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Help me follow the data.


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Hi guys. As of now I've played 19,268 hand at the €0.05/0.10 level on Pokerkings. For the first 10,621 hands I played pretty poorly and was about €30 down. I had a think, made some changes and since then I've been on a massive upswing winning over 30 buyins in the last 8,647. I'm going to make two posts below this, one for each set of hands with graphs and some charts for position and basic summary stuff. I have very little experience with PT and I have only done the most basic of analysis. Hopefully, with your help, I can get a bit more insight and maybe we can have some discussions about how to play certain hands. I know not much is thought of the €0.05/0.10 level but plugging leaks now will be cheaper than doing it at a higher level.

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Re: Help me follow the data. First thing I think when looking at your stats for the second period is that 20 / 7 (VPIP/PFR) is way way too passive - you might get away with it at this level, but it will probably cost you when you move up. I think you should be raising at least 80-90% of the time you enter a pot pre flop

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Re: Help me follow the data.

First thing I think when looking at your stats for the second period is that 20 / 7 (VPIP/PFR) is way way too passive - you might get away with it at this level, but it will probably cost you when you move up. I think you should be raising at least 80-90% of the time you enter a pot pre flop
Thats the kind of thing I want to pick up now. Something that I'm getting away with now but will hurt me when I move up. I'm trying to work on raising more preflop but I keep reverting back to something like 20/7.
The 38% AgF also seems very low. Have you compared these stats with the other players in the benchmarking? Your position stats look great (profit everywhere :) )
I'm happy to let players get themselves into trouble, I won't push a hand too hard if I've seen that player make mistake on the turn and the river. I don't know if I've explained that very well. I'll have a look at the other players stats.
Your attempt to steal (16%) looks extremely low.
I think this ties into not raising enough. I tend to limp in with low pocket pairs and suited aces, even in late position. This stat might not be help considering 3 out of 5 positions are considered stealing positions.
Having said all that' date=' 18 Big Bets / 100 is extremely high - you cant complain about that, and so I wouldn't look to change things too dramatically at this level....[/quote'] I'm not going to make wholesale changes, just trying to get a feel for the numbers more.
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Re: Help me follow the data. My AgF is the second lowest of the group as of last week. My interpretation of this is I bet or raise less hands than a lot of the players. All in all it looks like I'm playing very passively. Not something I would have necessarily thought.

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Re: Help me follow the data.

All in all it looks like I'm playing very passively. Not something I would have necessarily thought.
That's definitely the impression your data gives. You play a lot of tables (more than anyone I think....) - so you probably see more action than anyone in "real time", but divide it amongst all the tables you play and it's probably why it's so low :unsure
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Re: Help me follow the data.

That's definitely the impression your data gives. You play a lot of tables (more than anyone I think....) - so you probably see more action than anyone in "real time", but divide it amongst all the tables you play and it's probably why it's so low :unsure
Thats maybe why I didn't think I was so passive, don't think its the reason for being so passive though. I've open limped 5% (424 hands) of the time but I've won €73 from those hands and seeing profit from every position :unsure
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Re: Help me follow the data. Well as I'm on record as saying elsewhere ;) I'm not convinced that passive is necessarily a bad thing at this level. You will for sure get found out at higher levels if you're too passive though....

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Re: Help me follow the data. I would expect those kind of results, assuming that players will be raising with better hands than they would just call with. I've had a look at some other things and I'm losing money when I limp after other people have limped but that includes 3 big hands I lost, 2 of which I don't think would have been effected too much by me raising and the other was a flopped set against a straight draw and the straight draw hit and I paid him off. From what I can tell, although playing passive preflop everything seems to be profitable so far. Maybe its a case of looking at this again when I've played 20,000 hands of €0.12/0.25.

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Re: Help me follow the data.

I would expect those kind of results' date=' assuming that players will be raising with better hands than they would just call with. [/quote'] The excel table compares player with player, so there should be no signifcant bias for hands - just raise v call.
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