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KS Poker


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Hey there guys. Just thought I'd put in a mention about something I've called King Solomon Poker about. I was taking part in that challenge to get to a couple of K, from freerolls without deposits. I successfully managed to get to about a tenner, then played cooler games, until I was about £150. That was a few weeks ago. Since then, Ive suckered down to about £40 :sad I wondered what was wrong, as I was playing the same way, really tight. I reset my stats, and since then in the past few days I noticed whats been going wrong- my h2h is below 20%!!!! Like I said Im really tight player, never going all-in without at least a high pair. I called up KS and asked them about this, as I thought this was very suspect, I've played thousands of games, and my h2h was always 40+% (at the lowest) After some number crunching from myself, I found out my AA hands in a 1v1 h2h were at only 25%!! Just a word of warning, but I don't think there wanting to hand over this extra 2k for any other challengers out there! Anyone ese experienced anything like this? I've used Boss Media before plenty of times, but it only seems to be on KS Poker, my h2h is so gash.

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Re: KS Poker Yeah, theres another hand all-in preflop with KcKs v 7d9s What comes up?? 2 7's. Something definately dodgy here. Theres dozen more hands like that. How I went out: JsJc v 3c9c what comes up, the flush ofcourse. Hand history is far to large for it to be considered 1 offs. Im withdrawing pronto. :spank:spank:spank:spank

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Re: KS Poker Heh, that waaaas gonna be my next question. Variance in SNG's is huge, especially in HU situations. I played HU SNG's full-time last summer and the swings can be massive. You really do need a big sample size before you can start to claim something funky may be happening. I'd be interested to know what your sample size is of these hands you think are dodgy? Just as food for though, here's a small section of an article I found on SNG ROI related to sample size:

"The chart below shows the statistical likelihood of a given sample of SNGs being a true indication of your ROI.
  • 100 games: ~23%
  • 300 games: ~40%
  • 1000 games: ~66%
  • 2000 games: ~82%"

So you need to play a few thousand games before you can even start to get an indication of your true ROI, let alone whether what you are experiencing is just a patch of bad variance.

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Re: KS Poker My h2h- I was referring to me going 1v1 with another player all-in, mostly pre-flop. It has just been coolers. And yeah TQD, I do know what you mean by sample size, and as I stated my hand history seems far to large to be flukes. Upto March, I had played 5500 hands, I had made about £150, my winning showdowns were about 40/50% Since then I have played another 3000 hands, with wiining showdowns less than 20%! - this is going all in the vast majority of times with no less than pocket J's (as Ive said, Im a very tight player).

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