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virgin seat


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Re: virgin seat

it seems i cant do right for doing wrong.i dont believe in staking ive even turned down the chance to be staked in other games.i have a good reason that i cant go its not that i cant be arsed.i didnt know he couldnt pm me. i too spent time and money getting into this i just wanted a few quid back and that be the end of it. im sorry ive caused all this trouble if nobody bids ill give it back to virgin so be it but i dont want people falling out over it
Honestly not your fault mate so no need for you to get involved at the end of the day mate it is YOUR ticket and do with it as YOU please obviously within reason So no need for you to apologise all we are doing is airing a few views please dont feel that this is aimed at YOU in anyway:ok:ok:ok:ok
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Re: virgin seat

it seems i cant do right for doing wrong.i dont believe in staking ive even turned down the chance to be staked in other games.i have a good reason that i cant go its not that i cant be arsed.i didnt know he couldnt pm me. i too spent time and money getting into this i just wanted a few quid back and that be the end of it. im sorry ive caused all this trouble if nobody bids ill give it back to virgin so be it but i dont want people falling out over it
I'll accept your offer Kev and take the seat :ok
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Re: virgin seat I dont agree with it either but what can i do except post sausages 50 times! At the end of the day you do what you wish but it isnt right you changing rules as you go. If you all want to be a team then you have a long way to go! See you all at the festival

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Re: virgin seat

I dont agree with it either but what can i do except post sausages 50 times!
what don't you agree with? you can try making some sort of contribution to PL.... maybe posting some stuff or strategy or posting in other areas. dead easy to type a few words! ;)
At the end of the day you do what you wish but it isnt right you changing rules as you go.
i can't see any rule changing anywhere :unsure
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Re: virgin seat

I'll take your cardiff seat Brian :rollin
You struggling qualifying again mate :rollin
he only wants to sit down hes tired from carrying that big stirring spoon:lol:lol:lol
Yes I am going Cardiff I was just jesting (I know its out of character for me) FWIW I think eyesallin amd MrCrown are bang out of order here, I really cannot understand their point but I think they should take their dollies elsewhere :ok
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Re: virgin seat

what don't you agree with? you can try making some sort of contribution to PL.... maybe posting some stuff or strategy or posting in other areas. dead easy to type a few words! ;) Easy tiger as you can see by the other post that he had been offline for a while due to moving and has only now got back online cant vouch that he will be a super poster but give him a chance before saying that he dont contribute as he has contributed to the PLWSOP in sept and will be in the next one no doubt and has supported PL in the festivals;):ok
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Re: virgin seat I don't see any change in approach here, and actually wouldn't mind Rick having the ticket rather than it going to waste or handed back to the organisers. However, he didn't meet the qualification criteria, so should he be given preferential treatment ahead of other PL members who haven't already qualified (Hen, Fenners, AG) just because the family saw the post first? No. It's not a case of "not being one team" if mods remind Kippe that the ticket should only be transferred to an established PL player, it's the rules that we all knew when we entered the tournaments in the first place. My own son is an infrequent visitor on the forum, and has played in PL Forum challenges at previous festivals, but I wouldn't put his name forward as a possible recipient, simply because he hasn't posted enough. We all have opportunities to post on the forum, and regular online activity trying to qualify can usually be associated with browsing and posting, so I'm honestly at a loss to know why Rick's post count is so low. No need to be shy, and it helps you get entry to other added value leagues. As for the Trillion series, yes we were happy to have as many PL players as possible, even those with minuscule post counts, to improve PL's chance of winning, but let's not forget that there was also plenty of added value for individuals in every game, so we all had the immediate opportunity to benefit from that, even if most of us failed to take advantage :$ Yes, it's a tricky one, but it's unfair to blame Morlspin for reminding people of the rules.

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Re: virgin seat Thread closed. I have decided to close the thread as to be honest, we dont need any of this. Ive spoken to AA_Hall tonight to discuss a way forward, and ill speak to a few others in order that this is finished with. No rules regarding the seat exchange have been changed, its always been just 2 points.... 1. You cannot sell the seat for more than €150 2. The seat must only be sold to a PL member. If someone wants to bid for the seat and has less than 50 posts, then surely they could just post up in public and a moderator will do it for them, or if they have friends/family who can pm on their behalf, then thats cool too. Kippe hasnt done anything wrong, the mods havent changed any rules regarding the seat, and we really dont want to exclude people and make them feel unwelcome on PL. Thats never been inteded whatsoever. Hopefully once Kippe has got rid of the seat, we can move on, be a forum again and take down this tourney! GL to anyone who bids

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