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what would you do next? call or fold?


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BossMedia Game #1482517090: Table Table TH 390 - €0.05/€0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:19:51 - 2009/03/01 Seat 1: berlin79 (€8.52) Seat 3: D00MTRAIN (€18.86) Seat 4: sanaga (€9.51) Seat 2: hooligann (€4.90) Seat 5: Roy_all (€9.52) sanaga posts the small blind of €0.05 hooligann posts the dead blind of €0.15 Roy_all posts the big blind of €0.10 D00MTRAIN is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to D00MTRAIN [6d Kd] berlin79 calls €0.10 hooligann checks D00MTRAIN calls €0.10 sanaga calls €0.10 Roy_all checks *** FLOP *** [2h 2d Jd] sanaga checks Roy_all checks berlin79 checks hooligann checks D00MTRAIN bets €0.55 sanaga folds Roy_all goes all-in with €9.42

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Re: what would you do next? call or fold? just keeping you lot on your toes,,dont want you all to think i am any good at this :tongue2:tongue2:tongue2 all part of the master plan ;) of course its an obvious fold and one i didnt even think about,i was more curious in what you thought he had

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Re: what would you do next? call or fold?

in what you thought he had
Difficult to say without any information on the villain - without information, I think we have to assume it's better than 9 high though :tongue2
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Re: what would you do next? call or fold? Although I don't call here, there is no value behind it, I think the replies are a little dismissive. For a start I cannot believe GaF is worred about you drawing dead. There is NO WAY this player has a house - betting 9.5x the pot? Not a chance. Although on a paired board that may change after turn/river obviously. It's such a massive overbet he makes. It's all conjecture (and this level is hard to predict) but it's very possible he also has a flush draw. Of course if it's a nut flush draw then you are drawing very thin. So to conclude, you must fold, but there is a chance king high is good. If I had the nut flush draw I would start to think about calling, AdQd or AdKd I'm calling 100%. It's unlikely your worse than 50% and you could also be infront with Ace high. It's very similar to a sitaution I found myself in earlier tonight. Although this is a tournament the theory is similar: ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 490055610 ***** NL Texas Hold'em $55 Buy-in + $5 Entry Fee, Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante)) - Monday, March 02, 21:02:54 GMT 2009 $2,500 Guaranteed Turbo NL Hold'em #222736 Table 1 9-max (Real Money) Seat 1 is the button Total number of active players : 9 Seat 1: ruca_ ( 1,790 ) Seat 2: pergamino ( 1,532.50 ) Seat 3: POLYKARPOS ( 3,292.50 ) Seat 4: 3xx ( 1,010 ) Seat 5: Elevator ( 2,840 ) Seat 6: Tafkam ( 1,565 ) Seat 7: jun1or ( 1,813.16 ) Seat 8: maroro42 ( 1,365 ) Seat 9: Harold Boom ( 2,461.84 ) Tourney Level:4 Blinds(50/100-(no ante)) pergamino posts small blind [50] POLYKARPOS posts big blind [100] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Harold Boom [ Kd, Td ] 3xx calls [100] Elevator calls [100] Tafkam folds jun1or folds maroro42 folds Harold Boom calls [100] ruca_ folds pergamino calls [50] POLYKARPOS checks ** Dealing Flop ** [ Qd, 6s, 5d ] pergamino checks POLYKARPOS checks 3xx checks Elevator goes all-in Elevator bets [2,740] Harold Boom calls [2,361.84] Harold Boom goes all-in pergamino folds POLYKARPOS folds 3xx folds Returning uncalled bet [378.16] to Elevator ** Showdown ** Elevator shows [ 4d, 3d ] Harold Boom shows [ Kd, Td ] ** Dealing Turn ** [ Tc ] ** Dealing River ** [ 8s ] ** Hand Conclusion ** Harold Boom wins 5,223.68 from main pot with a pair of Tens ************ Game 490055610 ends ************ This massive overbet from Elevator meant, to me, that he didn't have a Q. He had either: Better flush draw - I'm 20% Worse flush draw - I'm 80% Straight draw - I'm 72% Straight and flush draw - I'm 66% 2nd pair - I'm 55% even if he has ace with it (although 50/50 if it's A of d) Therefore...EASY CALL So despite not having correct odds to call (with regards to hitting your draw), the call was still correct.

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