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Lathmeister stole PL funds


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Hi all long time no post, im not going to come here and ask for forgiveness straight away but I hope it will come in time. These last few months have put my life back on track, I won't bore you with the details but its to do with my precious children. Anyway i'm here today to say I will pay the remainder of what I owe via pokerstars and just hope I can slowly come back into the PL community which I should never taken the p1$$. ty for your time:hope

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Re: Lathmeister stole PL funds What got you banned happened before my time, but even so... The best compliment anyone can get is receiving the trust of another person and the biggest crime is taking selfish advantage of that trust. I believe in giving people a second chance though, so I'll try and give you that... a second chance. But don't expect me to forget to cut the cards when you deal :lol

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Re: Lathmeister stole PL funds

aarrhh sorry I'm not the forgiving type and I hate thieves' date=' also I'm really surprised you are allowed on this forum when others have been banned for A LOT less.[/quote'] Each to there own ..... after all its a forum ..... but I agree WASP ..... pay the money then $£%@ off .... :rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin "A friend is someone who is there for you when he'd rather be anywhere else." - Len Wein Rather than being elsewhere because he owes money hey ... PS don't be a loser and use these posts as an excuse to renege as I think you may .... :ok
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Re: Lathmeister stole PL funds I wasnt around when this kicked off but have read the thread. Allowing people like this on the forum would jeopardise so many things that make the forum so good. I'm sure or rather know that many people have been around this forum for a long long time putting in an awful lot of hard work. I personally dont think there was a decision to make here for you Paul, the good and stability of the forum that you (and others) have worked tirelessly on for 9 years or the existance on the forum of one person who stole from PLers and made excuse after excuse and even at one point stated he would have to pay back because his missus was kicking his ars! You would hope that he would have paid due to his own conscience. And then dragging his children into it! Well done Paul :clap

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Re: Lathmeister stole PL funds I expect to get slated from a lot of you P/Ls and i am not looking for a slagging match with any of 1 you's,but every1 is entitled to thier own views--and feel i must add something to this one sided thread -- First of all,---i in no way condone what Lathmeister2 did----but it takes a man to face up to his mistakes. Pause for a second each and everyone of you who have cast those stones,think back through your life so far--are you all so whiter than white???--somehow i doubt it. Life is full of difficult deccisions and choices,hopefully we choose right more often than not--but more important we learn from the wrong mistakes we make--i somehow doubt i will ever find that perfect human being who has never did anything wrong. The other night i was watching "the one show"--they were discussing housebreaking--on came a vicar--up untill 6 years ago,he was a toe-rag housebreaker--he had turned his life around,and was now a good contributing member of society---WOULD ANY OF YOU ABOVE GIVIN HIM A CHANCE?? --------------- It would have been so easy for Lathmeister2 to walk away with the 300,but he choose to give it back--not only that--he told his wife--then posts on the forums to admit his mistake and apologize to P/L members. In my eyes,that takes courage!!! BTW--i do not know him Good Luck Lathmeister2 and hopefully your life is on track WE LIVE AND LEARN

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Re: Lathmeister stole PL funds I don't think anyone's going to slate you for having an opinion, well, until WASP arrives anyway. It's how you deal with mistakes that's important. I'm very sceptical about his delayed remorse, he should have known immediately after making his 'mistake' that it was wrong and not compounded it by taking so long to repay. Would the amount of value added tournaments we have on here have anything to do with him wanting to return? Courage is completely the wrong term to use as anyone can hide behind a keyboard and feign remorse. Theft is theft and deserves to be punished - I would imagine that the vicar you refer to only turned his life around after being caught and punshed in some way. I too hope he learns from this.

