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Stan James and Bet Direct


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Hi Guys I pulled the thread on the SJ BD Freeroll tonight after being asked by Neil the poker room manager to do so. I thank the person who forwarded me the email in the 1st place but unless you were specifically sent it by Stans or Bet Direct, please dont hassle live support! [Colette] Your balance is 0 as you have not played in BD. [morlspin] really? [Neil] sorry, you're not on the list of players we sent to so you're not eligible for the bonus [Neil] appreciate it if you removed the thread from your forum as well please [Neil] i'm sure you can imagine the amount of chancers we have on at the moment [morlspin] yeah of course, i got the email forwarded, and as i had the account with BD i thought id see if i was owed anything...am certain i had coppers in there mind [Neil] ok, well if you fancy doing me a favour, [morlspin] yeah sure, ive closed the thread now and will leave a message [Neil] ok thanks Graeme, speak soon [Colette] Thanks Graeme [Colette] You can forward me any abusive comments about myself. [morlspin] haha, theres non hun, i can assure you of that! [Colette] I have been alone and every one and there aunties have come out the woodwork! [Colette] Thank you

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Re: Stan James and Bet Direct If you try and open your Betdirect software, it takes you to this page - http://www.betdirect.com/Assets/betdirect/UK/betdirect-Poker-Migration/ I contacted live support because they directed me to the offer - not because the email was on PL. I'm not particlarly happy that my BetDirect account has been vapourised (because I already had a SJ account) without even being informed that it was vapourised.....

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Re: Stan James and Bet Direct I never saw an e-mail, but after reading the original thread I started my old BetDirect Client. I got redirected to the page with the offer and then I contacted Live support. If the tread wasn't there I wouldn't have looked, so I'm glad it was posted.:ok

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Re: Stan James and Bet Direct

If you try and open your Betdirect software' date=' it takes you to this page - http://www.betdirect.com/Assets/betdirect/UK/betdirect-Poker-Migration/ I contacted live support because they directed me to the offer - not because the email was on PL. I'm not particlarly happy that my BetDirect account has been vapourised (because I already had a SJ account) without even being informed that it was vapourised.....
We're all chancers mate:eyes
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