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PokerTracker3 help please


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having got everything onto the new lappy,i seem to have a problem with Full Tilt and Pokerstars not being configured to save hand history to disc,any ideas on how to remedy this??? i have been on both sites and ticked the relevant boxes but still no joy. thanks in advance :ok

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Re: PokerTracker3 help please Al, not sure, but if you're running Vista, then I believe you have to run the poker clients as administrators to allow the program to write files to disk. Basically, you need to navigate to the relevant "poker.exe" file for each client, right click on it select properties and select "run as administrator".

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Re: PokerTracker3 help please

Have you set the site specific configuration options in PT3? Specifically the pathway to where the Hand Histories are being saved?
thats where its telling me that hand history has not been configured to save hand history to disk
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Re: PokerTracker3 help please from another forum:-

I just created a new folder wherever I wanted. Set Options -> Hand Histories to point to the new folder and worked without any problems
and the following worked for someone:-
right click on the full tilt poker folder click properties click on the security tab then highlight the user I use to login to windows (in group or user names box). click the edit box make sure all the checkboxes are checked, especially "full control" and "modify". click ok and then it should work
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