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I'm Wondering how many Players want to keep track of their FR Winnings?


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Last , just to put into prospective, I made 998 Euro's (can't find MS Short cut key, lol) on Free rolls. I know that it nothing compared to the Pro's on this site but it certainly helped to pay my mortgage 8-)! I thought, subject to our members, I might post my winnings/errr...lossesd (Not really losses in free rolls lol). I play, approximately 5 Free Rolls each night. To put it into perspective. This year, so far, I've won £11.00 and have paid zero £'s to enter! Knowing that the pro's are laughing their heads off at this moment I would just like to say that the easiest way to build up a bankroll;; is to start with a bankroll of 'ZERO'!!! And never having to add to it 8-) And Just to enforce the stupidity of my technique...I've never won a 'major' competition, but have paid off my mortgage and even my credit cards and, with just playing Free rolls. If anybody wants to see my results then I will post them here, all details (win or lose). If, then anybody wants to know 'how' I'll gladly let them know. Yours... Falconni

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Re: I'm Wondering how many Players want to keep track of their FR Winnings? Why would any one laugh at you? I'm sure many of us started just like you, eventually climbing the ladder. When I started playing poker, I never deposited to Virgin or poker.co.uk and I run up to 2k on each of them. Its great way to build up a bankroll, especially if you don't take poker too seriously or if you family committed. Well done mate anyway :clap.

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Re: I'm Wondering how many Players want to keep track of their FR Winnings? I don't. They're freeolls remember and I daresay they're not exactly high value are they? I guess I'm another freeroll whore (copyright Poker Mag's Cliche Dept. :eyes) who has managed to turn nothing into a decent something. I'm doing a similar job in reversing this trend though.:D Go for it Falconni and :hope for you. :ok

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Re: I'm Wondering how many Players want to keep track of their FR Winnings?

maybe he's exclusively at Stars or FT FR jungles' date=' if so then :notworthy[/quote'] I think the problem here is defining 'mortgage'. I finished my parents mortgage of for them but its nothing to crow about imo as it was under 3k
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Re: I'm Wondering how many Players want to keep track of their FR Winnings? My mortgage was under a grand (I'm 53). And make most of my money from Virgin's VRolls. I get quite a lot from Playboy/Interpoker via the Freeroll satelites. Sometimes win some with Poker PokerStars and Bluesquare. Was diagnosed with a kidney problem so I've only just back into playing on-line poker. That and some really sick bad beats (4 A's beaten by running flush comes to mind quite readilly lol) I also made a mistake on my original post I do about 9 freerolls a day.

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Re: I'm Wondering how many Players want to keep track of their FR Winnings? Hi Falconni, I see you quite a bit on the Virgin Vrolls, (I'm Sir_Tan). In a similar vien to you, I pretty much only play freerolls and occasionally the micro cash tables, (on top of the 25 RH needed to enter the Vrolls). Been doing this since Oct and have withdrawn approx £400 and still have about £150 in three accounts, Virgin, Littlewoods & Titan. I also have accounts at Poker Stars & Full tilt but both have £0 in there. I'm a bit restricted as to which freerolls I can enter, I have a wife & 2 young kids and can't start much before 7 to 7 30. Are there any other freerolls on other sites similar to the Vrolls?

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Re: I'm Wondering how many Players want to keep track of their FR Winnings? Falconni Many congrats on your success, I think the mentality of building a bankroll from nothing and never having to add to it, is a very positive way of thinking. Good Luck with your future games.

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Re: I'm Wondering how many Players want to keep track of their FR Winnings? Respect for getting a decent winning with just playing freerolls. I think most of us here started with just freerolls, and there are good value freerolls worth playing out there even for players with a nice bankroll, especially if you're a UK citizen and buy poker magazines (slightly envious ;)) Why not try your hand on some of the PL exclusive tournament series? You seem to have enough experience and money online to give it more then a few tries... :ok

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Re: I'm Wondering how many Players want to keep track of their FR Winnings? As many of you, i started from freerolls too, i never deposited and i have won a decent amount since then. So, i just wanted to tell you that you're in your way to pay even more than mortgage, credit cards, a car maybe or who knows. I use the money from poker for gifts (TO ME!!!!) :tongue2 Traveling, Xbox360, audio equipment, laptop, etc... but anyway, poker will give us satisfactions as well as it will give us a lot of headaches :@ Good luck in your journey man, and keep us informed P.S When you make money in a tourney.... try to play real MTTs, thats the way to go.

