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Is this a slowroll???


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Last night i was playing a £1/£3 cash game at the Vic and a hand came up where i was told that i slowrolled.......but i am very inexperienced in live cash games having only just been able to enter a casino and it was clearly accidental. But i still don't quite know how it was a slowroll and would like to know why...... Basically a big three way pot occurred where we got to the river with one player all in. I had two pair and checked behind the other player. As soon as i checked, the player who was all in declared that he'd missed and mucked his hand. The other player in the hand said he missed as well, and showed ten high. So i turned over one of my cards, an 8, which beat both players. Everyone said show your other, so i did, which was my 2nd pair. Immediately people started saying i had slowrolled. I apologised and said i didnt realise, but why was this a slowroll? The card i showed was good enough to win the hand anyway, so the other one didnt matter. I beat the player who showed, and the other had mucked, so i dont understand why it was a slowroll.........but as i say i am very inexperienced in live poker. Any explanation would be welcomed. Thanks

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Re: Is this a slowroll???

Generally it means taking your time to show a winning hand. Some take it as bad etiquette as they think that you taking the mick out of the losers to wind them up.
Yeah i know what a slowroll is, i just don't know why this particular one was a slowroll. I showed the best hand with my first card, i wasn't showing a card which they beat and then showing that i win
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Re: Is this a slowroll??? the guy had went to show down, he'd paid to see your cards. depends on local rules, but I'd have thought you are obliged to turn over your cards at showdown. Personally I get pissy when people only show one card; i've paid to see your hand. show it to me.

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Re: Is this a slowroll??? It's not a slow roll as the other players had no hand. It was wrong to show only one card though. In a showdown you MUST show two cards to win the pot. If I were at the table I would probably light-heartedly say you were sneaky for trying to only show one card, and disguising your play. People will ALWAYS ask to see both cards in this sort of spot - they are entitled after all. I would insist, I want to see how you played said hand. Like mentioned, it was bad ettiquette (nothing more), but it's not good for your rep. But as you explained to them you're inexperienced no harm was done.

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Re: Is this a slowroll??? Technically, what you did was not a slowroll in the literal sense. You declared a winning hand by showing your 8 for a pair. But you did kind of slowroll your actual hand which was 2 pair. To win a pot at showdown you must show all cards anyway, what you actually did was more bad etiquette than slowroll, I am not saying you have bad etiquette btw as you have said you are inexperienced in live games......but just so you know for the future, what people will get annoyed at is, by turning the one card over, it could be seen as a piss take because you are stating that you can beat them with the one card. It is a watered down version of omaha slow rolls, when someone has 3 suited cards in their hand eg 2c 4c Ac and them turning the 4c 2c over as there flush believing it to be in front, if someone then turns 2 higher clubs over you then turn your Ace over, which would be seen as a piss take and a slow roll. As a TD ....... would i warn you for slow rolling ..... no but I would have a private word in your ear regarding etiquette. Just as an adendum, if you showed your eight first, then the all-in guy showed a pair of nines, then you reveal your second pair ...... it would be a slowroll and you would likely get a punch in the face :)

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Re: Is this a slowroll??? I made a similar mistake first time I played in Vegas. I was playing $2/$4 limit and at showdown I showed an Ace which was good enought to take the pot, immediately everyone jumped on me demanding to see what the other card was! I said "does it matter" to which a few of them got the hump. The dealer refused to push the pot to me until I showed the other card, needless to say I then showed it. Put it down to experience - we all have to learn.

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Re: Is this a slowroll??? The reason slowrolling is frowned on is that when you know you've won the hand, it's rude to build your opponent's hopes. As others have said, to claim the pot you need to show both cards, so the only legitimate reason for showing just one card is if you're conceding and for whatever reason decide to show a card. So I suppose you might have built your opponent's hopes for a second just by the fact that you only turned over one card (assuming you didn't immediately announce two pair). I'm not for a moment suggesting that was your intention, though.

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