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Disciplined fold or bad fold?


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Was this fold a mistake? BossMedia Game #1500136629: Table Table TH 1042 - €0.05/€0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:10:56 - 2009/03/12 Seat 1: downhill84 (€5.74) Seat 3: PLdave488 (€17.25) Seat 5: anaxa (€1.50) Seat 2: balogh973 (€13.48) Seat 4: Gospod34 (€3.36) downhill84 posts the small blind of €0.05 balogh973 posts the big blind of €0.10 anaxa is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PLdave488 [9d 9c] PLdave488 raises €0.40 Gospod34 folds anaxa folds downhill84 calls €0.40 balogh973 calls €0.40 *** FLOP *** [5h 9s Jh] downhill84 bets €1.20 balogh973 calls €1.20 PLdave488 raises €3.50 downhill84 folds balogh973 calls €3.50 *** TURN *** [5h 9s Jh] [6h] balogh973 goes all-in with €9.58 PLdave488 folds *** SUMMARY *** Total pot €8.93 | Rake €0.47 Board: [5h 9s Jh 6h] downhill84 won (€0.00), mucks balogh973 won (€8.93), mucks PLdave488 won (€0.00), mucks Gospod34 won (€0.00), mucks anaxa won (€0.00), mucks This guy has been playing 70/6! So could have anything, i had taken a fair bit off him already when he called me down with inferior hands, so he was itching to get involved to get his money back. Pre folp was ok i think, downhill is betting on the flop to find out where he is, balogh call makes me think he is drawing, so i re-raise, but was it too small? Then when the heart hits and he pushes all in, i'm like o fcuk! I laid it down not wanting to donk my chips off when i'm beat, thought it was the right decision at the time, but now i'm not so sure, why didn't he just check if he hit the flush and hope i bet again? Anyway do think it was a disciplined fold or a bad fold?

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Re: Disciplined fold or bad fold? Against a bad (and probably frustrated) player I'm not laying that down. As HH says, even if he has the flush, you're 23% to beat him and the pot is offering 2-1. Not got the odds to call on that alone, but if there's a chance he doesn't have the flush, you must have the odds to call.....

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Re: Disciplined fold or bad fold? On the one hand, you have a set so stacking off is never a terrible mistake. On the other, if as you say he's called down with bad hands, and he's now shoving, seems very likely he has the flush. I cant fold this against this villain though, especially factoring in the metagame you mentioned. NH

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Re: Disciplined fold or bad fold? I think you have to call. With the pot odds and the chance to improve, you aren't quite there. But if you add hands like J9, J5, J6 into the equation or even just AJ etc against such a bad and frustrated player, you should call.

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