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Re: Lathmeister stole PL funds

I expect to get slated from a lot of you P/Ls and i am not looking for a slagging match with any of 1 you's,but every1 is entitled to thier own views--and feel i must add something to this one sided thread -- First of all,---i in no way condone what Lathmeister2 did----but it takes a man to face up to his mistakes. Pause for a second each and everyone of you who have cast those stones,think back through your life so far--are you all so whiter than white???--somehow i doubt it. Life is full of difficult deccisions and choices,hopefully we choose right more often than not--but more important we learn from the wrong mistakes we make--i somehow doubt i will ever find that perfect human being who has never did anything wrong. The other night i was watching "the one show"--they were discussing housebreaking--on came a vicar--up untill 6 years ago,he was a toe-rag housebreaker--he had turned his life around,and was now a good contributing member of society---WOULD ANY OF YOU ABOVE GIVIN HIM A CHANCE?? --------------- It would have been so easy for Lathmeister2 to walk away with the 300,but he choose to give it back--not only that--he told his wife--then posts on the forums to admit his mistake and apologize to P/L members. In my eyes,that takes courage!!! BTW--i do not know him Good Luck Lathmeister2 and hopefully your life is on track WE LIVE AND LEARN
In certain circumstances i totally agree with what you are saying but on the other hand and reading through the original thread i would totally disagree purely for the fact like some of the other guys are saying that he had ample oppurtunity to return this money and was only untill the time he was found out that he decided the morale thing to do was to return it (OLLOCKS):lol i hope that the BAN is imposed with force and is never allowed to return to PL unlike most of us this would never of entered our heads to do such a thing and just remember people just dont seem to be the kind of person you think they are:ok
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Re: Lathmeister stole PL funds

I expect to get slated from a lot of you P/Ls and i am not looking for a slagging match with any of 1 you's,but every1 is entitled to thier own views--and feel i must add something to this one sided thread -- First of all,---i in no way condone what Lathmeister2 did----but it takes a man to face up to his mistakes. Pause for a second each and everyone of you who have cast those stones,think back through your life so far--are you all so whiter than white???--somehow i doubt it. Life is full of difficult deccisions and choices,hopefully we choose right more often than not--but more important we learn from the wrong mistakes we make--i somehow doubt i will ever find that perfect human being who has never did anything wrong. The other night i was watching "the one show"--they were discussing housebreaking--on came a vicar--up untill 6 years ago,he was a toe-rag housebreaker--he had turned his life around,and was now a good contributing member of society---WOULD ANY OF YOU ABOVE GIVIN HIM A CHANCE?? --------------- It would have been so easy for Lathmeister2 to walk away with the 300,but he choose to give it back--not only that--he told his wife--then posts on the forums to admit his mistake and apologize to P/L members. In my eyes,that takes courage!!! BTW--i do not know him Good Luck Lathmeister2 and hopefully your life is on track WE LIVE AND LEARN
Pretty much my views, however Paul put a lot of time and effort into getting this sorted so I reckon what ever he says goes. Just reread that, I would forgive some one for stealing my money, however stealing my time is unforgivable as it cant be replaced.
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Re: Lathmeister stole PL funds

