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Virgin Fest - Bubble Time!!!


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Arggghhhh!!! Having just came back from the Virgin Festival after 13 hours of poker and finishing in 21st on the bubble I'm obviously quite disappointed. With blinds at 4k/8k with a running ante of 500, we are 7 handed. I'm feeling confident after just pushing my 40k stack in with KQ and gettin no callers so I'm now up to 56k.... I can limp into the cash now as there is a couple of players with short stacks (16k-20k) so they are deffo gona have to push soon! However, my aim at the start of the day was not to limp into the cash, it was to have a stack going into a final table, the prize structure is so top heavy that I don't believe limping into the cash is the right way to play... So.... I'm in mid position, the SB has a very big stack of around 130k and the BB has around 35k... I look down at :As: :Td: .... it folds round to me, now I have a big decision.... do I fold?, do I push? surely there is no point in flat-calling here and if I just raise to say 20k, I'm pot committed... so what to do?.... I decide to push and the SB tanks before pushing his 120k stack in..... I know I'm in trouble and can hear the words bubble boy ringing in my ears... He shows :Ac: :Qd:.... I'm in deep sh*t!!!!..... the flop brings down 3 spades so I have the nut flush draw but I miss the turn and river and I'm out!! Now having spoke to a few fellow PLrs there was suggestions I was a wee bit impatient as the short stacks would have been all in soon anyways, on the other hand having talked to the lad who knocked me out (Ross Jarvis of PokerPlayer mag).. he said my play was the right one as it was so important to take the blinds in that situation and I was just unlucky to run into a hand. Obviously I was very disappointed to go out on the bubble but I feel I done the right thing and if I was in the same situation I would have probably done it again.... primarily because of my aim of getting together a stack for the final table. So what do other people think? Should I have folded?

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Re: Virgin Fest - Bubble Time!!! Gaz - Why would u shove with KQ and not A 10?? Your sadly just being results orientated and its a stanard shove here mate. You had 40k and was willing to put it in with KQ and it worked, great. Before the hand you still had double the short stacks so no pressure and no you have a better hand than before. Its unfortunate to run into a hand but one of those things.

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Re: Virgin Fest - Bubble Time!!! as i said sunday, i think you did the right thing:\ yes you could have sat back and cashed ,but unless you acted very soon i think a ft was gonna be a real struggle. thats where the real money was so ida done the same,just a little unlucky the big stack woke up with a bad hand for you.

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Re: Virgin Fest - Bubble Time!!! 100% the right thing if you are trying to win the tourney (or at least get a top 3) I suspect that some of the other players at the table would have folded the AQ and not even called you on the bubble for fear of losing. So U were unlucky 3 times. 1, ran into AQ. 2 a player with the balls to call and 3 no nut flush. If you river the flush you would have been BIG in the game.

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Re: Virgin Fest - Bubble Time!!! Absolutely the right move Gaz:ok. On the bubble, I think your mindset will decide whether you play or fold. You had decided to go for it and take a big stack to the final table. If this was the WSOP ME and you had cheaply satellited in, you may (and I certainly would) fold almost everything to coast into the money and a $13K payday, but here with a top heavy structure you just got unlucky that the one player who could bust you woke up with a real good hand. I am not sure if I would have called in Ross' position though:unsure.

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Re: Virgin Fest - Bubble Time!!! IMO Both plays would have been fine. If you take down the pot there and then, you've given yourself a bit of breathing space and an extra blind to play with. However if your called as you were in this case its squeeky bum time! MY play would have been fold tho, with 2 short stacks coming round in the next few hands on both tables, id have been inclined to let them play 1st, making the money and then making some shoves to get myself back in the game. Overall tho, you played the 2 days very well indeed, and should be proud of yourself for not only making day 2, but for having played so well

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Re: Virgin Fest - Bubble Time!!!

Do Virgin not provide a consolation for being bubble boy? Like, I think, in the WSOP ME the 10 who exit before the cash get a seat in the following year's.
unfortunately not, which was a shame to be honest. we were playing hand for hand for what seemed like an hour, however if there was a bubble prize then I'm sure it would have burst a lot quicker! I knew there was no bubble prize though so can't really complain about that!
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Re: Virgin Fest - Bubble Time!!! I admire your courage GG. You can't be afraid of bubbling is my belief - sometimes you just have to go for it. Better to go out like a lion than a lamb. Like happyhornet said, in that structure, it was the right move. In the WSOP, folding would have been. :ok

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Re: Virgin Fest - Bubble Time!!! I think that you played it right but was just unlucky. :( I know a few on here take advantage of the bubble situation and will not call allins for fear of going out themselves. I think had it been an equal stack or smaller you would have won it. This happened to me at DTD on the friday night before the PLWSOP. 11 left and I'm sitting in mid position with 10 10, UTG+1 calls all in, guy to my right calls and I agonise for a while whether to call and eventully fold. UTG+1 turns over AQ (I think it was), guy to my left turns over JJ. While I'm congratulating myself over a good fold a fecking 10 comes down on the flop. :\ The pair of J's held up an then we are down to 10. 2 hands later I'm out. I had them both covered and with a bit more bravery I could have taken then both out and been on the final table. :unsure

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Re: Virgin Fest - Bubble Time!!!

11 left and I'm sitting in mid position with 10 10, UTG+1 calls all in, guy to my right calls and I agonise for a while whether to call and eventully fold. UTG+1 turns over AQ (I think it was), guy to my left turns over JJ. While I'm congratulating myself over a good fold a fecking 10 comes down on the flop. :\
Still the right fold, doesn't matter how the hand played out
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