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what would you do next? call or fold?


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BossMedia Game #1441040620: Table Table TH 338 - €0.05/€0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:32:18 - 2009/02/03 Seat 1: el_vasco (€5.31) Seat 3: D00MTRAIN (€8.71) Seat 4: Juan3232 (€6.07) Seat 5: legrim35 (€15.21) Seat 2: 4_maja (€5.80) el_vasco posts the small blind of €0.05 4_maja posts the big blind of €0.10 legrim35 is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to D00MTRAIN [2c 2d] D00MTRAIN calls €0.10 Juan3232 folds legrim35 calls €0.10 el_vasco calls €0.10 4_maja checks *** FLOP *** [6d 6s 4c] el_vasco checks 4_maja checks D00MTRAIN bets €0.40 legrim35 folds el_vasco folds 4_maja raises €0.80 D00MTRAIN calls €0.80 *** TURN *** [6d 6s 4c] [3c] 4_maja bets €1.10 D00MTRAIN calls €1.10 *** RIVER *** [6d 6s 4c 3c] [6h] 4_maja bets €2.40

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Re: what would you do next? call or fold? here ? I'd fold. However I'd have let it go in a heartbeat on that flop. You fire out a reasonable C bet and get raised. I've played a fair bit of micro cash on stars first half of last year, that call look very much -EV

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Re: what would you do next? call or fold? I think you should be raising pre, I don't like that call on the turn that's where you you shouldfold imo if not before. At these stakes if they check/reraise you 90% of the time they have you beat there just not that good to make moves.

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Re: what would you do next? call or fold?

so your all folding a Full House ???
But it's not a Full House strength hand that you have - because there are trips on the board - all you have is an underpair to the board - you cannot think of your hand as a full house.... As AJ says - what hand do you think he could have that you are beating? He was BB, so he could have literally anything - 52o, 75o, but I wouldnt be confident enough to bet the straight there in his position.... Other than the possible straight - you have the worst cards with any showdown value. You're losing to the case 6. You're losing to any 4. You're losing to any 3. You're losing to any pocket pair. You had 3 opponents seeing the flop. THis guy got a free flop in the BB - so could easily have hit low cards..... You're well beat (unless you've a specific read on this opponent that tells you otherwise).....
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Re: what would you do next? call or fold? okay,i have an awful lot to learn at cash thats for sure. i did call and as you can see he had J/6. the 2nd or third time now i have been beaten by quads,twice when i have F/H,which i rarely see in tourney and sng play. is this normal? D00MTRAIN calls €2.40 *** SUMMARY *** Total pot €8.55 | Rake €0.45 Board: [6d 6s 4c 3c 6h] D00MTRAIN won (€0.00), mucks el_vasco won (€0.00), mucks 4_maja won (€8.55), showed [6c Js] Juan3232 won (€0.00), mucks legrim35 won (€0.00), mucks

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Re: what would you do next? call or fold? he only hit quads because you kept calling;) doesnt matter what hand someone bets with on any flop without a 2,you will almost certainly be behind and drawing pretty much dead. even if they are drawing to a hand your about 50/50 because they must at least have 2 overs+the draw and you have a very slim chance of improvement. there is absolutely no hand i can think of that he would have played like this that you beat:\ you might see quads a bit more often in a cash game because of the wider variety of hands that get played and slightly more limpers in pots ,also theres more donkeys willing to pay it off;):lol

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Re: what would you do next? call or fold?

the 2nd or third time now i have been beaten by quads,twice when i have F/H,which i rarely see in tourney and sng play. is this normal?
Implied odds in cash are usually far higher than in tourneys, so it can be far more profitable to draw - in a tourney, it's often all in before the flop....
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Re: what would you do next? call or fold? Absolutely folding this full house. It all comes back to his raise on the flop. After that, and the fact that he has followed up on every street you have to book him for a bigger house (6s full of 4s) at the very least. If you put him on the draw on the flop; 53 he beats you with a better house 75 he hits turn and you should've folded then if this was your thinking. So, to conclude, you're beating just one hand (75) but losing to many, many other combinations - therefore folding in this sort of spot in the way forward long term.

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Re: what would you do next? call or fold?

okay,i have an awful lot to learn at cash thats for sure.
I don't see this hand as being any way cash specific though. It's a screamingly obvious fold in any circumstance, mtt, sng, whatever. As I said before, your error was on the flop. What is the purpose of your 40c bet there ? There was a paired board adn you had an underpair, so you put out an 80% (bit high for me, 30c would have did the job) of the pot bet to see the lie of the land. For me this is a probe to see where you are in the hand, you ask a question and get an answer, you're behind. Unless you have a specific reason to think he's bluffing you. I think the fold at this point is clearly right, but instead you call his bet. Do you have the odds for the call ? 40c into a 1.70 pot gives you odds of 4.25/, suggesting you need a probability of 23.5% of winning the hand in order for it to be +EV. If we can assume he has a pocket pair you have 10% chance of winning the hand.
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Re: what would you do next? call or fold? easy fold min raise at 10NL usual means at least a set if there is not ace on the board especially if they are somewhat weak/tight which the majority will be, as played if he had shoved on the turn and you had a solid read he was capable of bluffing/spewing with AK type hands then it might be worth staking off with (A lot of people at 10NL really really over value jj+)

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