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What should i have done?


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$3 90 person sng top 9 get cashes currently 11th/22 (11000 chips) Blinds 300 600 with antess i have pocket Cowboys (kd kh) in early position. Preflop: i raised 3xBB. 2 ppl called Flop: 4c 2d 6c - i bet 3/4 of the pot. 1st guy calls... 2nd guy reraises 4kish chips left if i fold. i'm thinking do i want to gamble with an Ax Flush draw? Does someone have trips? im pot committed should i just shove and hope then ill be chip leader ? ill post what happened afterwards

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Re: What should i have done?

$3 90 person sng top 9 get cashes currently 11th/22 (11000 chips) Blinds 300 600 with antess i have pocket Cowboys (kd kh) in early position. Preflop: i raised 3xBB. 2 ppl called Flop: 4c 2d 6c - i bet 3/4 of the pot. 1st guy calls... 2nd guy reraises 4kish chips left if i fold. i'm thinking do i want to gamble with an Ax Flush draw? Does someone have trips? im pot committed should i just shove and hope then ill be chip leader ? ill post what happened afterwards
Shove! TQM
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Re: What should i have done?

shove pre i reckon
Matty...shoving pre flop with almost 20 x BB's is not the way I'd play......KK is a monster starting hand but you need to play it the correct way to pick up some chips....just the same way as you need to put it down if you think you're behind after the flop, turn etc. Too many folk on here feel the best starting hand should win every time...that's just WRONG!:cry (Poker would be easy if that was the case) TQM
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Re: What should i have done?

Matty...shoving pre flop with almost 20 x BB's is not the way I'd play......KK is a monster starting hand but you need to play it the correct way to pick up some chips....just the same way as you need to put it down if you think you're behind after the flop, turn etc. Too many folk on here feel the best starting hand should win every time...that's just WRONG!:cry (Poker would be easy if that was the case) TQM
Can honestly say (bear in mind Ive been playing a short time), that I don't think I have won more than 30% of hands where I have started out with best hand pre-flop.
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Re: What should i have done?

thats wat i did. The guy that reraised me had (As 5c) the other guy had Ac 10h Turn 9c River kc fking brutal. hits runner runner flush. 42k chips with a comfortable lead. 2nd place had 26k
Well played. Don't be results orientated.
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