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PLWSOP 2009 - Ideas and Suggestions Please


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Re: PLWSOP 2009 - Ideas and Suggestions Please Graeme Just a thought as there are a few that find September difficult, also the next Festival is due around that time, to avoid a clash, perhaps move the date a little.:ok September clashed for me last year as the month is popular with holidays, just a thought that's all.;)

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Re: PLWSOP 2009 - Ideas and Suggestions Please Venue = DTD Date (month) = September slim chance i can make it then Events = NL Holdem, PLO Buy Ins = £50 & £25 Anything else you want from PLWSOP 2? a clock for hen

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Re: PLWSOP 2009 - Ideas and Suggestions Please Venue = DTD is fine for me as I will plan to make a weekend of it and its pretty central for most peeps - although I have no objections if you decided that you'd like to hold it at the Gala Harbourside in Bristol ;) Date (month) = Sept is good for me Events = NL Hold'em & PLO for me - I'm equi-crap at both Buy Ins = £10 Freezeout please.....I do but jest, £25 and £50 are about perfect Anything else you want from PLWSOP 2? = not to be stiffed on the drink prices by DTD (£1.80 for half a glass of coke last time I was there.... they had to pick me up off the floor) :\ also.... a heads-up competition, Wii (ubers mention of house of the dead is perect as its just about the best game ever!!, bounties, spot prizes for high hands or outrageous bad beats, etc Thanks Graeme, looking forward to it already :ok Alex

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: PLWSOP 2009 - Ideas and Suggestions Please

Venue = DTD (this is the NUTS!!!!!!!!!) Date (month) = Sept Beginning though cause due 2nd baby end of Sept so would help!!! around 7th as its my BDay:tongue2 Events = NL Hold'em and Limit HORSE or PLO Buy Ins = £75 and £50 Ideas = Wii sounds good Bountys etc doesnt really matter im game for it anyway:clap
Would make a real special occasion if you came up and had the baby during the event :loon Ok ....... not one of my best ideas :lol Would definitely want a variant game alongside the main event, PLO seems to be easier for more guys to play, but personally would preer a HORSE tourney. Buy-in of £50 and £25 are better. Timing does not matter to me so much, I would have to get a pass for the weekend anyway - so long as the notice is early so I can get cheap flights (but nothing around the 15th Sep) should be ok :ok
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Re: PLWSOP 2009 - Ideas and Suggestions Please Just as an aside Morls, it may be hard to get an event during the last half of september, we have the £1m guaranteed from 15th to 17th and the £250k guaranteed from 23rd to 27th

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Re: PLWSOP 2009 - Ideas and Suggestions Please I know i've not posted a lot, been so busy but would appreciate the opportunity to join you, gotta be dead money for you lot lol. Catch you in Vegas Morl and uber.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: PLWSOP 2009 - Ideas and Suggestions Please Hi I'd be up for this Venue = DTD (great excuse for my first visit) Date (month) = September Fine with me Events = NL Holdem, PLO, HU Tourney Buy Ins = £50 & £25 (I agree that any higher and it'd reduce numbers) Anything else you want from PLWSOP 2? I repeat, HU Tourney

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Re: PLWSOP 2009 - Ideas and Suggestions Please I'm going to try get to this event this year. Would play the NL Holdem tourny and then would be interested in some STT's if there is space to do that (self deal or dealers). Where is DTD?

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Re: PLWSOP 2009 - Ideas and Suggestions Please

The date will be September 12th' date=' more details to follow soon.....[/quote'] nice one Paul,,i can sort out time off work and everything else now. looking forward to this :ok
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