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Hornet's Final Challenge


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I've become quite disenchanted with this game over the last few months. I think success last Summer made me believe that I was better than I am. Consequently, I've played like a fool off and on for months leaking money. I need to concentrate and take this game seriously or I will leave it alone. My challenge is to take the $10 (approx) in one of my accounts and using correct bankroll management try and increase the roll to whatever level I deserve to be at. After I hit $50, I'll follow Chris Ferguson's exact ideas, up until then I will be very conservative and start at 1/2c cash, 50c STT's, and Freerolls. Because I don't want to lose touch with playing PL games, I will still play PL exclusive games on other networks and obvious added value games pointed out on PL. Occasionally I may ask for a stake for an MTT. The rest of my time is going to be re-learning the game and learning to enjoy the game as I used to. I will post results in this thread. There is no timeframe but I want to avoid going broke. Should I do so...I may cry!!:cry Cheers All Steve

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Re: Hornet's Final Challenge Opening balance = £6.12 Played 45 minutes 2 tabling 1/2c. Bought in for $2 on each ($5 max). Lost $1.85 on one table:spank,but was up $1.21 on the other. also played a 20c STT where I came 7th, still got rivered!!! A few thoughts are that a 3x BB raise will get called by everyone, only raises of 5-8 x BB seemed to get respect. On the table I lost omney on, I saw 39% of flops. I think trying to play smallball here is going to be expensive. From now on it is TAG all the way, bet big when I have the goods and hope someone will call with the worst of it. Closing balance £5.39 but a lot learned about the dynamics of the micro micro stakes.

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