I expect to get slated from a lot of you P/Ls and i am not looking for a slagging match with any of 1 you's,but every1 is entitled to thier own views--and feel i must add something to this one sided thread -- First of all,---i in no way condone what Lathmeister2 did----but it takes a man to face up to his mistakes. Pause for a second each and everyone of you who have cast those stones,think back through your life so far--are you all so whiter than white???--somehow i doubt it. Life is full of difficult deccisions and choices,hopefully we choose right more often than not--but more important we learn from the wrong mistakes we make--i somehow doubt i will ever find that perfect human being who has never did anything wrong. The other night i was watching "the one show"--they were discussing housebreaking--on came a vicar--up untill 6 years ago,he was a toe-rag housebreaker--he had turned his life around,and was now a good contributing member of society---WOULD ANY OF YOU ABOVE GIVIN HIM A CHANCE?? --------------- It would have been so easy for Lathmeister2 to walk away with the 300,but he choose to give it back--not only that--he told his wife--then posts on the forums to admit his mistake and apologize to P/L members. In my eyes,that takes courage!!! BTW--i do not know him Good Luck Lathmeister2 and hopefully your life is on track WE LIVE AND LEARN
The bloke did not steal Pauls money, your money or my money, he stole EVERYONES money. The money he took was money intended as prize winnings for PUNTERSLOUNGE members. This was way back in Sept/Oct 2007....and its taken him this long to pay up. He has had many chances to pay this money back and each time an agreement has been made, he has broken it, stopped paying and stopped replying to messages etc, only now when he breaks the news to his wife (if he indeed did) he decides to make amends. If it was paid back initially, he may well have been forgiven and given a chance to redeem himself, but after 18 months and numerous chances later, i think a lifetime ban is the only solution. IMO
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Re: Lathmeister stole PL funds re·demp·tionhttp://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0 height=21 width=13 classid=clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000>                                                   &ampnbsp&ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp &ampnbsp (ribreve.gif-debreve.gifmpprime.gifshschwa.gifn) n. 1. The act of redeeming or the condition of having been redeemed. 2. Recovery of something pawned or mortgaged. 3. The payment of an obligation, as a government's payment of the value of its bonds. 4. Deliverance upon payment of ransom; rescue. 5. Christianity Salvation from sin through Jesus's sacrifice.

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Re: Lathmeister stole PL funds

The bloke did not steal Pauls money, your money or my money, he stole EVERYONES money. The money he took was money intended as prize winnings for PUNTERSLOUNGE members. This was way back in Sept/Oct 2007....and its taken him this long to pay up. He has had many chances to pay this money back and each time an agreement has been made, he has broken it, stopped paying and stopped replying to messages etc, only now when he breaks the news to his wife (if he indeed did) he decides to make amends. If it was paid back initially, he may well have been forgiven and given a chance to redeem himself, but after 18 months and numerous chances later, i think a lifetime ban is the only solution. IMO
Hear Hear:notworthy
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Re: Lathmeister stole PL funds I'm all in favour of redemption. I'm glad that Lathmeister has given the money back, and not mainly because of the value of the money. It shows that he has some conscience, and I'm pleased about that. But nobody's suggesting that we persecute him. We're not going to follow him around and shout "Thief!" He's only been banned from this forum. If somebody burgled me, and then at some later date appeared to have mended his ways and tried to make amends, then (politically correct liberal do-gooder that I am) I would be pleased and would wish him well. But I wouldn't feel obliged to invite him to come round to my house for tea whenever he felt like it.

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Re: Lathmeister stole PL funds

well put winsome totaly agree with your post and its sentiments it is very easy to cast the 1st stone. He had no need to return the money at all and that imho shows genuine remorse.
------------------------- Maybe i'm a total wimp for a sobb story--but i think i've lived long enough to know of life's hardship. I'm a newbie on this forum---but a lot of what i've seen on this forum since jioning is selfinish,and dont get me wrong--maybe i dont belong in your clique--would'nt want to be a part of a clique anyways. I was a member for over a year be4 i had the confidence to post,maybe its bullshit i post--wotever As a general you slate any new poster,of trivial posts--maybe they have just come across this site recently--and we have a specific tourney running soon--so they try and get extra posts ect.ect. to get numbers up.The very 1s slating have had the posts:spank:nana:zzz:cheers:gimme:clap amoung thier posts--so think before slateing. ------ Going back to the original, i think Lathweister2 has shown more bottle than a lot of the negative posters in coming forward and showing his regret,maybe ADETRICT has a arugment,and i take what he says on board--but for all the rest--i would say poppycock I was a shop steward for more than 15yrs,and i'll tell ya all--dont hang 1 person for 1 misdamenour--we all make mistakes. Fine by me if you bann him--your choice. But remember each and every 1 of you--softplaying,collution,aim your hand to some1 else is cheating---so are you any better than LATHMEISTER2/?/?---i doubt it
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