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BtB middle pair delemma


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** Hand # 2395345757 starting - 2009-01-31 23:54:22 ** Be the Bounty $1,250 GTD + FREE $150K SEATS![2587205]:Table 7 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (300.00|600.00 NL - MTT) Real Money malrx sitting in seat 1 with 4292.50 WelshMackem sitting in seat 2 with 4066.53 Jamesp362000 sitting in seat 3 with 2283.75 fistik333 sitting in seat 4 with 6194.72 malcb sitting in seat 5 with 907.50[Dealer] muppsyefc sitting in seat 6 with 6592.50 JuAn_D sitting in seat 7 with 4772.50 RiverChaser_ sitting in seat 8 with 5600.00 muppsyefc posted the small blind - 150.00 JuAn_D posted the big blind - 300.00 ** Dealing cards to RiverChaser_: 10c, 10h fistik333 > scouser thjey al ok RiverChaser_ raised to 750.00 malrx folded WelshMackem folded Jamesp362000 folded fistik333 raised to 1200.00 malcb folded muppsyefc folded JuAn_D folded RiverChaser_ ?????????????????? ======================== What to do? Thoughts?

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Re: BtB middle pair delemma I had the same thought. :) I think I could afford a call and if by chance I hit 10 I will be golden. To bad he has position on me, So I need to make a decision post flop. ================================== ** Dealing cards to RiverChaser_: 10c, 10h fistik333 > scouser thjey al ok RiverChaser_ raised to 750.00 malrx folded WelshMackem folded Jamesp362000 folded fistik333 raised to 1200.00 malcb folded muppsyefc folded JuAn_D folded RiverChaser_ called - 1200.00 ** Dealing the flop: 4h, Qc, Qd RiverChaser_ ????????????? ========================== No luck... what now?

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Re: BtB middle pair delemma hmmmm tis a toughy to be honest! it depends how I'm feeling at the time as to what to do now..... but I'm probably still gona shove - if he has an overpair or has hit the Q.... well that's just unlucky imo...... I think you need to make the move first though - if you check he's probably going to push..... so just depends how you feel... I'll guess that you checked.... he pushed or made big bet and you folded?

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Re: BtB middle pair delemma My 1010 were strong preflop, but I still got no more information on my opponent. Still putting him on a High pair, but I heard a little voice whispering to me that he might have AK? Or maybe that just was wishful thinking? So in my opinion I was weaker post flop. So it came down too... do I want to risk my tournament life and represent a Q? Or play passive and just check? I tamed the gremlin inside of me and decided to just check. ================== ** Dealing the flop: 4h, Qc, Qd RiverChaser_ checked fistik333 bet - 1200.00 RiverChaser_ ???????????? ========================== Another freaky small bet... is it a value bet or pure dominance with QQ? I was swearing.. 2 voices ...fold or all in.... what to do?

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Re: BtB middle pair delemma I played some great poker after that and got my chipstack up again to 7200 after that big loss. But then i had 1010 again..... I was nr8 of 13 players in chipstack, top 8 get payed out so I heard a whisper saying to me.... =============================================== ** Hand # 2395397571 starting - 2009-02-01 00:30:28 ** Be the Bounty $1,250 GTD + FREE $150K SEATS![2587205]:Table 6 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (800.00|1600.00 NL - MTT) Real Money RiverChaser_ sitting in seat 1 with 7200.00 bigken2k7 sitting in seat 2 with 29169.39[Dealer] juma115 sitting in seat 3 with 9740.00 smokey44 sitting in seat 4 with 12065.00 hashhh sitting in seat 5 with 8405.00 muppsyefc sitting in seat 7 with 6042.50 cassiebruce sitting in seat 8 with 13550.00 juma115 posted the small blind - 400.00 smokey44 posted the big blind - 800.00 ** Dealing cards to RiverChaser_: 10s, 10d hashhh folded muppsyefc folded cassiebruce folded RiverChaser_ ???? ===================== How much should I bet? Or just go all-in?

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Re: BtB middle pair delemma Spoilsport :P Good position, blinds that really matter. Would hurt to much to see a bad flop a second time. No messing around with 2.5x BB or 3x BB Just take the blinds... I went all in. Have to go and get the blinds, and if I get called I have a good pair. So I prayed to the pokergods for a little bit of luck... ============================================= ** Dealing cards to RiverChaser_: 10s, 10d hashhh folded muppsyefc folded cassiebruce folded RiverChaser_ went all-in - 7200.00 bigken2k7 called - 7200.00 juma115 folded smokey44 folded bigken2k7 shows: Ah, As ** Dealing the flop: 2h, 7d, 7h ** Dealing the turn: Ks ** Dealing the river: 4h bigken2k7 wins 15600.00 from the main pot

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Re: BtB middle pair delemma In the first hand, i might have been tempted to shove the flop - but it would have been incredibly risky. I think the only hand you beat is AK but after the flop bet he could have anything. But the right fold in the end i think. The second time i would be more than happy to get it in with 10s preflop with only 5 big blinds! Nothing wrong there! 10s are a middle pair on the flop, but pre-flop they are a premium hand - the 6th best hand in holdem, so you can't complain there. Against a loose calling range which is AA, KK, QQ, JJ, 1010, 99, 88, 77, AK, AQ, AJ - you are a 51% favourite - so a decent mathematical spot to double through.

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