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Tony G Poker PokerNews Cup Alpine Packages - DREAMKILLER WINS ONE

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Re: Tony G Poker PokerNews Cup Alpine Packages - DREAMKILLER WINS ONE

You got your flights and that sorted yet Col? has it sunk in yet?
Hey Samb , just got on after busy day. Yeah I booked my flights thru Lastminute.com (apt really lol) ....... I travel at 7am on Saturday morning from Birmingham International , change at Frankfurt and set to Salzburg about 13.35 ........ 20 minute helicopter ride ... so should be checking in around 3pm hopefully :) Its sunk in but i've had lots to do to made it easier for Tina next week ..... so not had too much time to think about it lol ..... probably for the best in view of the money on offer ....:\.... Can't wait til Monday night .... Party with the pro's ..........:eek ...... oh they mean the poker variety ...:cry...... :lol.........:spank. I will take my laptop so hopefully try and update if i haven't already sent u guys and gals to .....:zzz ......
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Re: Tony G Poker PokerNews Cup Alpine Packages - DREAMKILLER WINS ONE Thx for all the support ..... 20 hours to go counting ;) For those who don't normally venture onto the Staking forum I've posted a thread there offering a last minute "2 for 1" stake for my PNEWS Austrian €300 and €1500 stakes (20% in both on offer) that can be followed on Pokernews live-reporting section :) ..... Anyone interested in taking a stake ;) ..... please have a look at whats on offer :)

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Re: Tony G Poker PokerNews Cup Alpine Packages - DREAMKILLER WINS ONE Hi, Tina here (Mrs DK). Just to let you all know...in case you haven't already seen....Day 1 of the main event took place yestreday. There were 129 entrants who got whittled down to a mere 33 after 10 hours of play. I am really pleased to say that Col is in the final 33:clap, although he is one of the short stacks:cry. :hope Fingers crosse that he will be lucky with his cards 2day and bring home the cup......not to mention 1st prize, which is a very delicious 46.474 Euros:nana.

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Re: Tony G Poker PokerNews Cup Alpine Packages - DREAMKILLER WINS ONE I made a big mistake ... sorry guys ...... On around 37000 .... I raised to 5200 with :Ac: :Qc: ......... Seat 8: Otto Göschl on about 75000 after 2 wins (up from starting stack of 24600 today) .... thinks about then anounces all in ...... I wanted to win this so I figure one more double up was good enough I could sit and wait a bit .... I call and he turns :Ad: :Ks: ......... no help from board and I was out ... He had previously gone all in vs Christian Fischbacher who had doubled me up ..... with AJs vs Christians 99 ... and flopped nut flush lol ....... I knew he didnt have AA or KK ...... hoping he had AJ again or A 10 ....... on reflection AK made more sense .... Footnote :- If I fold he can then bully me again and again ..... but at least I have say 32K left .... If I double he will think twice next time ...... So a goodish run .... I think I came 27th ... but the tables were going crazy this morning .... any big Ace and all ins occurred ....... Almost but not quite but i've learnt alot and didn't disgrace myself so pretty disappointed on that last hand but positive and happy overall....:).

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