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Just for McG and Kaz


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Re: Just for McG and Kaz Ah, but you're not usually multi-tabling and trying to identify your hand quickly when playing live, nor looking at it from 10 feet away whilst standing in the kitchen cooking tea. :ok I agree, I never click on 4 colour deck when playing live though. :tongue2

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Re: Just for McG and Kaz

No mate, i hate the 4 colour deck. Why anyone would use one is beyond me! You dont get them in casino's and they just make poker look wrong!
Matter of personal taste, obviously, but I find it much easier with 4 colours to spot the suits when multi-tabling - just wait until your eyesight is as bad as mine ;)
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Re: Just for McG and Kaz On the topic of the 4 colour deck, I like to play the 4 colour deck as Helen said, it's easier to distinguish cards quickly when on multi tables, especially when the tables are small. The 72 off :nanawould have looked even better in different colours too.:ok

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