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Re: I'm Wondering how many Players want to keep track of their FR Winnings? Don't depend to much on the money you win with poker though. It's to instable for most players to be their main income. I just see it as a nice bonus whenever I decide to cash out some of my bankroll :D And you most definitely can make more money with small buying MTT's then with freeroll in general. :ok So I'd advise you to try some low buy-in tournaments to see if you're ready for the next level :dude

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Re: I'm Wondering how many Players want to keep track of their FR Winnings? After reading the Chris Ferguson article in Poker Player, I’ve now started my own “nothing to something” challenge on Blue Square. I am amazed how great it feels playing poker when you have absolutely nothing to lose. I can honestly say that I have never enjoyed playing poker as much as I am currently. There are no such things as bad beats when you haven’t actually lost anything. That will undoubtedly change as I try to move up through the various levels though, because I know that any money I accumulate will start to become very dear to me and I am already wondering at what level it will no longer actually be fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: I'm Wondering how many Players want to keep track of their FR Winnings? In response to which Freerolls I play: BlueSquare have two feeder tourneys each night. PokerStars have two as well, if you can get on them! InterPoker also have two. Virgin have Several but I only play the VRolls. DoylesRoom has one, but quite early. FullTilt have one for GB players. Problem is that most of them start between 18:30 and 21:15. That can mean playing about 9 Freerolls in 2:45mins! 4 start at 19:30 now. So I tend to 'cherry pick'. Interpoker and Vrolls always get preference. And I'm now trying to do only 5 a night, was affecting my drinking time lol. I agree with the fact that it's good not losing money but the amount of bad beats one runs into, because lot's and lot's of noobs (including myself) play and by the law of averages their all-in's with 72os will hit you hard sometimes. Generally find it's best not to play for the first 7-10 mins just because of the all-in mania that goes on. Worst sites for the all-in mania are Virgins non VRolls and Interpokers. The best, and most profitable site, for me, has always been the Virgin VRoll's as there are not 10,000 players (PokerStars) to try and eliminate and the standard of players are, in general, of a much higher quality and therefore a lot better to understand what they're doing (sometimes lol) and there doesn't seem to be any language problems with the players. Unlike Virgins other Freerolls which seem to be dominated with eastern europeans. One thing I am noticing, huge contraversy coming up now, is the the algorythums used in some of the freerolls seem to difer from the cash tables. It seems that having AA in some freerolls is a positive curse! Haven't won with AA this month in any freeroll! It always seems that the underdog has a slightly better chance to win. Maybe this is to try and encourage new players to continue upto cash games but, at time, can be quite frustrating/downright annoying. On a more positive note. I'm upto Euro's 17.75. And have qualified for the 3rd round of the WSOP and got through a Bluesquare feeder. Will post again soon, I hope 8-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: I'm Wondering how many Players want to keep track of their FR Winnings? Well! Not doing so well, so far. I seem to be on a real downturn in fortunes. Had AA busted 6 times in a month, not won with them once. It's not as if I've slow played myself into trouble :cry. Even got beaten today with some All-In 'loony' with a 72os ( he got 2 pair). Still got another 7.20 Euro's, bringing me up to 24.95. Not nearly as good as last year but I suppose it's still 'free' money. InterPoker has now joined the BossMedia lot :( So their strange algorithms (worst hands have an edge that other sites don't seem to have) and they have stopped their 'Free' Freerolls (have to have played so many hands etc). So I've lost an easy source there :(. I know the law of averages should pull my expectations back up but it's hard when you get suck out after suck out. Maybe I should start a new thread on the poker site card algorithms? It sure does seem, to me, that some sites have a real randomness (is that a real word lol) to their dealing where as others seem to be more aimed at entertaining their customers. On a plus side. I did completed a survey for PokerStars and got a few PP's to play with and have made 1.40 from them so far :D. Well that's it for now. Wish me luck (I need it) lol.

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Re: I'm Wondering how many Players want to keep track of their FR Winnings? I do wish you the best of luck, because you are trying something very similar to myself. The Law of averages, as far as I can see that most people perceive it to be, simply does not exist, so I certainly wouldn’t rely on it.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: I'm Wondering how many Players want to keep track of their FR Winnings? Well....Haven't done at all well lol. Have only made, nearly, 20 Euro's since last post 8-( But in mitigation have found out that my kidneys are not as young as the rest of my ageing body and I have to go for dialysis a couple of times a week now (Nice snacks though). Going back on a previous point. I've played some 12 different poker sites and am extremely worried about the software that I've encountered. IPN poker should be banned immediately! It's absolutely ridicules the 'normal' statistics when dealing a pack of 'normal' cards. Whilst Virgin was the mainstay of my poker earnings last year, I have to say that the 'underdog must win' algorithms are, at least, not professional and at worst fraudulent! They are not alone in the travesty of 'on-line poker software' by any means. I now play, in between paying visits to our wonderful health service, exclusively on PKR. As their software does seem to offer the, unusual attraction, of dealing cards that seem to be randomly generated. Yes! It does take a LOT longer to play a free roll but at least I'm not being sucked out on a regular basis by moronic all-in merchants that with a 4% chance seem to always hit 'that' card. How anybody, who's actually played 'real' poker can actually put up with the travesties perpetuated, by such sites as IPN, is beyond me, now. It would appear, when writing their software, that their main concern is 'entertainment' and not 'realism. I know that I'll get flamed for this but it's just wrong! People gamble because they believe they have, at least an even chance, of winning, through skill, some monies. But when the odds are scewed to the worst players they will never progress their skills beyond the 'If I have an picture/rag it's all-in because one always turns up on the flop' mentality. To put the last comment into perspective. I did not win win AA in nearly a year on Virgin (IPN) but have won every hand on PKR. In case you are thinking it, I am not sponsored by PKR, indeed, I don't even know anybody who works for them, or even, who the hell plays on their site lol. Just heard that my visits to the NH are having been increased to 3 days. They don't allow laptops lol. So this may be my last post, though I hope not. I live in hope (like any other gambler lol). Hope to post again soon 8-)

