 1 - 80/160 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:19:53 ET - 2009/04/29 Seat 2: t1tpfdc (3,875) Seat 7: sasas57 (5,550) Seat 9: teaulcsg1 (4,075) teaulcsg1 posts the small blind of 80 t1tpfdc posts the big blind of 160 The button is in seat #7 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulcsg1 [As 2c] sasas57 folds teaulcsg1 raises to 480 t1tpfdc calls 320 *** FLOP *** [3h 5h 2d] teaulcsg1 bets 3,595, and is all in t1tpfdc calls 3,395, and is all in teaulcsg1 shows [As 2c] t1tpfdc shows [3c Ad] Uncalled bet of 200 returned to teaulcsg1 *** TURN *** [3h 5h 2d] [7h] *** RIVER *** [3h 5h 2d 7h] [Kc] teaulcsg1 shows a pair of Twos t1tpfdc shows a pair of Threes t1tpfdc wins the pot (7,750) with a pair of Threes teaulcsg1: lol *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 7,750 | Rake 0 Board: [3h 5h 2d 7h Kc] Seat 2: t1tpfdc (big blind) showed [3c Ad] and won (7,750) with a pair of Threes Seat 7: sasas57 (button) didn't bet (folded) Seat 9: teaulcsg1 (small blind) showed [As 2c] and lost with a pair of Twos

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Re: opinions please What were your reasons for going all-in there? Personally I think it was reckless and unnecessary - answering the question asked, I think it was a weak move. You have bottom pair, top kicker. You need to think about what the villain could have - he's called your pre-flop raise (have you been doing this regularly?) so it has to be assumed he has a hand worth doing so with. Ruling out AA, KK, QQ, AK, perhaps JJ and TT as hands the villain would have reraised with, you can put him on (imo) 22+, A2+, K9o+ QTo+, plus suited connectors from about 56/67+. You're not going to get rid of any of the hands that are beating you (except, ironically I would have suggested A3) - 66-99 are overpairs to the board, 22, 33 and 55 have hit trips, and 44 is 2nd pair and up and down straight draw. A5 is going to call with tptk. A4 has flopped a straight. Now of the hands you are beating - 2 overcards - you're not going to get any of them to call you by shoving. When you bet on the flop it should be for one of 3 reasons - getting a better hand to fold (not happening here), getting a worse hand to call (not happening here), or protect a made hand from a drawing board (you have bottom pair, top kicker - not exactly worth protecting).

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Re: opinions please I think Samba has called it right here, Al. A c-bet of 600 into the 960 pot would find out where you stand in the hand. If he goes over the top, you can get away from it. If he flat calls, you could go all-in on the turn and he would probably fold with three hearts on the board and only third pair. As an aside, calling your all in to me is not a great move IMO.

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Re: opinions please Don't take this the wrong way but I see this move made every day at the low stakes by complete donks. I just don't understand the move your only ever getting called by a hand that has you crushed. You have bottom pair bet 3/4 pot or even the pot if you must and fold to a shove imo. This hand is played so badly but is so common in micro stakes.

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Re: opinions please no offence taken as this hand has been played by better players than me on this forum ;). no,the reason i asked is this,which i think has been answered,instead of the all in,i put in a pot bet what are the odds of him folding? or did he think the same as me,you aint hit and are trying to take it down now. i must admit i was surprised he called with what he had,because pevious showdowns he had been very respectful. as i said, weakness shown by the all-in? i am thinking yes,so a lesson learnt,,probably not ;)

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Re: opinions please By going allin on the flop Al you have very little to gain. You're only getting called by a better hand and risking a further 20+ blinds. I don't understand why an experienced player like yourself would make a move like that. The call by opponent was far worse though.

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Re: opinions please yeah pretty bad play al:spankas everyones said your really only gonna get a call from a player who's ahead,also your not really looking very strong either. i agree with steveo on the other guys call as well tho,pretty dangerous with the hand he has, maybe als overbet induced it:unsure

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Re: opinions please

which is what i trying to get to
which is why it's maybe a bad idea;) that said tho it does show how it's not a bad idea to bet a good hand instead of slow playing ,there are a lot of people that will think your a lot weaker than if you c bet or check raise:ok
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