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1ssue 62 Inside Edge


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Re: 1ssue 62 Inside Edge I think they got it spot on :- Beginners Freerollers Over zealous mods (who think thy 'own' your posts) Cliquey The only thing they got wrong is the famous poster as he only has and handful of posts and most of them are 'blatant brag' ones, oh and he's not famous ;)

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Re: 1ssue 62 Inside Edge

I think they got it spot on :- Beginners Freerollers Over zealous mods Cliquey The only thing they got wrong is the famous poster as he only has and handful of posts and most of them are 'blatant brag' ones, oh and he's not famous ;)
spilt my beer yet again sarcasmn(prob spelt wrong) is the lowest form of witt but BRI cracks me up every time so keep em coming its why Im still here 4the banter
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Re: 1ssue 62 Inside Edge Quite a positive report...however, there's room for improvement obviously. I think we're a gambling forum so it's a start in the right direction to be recognised as a Poker Forum.......a hell of a lot of credit has to go to GaF who seems to have made it his mission in life to get everyone playing and understanding Hold'em.....since he retired, the Mods have managed to carry on the good work!:clap:clap:clap The Poker Section has evolved over the years and now has a section for everyone from beginner to Mole......are there plans to keep adding new sections or have we reached the maximum? Personally, I'd like to see one more section added in which you can ask one of the better players advice on how they would play a certain hand or advice on anything Poker related........simply named threads like 'Ask Mole' or 'Ask WASP' would probably get a detailed response which can only help folk! :ok I know the above could be asked in chat or cash but feel if it was in a designated thread it would be easier for 'Mole' or 'WASP' to find and answer....just an idea!:unsure They might even make it their home page? Keep up the good work TQM

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Re: 1ssue 62 Inside Edge

Quite a positive report...however' date=' there's room for improvement obviously.[/quote'] The day anyone believes there's no room for improvement will be the day PL dies! :sad I doubt there have ever been pre determined plans to add extra forums - they have been created as the need for them has been identified and it has been felt they could improve the overall forum - I'm sure the team will continue doing that in the future if needs be :ok Not sure if I recall correctly, but weren't you really strongly opposed to adding forums at the time we first split poker? ;) Is that not what this thread is? ;) The Mole Not sure TheMole or WASP could be roped into doing that (nor expected to), but how about another suggestion and an "Ask TQM" thread? :tongue2
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Not the first time you've dissected my post and tried to make me look like an idiot! Have a nice day :ok TQM
Scott - first of all thank you very much I feel humbled :ok What slightly peeves me, that I think GaF has alluded too and the exact same discussion I've been having with morls tonight, is that there are far better players on PL that do not share strategy (I started a thread about this once ;)) You to me are an enigma along with Hen, MadDuke, Washman and Adetrick (to a lesser extent :lol) and I want to learn from players like yourselves and thats what I thought strat was about? Since then I have decided 'strat is bad' and for the reasons I do not wish to go into. I have no problem with people tapping my poker brain, I cannot speak for Steph but I feel he is similar. The problem I have is I do not think players on PL people even know what my game is? and I feel quite 'newbie' on some games that others think I am good at (does that make sense?) so how qualified I am to speak, I dunno? Blonde (may I say that?) have an 'in the tank' thread that could work on PL I reckon but thats up to hitler and his army ;)
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Re: 1ssue 62 Inside Edge I've got no problem with anyone asking me anything they want....but, whether I'll be able to answer in a constructive way is another matter. A lot of peoples thoughts in strategy (on here aswell as in IP and PP) go right over my head, which is why I never post on there, and to be honest I rarely look at the strategy section. Maybe if someone posted a specific hand I might be able to explain why I did what I did in simple terms :unsure

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