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Re: I'm Wondering how many Players want to keep track of their FR Winnings? Yawn. My guess is that you play your AA badly. Why not post the AA hand histories and let everyone give you some feedback. All the best with your health and hopefully you'll be back playing 7 days a week very soon.

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Re: I'm Wondering how many Players want to keep track of their FR Winnings? With AA I have given up, on any IPN site, slow playing, check/raising, 3/4 betting, 3xBB, 3/4 pot and just go all-in. Thereby hoping to thin the field and reduce the chances for some lucky person to 'get lucky'. Last 6 months have been called every time, in SnG's, Freerolls and other cash tournaments and lost! Point made I think. I know that I only play low stakes (only go up to $5.50) and generally get more callers the lower the stake. I also appreciate that AA is not even a weekly occurrence but after 6 months of seeing hand after ludicrously bad called hands beat me I've now given up with their sites. Since having started to play PKR have made AA by using all of the above and have only had them busted once. I play 2/3 Freerolls on PKR and sometimes a $1.1 SnG 10 seater. I cannot believe that I have reached an unprecedented upturn in my fortunes and therefore can only beleive what I have posted previously. I've now deleted all other poker software, along with logs, as I found I could not believe in the statistics garnered from such sites. I also appreciate that I am not the greatest poker player, hence my comfort zone is in the lower echalons of the stakes. But because of the constant losses with hands like AA, KK, QQ, AKs I went out and bought some 6 books. Read every magazine I could get my hands on and regullay trwal the 'Poker Tuition' sites on the net in order to improve my game. But with the AA on IPN sites I still (after 6 months of collecting stats/trying all combo's/styles of betting AA) I still lost every time. What I would really like to see is the poker sites declare, unaquivecably, that their sites, genuinely, use random card dealers within their various softwares. Though I somehow doubt that many would make this statement. Good luck/Flops all. P.S. Have made $4.36 on freerolls (PKR only) this week. :)

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Re: I'm Wondering how many Players want to keep track of their FR Winnings? Falconni, Try sticking the Hand History for some of the AA beats on the Strategy Forum...you might get a few pointers as to what you're doing wrong (if anything) :ok (I would hate to think you automatically hit the All-in button when you see them):lol I'll bet you I've lost more times with AA than you though and plenty of times it's down to me playing it totally crap......other times you play it great and still lose as you have to remember it's only the best STARTING hand and does not guarantee to be the best hand after 5 6 or 7 cards! :cry Go on...post it on Strategy! :ok Good luck in your quest! :hope TQM

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Re: I'm Wondering how many Players want to keep track of their FR Winnings? When I was playing on IPN I have to admit, in the end, of doing an AI from, even the 1st hand! But only because I've been 'dominated by such hands as 72os..etc before, on this software. Also, I refer to previous comments about totally 'random' cards being dealt and the fact that with AA on other sites, playing every way that I've previously mentioned, I've not lost! I have tried, without success and with numerous computations, to recreate the failures I've had with IPN but never managed it 8-(. Whilst I realise that sites like PKR are, inevitably, slower (because of the graphics) the flops/turns/rivers are at least unpredictable! Made more from the Frrerools on PKR thatn (pro rata) than I did on Virgin. Good luck/flops 8-) Falconni

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Re: I'm Wondering how many Players want to keep track of their FR Winnings? This time I'm happy 8-) Got £2.20 because the game crashed, somehow gave me 5th place 8-). Also managed to get another £3.75 on PKR on 'Normal' Freerolls'. Don't worry! I'll not challenge the 'PRO'S' lol :D Nowhere near last years, phenomenal success but I'm now happy with my play/skill/..Err..luck %....results 8-) Now that I've dedicated myself to one site only I know that my returns will be a lower than before. However: I know that I will once again be able to enjoy playing poker again Good luck/flops

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