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Loving it (brag)


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Those are first 2 hands at the new table. First one, classic blocking bet. Second played itself :D. PokerStars Game #27473499875: Hold'em No Limit ($0.25/$0.50) - 2009/04/25 9:53:26 ET Table 'Carina IV' 9-max Seat #3 is the button Seat 1: !3lackb!rd ($18.15 in chips) Seat 2: Ahoernchen78 ($11.80 in chips) Seat 3: SilverSatori ($62.70 in chips) Seat 4: muyir ($20.85 in chips) Seat 5: heniek31 ($50 in chips) Seat 6: manzoe ($16.75 in chips) Seat 7: firu90 ($8.50 in chips) Seat 8: kw-armaturen ($10 in chips) muyir: posts small blind $0.25 heniek31: posts big blind $0.50 Tdd21: sits out *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to heniek31 [:Td: :As:] manzoe: folds firu90: folds kw-armaturen: folds !3lackb!rd: folds Ahoernchen78: folds SilverSatori: raises $1.50 to $2 muyir: folds heniek31: calls $1.50 *** FLOP *** [:Kd: :8c: :3d:] heniek31: checks SilverSatori: bets $3 heniek31: calls $3 *** TURN *** [:Kd: :8c: :3d:] [:2s:] heniek31: bets $6 SilverSatori: folds Uncalled bet ($6) returned to heniek31 heniek31 collected $9.75 from pot heniek31: doesn't show hand *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $10.25 | Rake $0.50 Board [Kd 8c 3d 2s] Seat 5: heniek31 (big blind) collected ($9.75) -------------------------------------------------------- PokerStars Game #27473528945: Hold'em No Limit ($0.25/$0.50) - 2009/04/25 9:54:40 ET Table 'Carina IV' 9-max Seat #4 is the button Seat 1: !3lackb!rd ($18.15 in chips) Seat 2: Ahoernchen78 ($11.80 in chips) Seat 3: SilverSatori ($57.70 in chips) Seat 4: muyir ($20.60 in chips) Seat 5: heniek31 ($54.75 in chips) Seat 6: manzoe ($16.75 in chips) Seat 7: firu90 ($8.50 in chips) Seat 8: kw-armaturen ($10 in chips) heniek31: posts small blind $0.25 manzoe: posts big blind $0.50 Tdd21: sits out *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to heniek31 [:6h: :5h:] firu90: folds kw-armaturen: folds !3lackb!rd: folds Ahoernchen78: folds SilverSatori: raises $1.50 to $2 muyir: folds heniek31: calls $1.75 manzoe: calls $1.50 *** FLOP *** [:2c: :6d: :6c:] heniek31: checks manzoe: checks SilverSatori: bets $4 heniek31: raises $6 to $10 manzoe: folds SilverSatori: raises $45.70 to $55.70 and is all-in heniek31: calls $42.75 and is all-in Uncalled bet ($2.95) returned to SilverSatori *** TURN *** [:2c: :6d: :6c:] [:5c:] *** RIVER *** [:2c: :6d: :6c: :5c:] [:4d:] *** SHOW DOWN *** heniek31: shows [6h 5h] (a full house, Sixes full of Fives) SilverSatori: mucks hand heniek31 collected $108.50 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $111.50 | Rake $3 Board [2c 6d 6c 5c 4d] Seat 1: !3lackb!rd folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Ahoernchen78 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: SilverSatori mucked [:Ac: :Kc:] Seat 4: muyir (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: heniek31 (small blind) showed [6h 5h] and won ($108.50) with a full house, Sixes full of Fives Seat 6: manzoe (big blind) folded on the Flop Seat 7: firu90 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: kw-armaturen folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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Re: Loving it (brag) I agree. I have played 4 tables for hours over last two weeks at this level. Theres no hand passes by without button raising (if its folded to them). I play back from BB very often, either call or re raise with a good success. Any hand will do.

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Re: Loving it (brag)

I agree. I have played 4 tables for hours over last two weeks at this level. Theres no hand passes by without button raising (if its folded to them). I play back from BB very often, either call or re raise with a good success. Any hand will do.
Agreed, but you have to wonder what he thought you must have had with the 2 on the turn. It worked, thats the main thing!
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